A week and 2 days later....

Dec 11, 2008

I am doing great after my tummy tuck!  I had my drains out on Monday.  I can take a shower and get dressed by myself, including shaving my legs.  Yee haa!!  You have no idea how much better this makes me feel about myself to have smooth legs!  Weird, I know.  I am still limited to being able to only lifting 1 pound until Tuesday, but I am doing much better.  I feel fine, a little restricted  in some movements.  It actually reminds me of when I was pretty pregnant, with the limited use of my belly and all the focus of my movements focused on my stomach area.  The pain through this whole thing has been non-existant.  I have not had any.  I am serious!!  You may not believe me, but I have not had any pain.  Some discomfort yes, but nothing worse than I have experienced with say bout of constipation.  The drains were the worst part of this so far.  I hope nothing crops up out of no where and makes this worse, but as of now, I am good.  I am great!!  I can't wait to see what the end results are, after I stop wearing this binder.  My mons area is puffy, I feel like I have a "package" down there but when the swelling goes away, I'm sure I will be mucho satisfied!

Tummy Tuck DONE

Dec 02, 2008

I am home now from my tummy tuck.  I got home around 3:00.  I went to the hospital at 7:30 this am and then went back to surgery about 9:00.  Dr. Tu said he removed 5 pounds of skin.  It looks really flat right now under the binder, but I haven't seen it without the binder yet.  I'm not having a lot of pain, just some discomfort.  It is not easy to sit down on toilet because it is really low.  The binder pushes down on my pubic area and it makes it hurt, so that sucks!  I'll update more later!


Oct 30, 2008

I found out on Tuesday that I am approved for my tummy tuck and will be having it on December 2.  I could have had it as soon as the week of the 17th of November, but I will be moving to a different house the week before and I need to get my house in order before I do this surgery.  I need some time to get my Christmas shopping done for my kids before I go in for surgery too, because I just don't know how soon afterward I will feel like being out and about.  I am so excited about this.  It took forever for my doc's office to submit my paperwork to the ins. co. but once they did, it took about a week to have them review it and ask for more info and pics, then about another week for them to approve it.  I called the day it got approved and scheduled it.  I don't have to go for any appointments exept my pre-surgery one the day before.  I will also have to go to the hospital to pre-admit but that is no big deal, a blood draw and give them some personal info and then we should be good to go.  I am not scared, just a little worried about the results.  I'm curious as to how the back/side skin will look after the tummy is done.  I've heard of people having "dog ears" and I am sort of thinking that may happen to me, sort of makes me wonder if I should go for the anchor cut rather than the regular hip to hip one.  I guess we will see what he says on the preop day.  I'll try to keep this up to date!  Thanks for reading!

about the plastics....

Sep 12, 2008

I went yesterday and saw the plastic surgeon and he said I likely have about 5-8 pounds of skin/tissue in my stomach that needs to go.  I am ready to have it done.  I can schedule it for 3-4 weeks for now, but I am about to move, so I will have to wait until I am settled before I can do it, plus I am trying to get my PCM to resubmit my referral and try to get it covered by my insurance company.  My surgeon says it looks like maybe I could get it covered as reconstructive, not just cosmetic.  I will keep working this until I get a definite NO.  Wish me luck!!

Plastics in my future????

Sep 08, 2008

Ok, so, I went to my PCM and asked him about plastics a while back.  He said after I see my surgeon for my one year follow up to let him know if the surgeon says I am good to go.  Well, they say I am where I need to be weight wise and so I am ready for plastics.  I called my PCM, he put in a referral request and bam it was denied the next day because they say it is cosmetic.  I did get put on the list to have it done at a military facility, but that is 9 hours away and I would have to pay them $3400 plus gas, lodging and 2 trips down there.  I called the surgeon who did my breast reduction in 06 and his price for a TT is $4500.  I am going to see him on Thursday and see what he has to say.  I will ask about a complete lower body lift because I do have some back fat/skin issues too.  This actually looks like it could be a reality for me.  I have been thinking lately of trying to exhaust the appeals process to get my insurance to pay for it because I think if I keep pushing I could get them to pay.  The way my belly skin hangs can't be good for me.  I am going to make an appointment with my PCM and see what he says about it and see if he will write an appeal.  For heaven's sake I look pregnant, that isn't cosmetic.  It has to be pulling on my back and making it hurt, that has bound to be a reason why my shoulders hurt and I can't sit up straight.  I will try the avenues and if all else fails, I'll just have to pay out of pocket because this belly is going to be gone.  I didn't go through all of this over the past year to be stuck with a gut! 
On a happier note, I went jeans shopping because I have had to wear jeans a few days recently and mine from last year were a little big.  I tried some on and I for the most part wear a 4 and even in some cuts a 2!  Can you believe that a formerly MO person like me wearing a size 2????   Granted, it was from Old Navy, but hey I will take it.  I was pretty excited about that.  If I could get rid of this belly I would be able to wear a lot more cool stuff.  I will post after talking to the plastic surgeon on Thursday.    Oh....the weight...it is still holding around 150, so I guess that is where I am supposed to be.  Maybe after plastics that will go down some too!!

Inches lost....

Jul 08, 2008

So, I finally did my measurements.  This is the first time in about three months.  Here's the figures...

After one year: 66 inches lost
95 pounds lost

Chest (above breasts) - 6.5
Bust - 10.75
Waist - 12.5
Hips - 11
Left Bicep - 3
Right Bicep - 3.5
Left Thigh - 4.5
Right Thigh 5
Left Calf - 3
Right Calf - 2.25

One Year Out!!!

Jul 02, 2008

It has been one year to the day since I had my surgery!  I am down the same 95 pounds.  I am happier, and feel so much better about myself!  I would like to lose more pounds and get to my original goal of 135 but I feel like I am a success story now at 148 pounds.  I have not weighed this ever in my adult life.  This is what I weighed in Elementary school or middle school.  OMG can you believe that.  I never figured a year ago that I would be sitting here today in a size 4 shorts and a Large Juniors shirt and be looking cute in them.  I am comfortable with saying I look good today.  I am not being conceited or arrogant, just honest.  I actually feel pretty for once!  I have had a lot of support and I thank everyone that has helped me along my journey.  I actually feel like a million bucks!  I have collar bones.  I can see my girl parts again.  I can walk and not be winded and have aching knees.  I have more energy.  I am not burning up all the time.  I am not sweating when I just step outside.  I still snore like a bear or some I'm told, so maybe that wasn't weight related.  So far all my tests have come back good with the exception that my protein level is a little on the low side.  I am working on that every day.  This has really been an amazing year.  When I feel like saying I don't look any different all I have to do is look at the new pics and say yeah, I have lost a lot of weight!!  I am proud of me and so happy I had this surgery!  I'll have to get back to you on the inches lost, as I will do the measurements tonight!  

I am sick again...WTF?

Jun 03, 2008

Here goes....I am sick again!  This makes the 4th time I've had tonsillitis and/or strep throat in 4 months.  I'm wondering if my body has been malabsorbing the antibiotics or what.  I started feeling tired and off on Sunday, but I pushed through it and took the kids to the pool, rearranged the girlie's bedroom and did laundry.  Yesterday, the throat started hurting and this morning it was much worse.  I didn't feel like I had a fever, just very irritable.  As today progressed, it started hurting worse and worse and fluids were getting hard to push through.  I had my protein hot chocolate or 3/4 of it anyway, then some baked potato and then that was it.  After my hubby got home and the daycare babies left, I got a referral to go see the Urgent Care clinic, since our base clinic closes at 4pm.  I got there, and found out I was running a low grade fever, and by now it is hurting so bad to swallow that I just want to spit out my saliva and not swallow.  It hurt to talk and even open my mouth wide.  The dr came in and asked me to open my mouth and right there she noticed a problem.  I couldn't open very wide, so that is a bad sign.  She looked in there and say Oh My.  You are very sick.  It looks like we won't have to admit you to the hospital just yet, we will try to treat this with lots of meds.  She said I have acute tonsillitis, and my left one is almost absessed.  Sounds nice, right?  She said given the fact that I've had the same thing so frequently, I probably will have to have them out soon.  Evidently my tonsils are starting to just grab germs instead of protect me from them, so they are staying loaded with infection.  Now, I'm told that the tonsilectomy is hard on adults and is quite painful.  Joy and Happiness for me.  We are talking about a fat girl's throat...that ain't right.  It makes me nervous to think of that kind of surgery but not a tummy tuck.  What is wrong with me?  I will make an appointment with my PCM next week when this crap is gone and see what I have to do to have them taken out.  This sucks.  It is going to mess up my summer vacation probably.  I can't take that much time off.  Why do things always happen to screw up my plans?  Getting them out will be better than suffering like this every 3 or 4 weeks.  Oh well.  We'll see.  She said that I am right on the edge of them being absessed, so I need to take care of myself for a few days.  Nice, 2 days off, right, no..I don't get paid when I am off for crap like this.  I hurts like hell to swallow, but I'm supposed to be getting plenty of fluids.  How do I do that?  She did give me a shot of steroids, which is supposed to take a bunch of the inflammation out of the tonsils and pretty quick.  I should start to feel relief from that shot in about 12 hours...cross your fingers for me here, then the antibiotics go to work and kick ass.  I so hope that I don't have to go the other way, which is have the fever spike, more throat pain, which means I get to go to the ER and have the absess surgically removed, then have the tonsils yanked.  Big Fun, right?  Ok, enough bitching from me on that.  
Let's get to the weight.  
I am still stuck around 150, I did finally break 150, I weighed in yesterday and I am 149.  I have been hovering at 150 now for a while.  Hopefully the stall has been broken, and I can get back to dribbling off at least a couple of pounds per month for a little while.  I would truly love to see 135.  

I did get to realize a dream the other day though.  I went to the local theme park, Frontier City, and got to ride every roller coaster without worrying about fitting in it properly.  I actually got in them and had room to spare and the bars came all the way down to the same place where it did on my skinny 15 year old.   YAY!!  It felt really good to be doing "normal" things and not have to worry.  I've been to places where they tried to click it shut and it just wouldn't go, so I had to get off.  Talk about mortified!!  That was horrible.  I can not believe that I have come so far.  It was so exciting.   I have not taken my measurements in a while and need to do that, maybe tomorrow, if I feel up to it.  Anyway, enough for now....blog more later!

15 to go....

May 12, 2008

Ok, so I have 15 more pounds to go.  The weight loss has definitely halted over the last month!  I don't know if this is a stall or if this is the bottom for me.  I'm not unhappy with where I am.  I am comfortable in my own skin, although it is too big for me now.  I would dearly love to get rid of the muffin top!!  It will take definite financing.  I can not imagine my insurance paying for it.  I will wait until I am further out to go into a surgeon to find out about removal of this belly though.  I am far more active than I was a year ago.  I am so much more happy with myself.  I feel attractive.  I am able to wear "normal" clothes from "normal" stores and that tickles me.  I actually have fun trying on clothes and get this....bathing suits.  They don't all look super on me, but I have tried on some and actually thought that I look good in them!!  I bought two of them...can you believe that?  A fatty with two bathing suits...amazing right?  I love dresses now too.  I have bought a few and I have to say it feels weird to wear them, but that is because it has been so long since I've been able to wear a dress just for fun and look good in it.  Hopefully I will post again sooner next time with some weight lost!! 

Finally...I am posting late, I know!!

Apr 16, 2008

Ok, so there has been so much going on and I just haven't taken the time to take my measurements until today, so here we go.  I lost 5 inches and 6 pounds this month. (and a half).  Not too bad considering I lost and gained the same two pounds over and over.  I am slowly creeping toward my goal of 135 and hopefully I will make it there soon!!  I so wanted to be at goal by my one year mark, but I am seriously wondering if I will make it now!  That's ok.  I am happy with my size, just want the tummy gone.  Crunches and the lot are not helping, but I guess they will make the core stronger and then one day I can have the flab lopped off.  I feel comfortable with my size now and that is something I have not been able to say in a very long time, if ever!  I feel good and healthier, so that is a goal in its' self.  

For those of you who read this, thanks for the reading and I want to let you know that my friend who lost her kids is getting along ok.  She is having hard times more now than before because she has gotten all of the things that she had to "take care of" taken care of and now has a lot of time on her hands to think and to miss the kids.  She has joined a support group and is trying to get her insurance squared away so she can start seeing a professional to work through some of this.  Hopefully this summer she will be able to start taking some classes, which is one of her goals, but for now she is feeling guilty that she can do things that her kids never got the chance to do.  Poor thing  feels guilty for even laughing or having a fun moment.  Hopefully soon she will be able to see that being happy is what they would want for her.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for her!

About Me
Scott AFB, IL
Surgery Date
Oct 17, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Here I am trying out a new hair color
8.5 months out -90 pounds

Friends 82

Latest Blog 55
A week and 2 days later....
Tummy Tuck DONE
about the plastics....
Plastics in my future????
Inches lost....
One Year Out!!!
I am sick again...WTF?
15 to go....
Finally...I am posting late, I know!!
