A week after surgery..

Jan 10, 2011

 My surgery was last week....

I`m really struggling with the water ..I can`t get enough.  I think I`ve had enough but my urine was dark this afternoon.  It might have something to do with the fact that I went to the grocery store and bank... did take a taxi and my boyfriend along for support, but I did get pretty exhausted and sweaty...

Today I got milk and yogurt.  Thank heavens no lactose intolerance showed up!!  I really love dairy products.

It`s a full time job to feed this little stomach.

I assume you all had a lot of orientation about what expect while recuperating.  I have a ditzy nutritionist who didn`t even give me diet information until after my surgery.  I think I will try to find someone else.  She tells me not to drink more than 1000 mls of water a day which is very strange as it appears the minimum is twice that in the U.S.  

Well when I was in The States in December I ordered a couple of books from Amazon.com, and I`ve been online looking at hospital sites getting information...  and trying to mesh that with what she`s telling me...  I need a local source because she does know what`s available here.

One thing I`m wondering..... after laproscopic surgery... gastric bypass... How soon are supposed to go back to work?  

Anyway... it`s an adventure and my last chance!  If I don`t drop a lot of weight this way, I never will healthily.

