Month One

Sep 11, 2008

Well today is one month since my surgery, well sort of. I started at 275lbs and I was 270lbs the day of surgery. I was 260lbs at my 2 week check up and after this last stay in the hospital, I was back to 268lbs. Today I am at 263lbs, so I am still up from my 2 week visit. I know that my body is still in shock from having one surgery after another, all in less then a month. It's still hard to deal  with since I see everyone else down like twice has much as I am. Well I guess that's about it for now, I will update soon.

Catch Up

Sep 11, 2008

Well it's been awhile since I have been on here, so I thought that I would post an update.

I went back to work on Aug 25th to only feel sick by the time I got home. By 11pm I was at 103.7 and nothing could break my fever. I called the on call doctor and decided I would come in as a drop in the next day.

I went in at 11am and not only had my fever gotten to 105.1, but I had a horrible pain on my left side. The on call doctor sent me over to the hospital for blood work and a CT.

I had my CT at 3pm and had to wait almost 2 hours before anyone came to talk to me. The nurse told me they had my results, but that the doctor had to make some calls before he came to talk to me. At that point I knew something wasn't right.

The doctor came in and told me that I had an abscess the size of a baseball in my chest cavity. He said it was positioned by my heart and old stomatch, in an area where they were going to have to open up my chest. He told me that Dr. Lenz is the only one who can do the surgery and if he isn't comfortable, I would be sent to the cities. All I could do was cry, I didn't know what else to do.

I asked to be released so that I could go home and see my son. I was told I had an hour, but that it was very important that I get admitted to start antibiotics. I got home and it was so hard, but I didn't want to cry in front of my son. I packed a few things and headed back.

At 6:30pm I was admitted back to 6 west and had an iv put in. I slept the whole night and felt like a whole new person. Dr. Lenz came in on his day off to talk to me, God bless him. He said that he would perform the surgery on Thursday in hope that the antibiotics would cut down the size of the abscess.

Thursday Aug  28th at 11am I went back into surgery. I work up in recovery and was shocked since with my gastric bypass I was out of it for until the next day.

When Dr. Lenz came in that night, he told me that he used my same incisions from the gastric, to go in a take a look. He said when he went in, he noticed that the size had gone down immensly. Besides a 2 1/2 inch incision on my left side, he did everything else using my prior incisions. When I heard this I was so thankful that I didn't have to be opened up. Dr. Lenz is a gift from God and I am so blessed to have had such a smooth surgery.

I stayed in the hospital for 1 week and 1 day and went home Thur Sept 4th. I had a drain on my left side and finally had that taken out on Sept 8th. It has been a hell of a month, but I am so thankful to be alive.

My (Almost) Two Week Follow Up

Aug 22, 2008

Well I saw Dr.Lenz today for my 2 week check up. I started my liquid diet at 275 lbs. I only lost 5lbs so the day of my surgery I was 270lbs. When I went home I was 285 lbs and swollen like a beach ball. Today, 11 days out.. I am 261 lbs and doing pretty good. My potasium is low, so I need to add bananas to my shakes while I am still on liquids. Other then that he said I am doing a great job and I will see him back in a month.

I have decided that I am going to weigh in next when I reach 1 month. I have an issuse with getting on it so often that I had to have it put away. Besides going to the clinic, I really have no reason to need to see how much I weigh.

Well I guess that's it for now!

Surgery Update

Aug 15, 2008

So I have been home almost two days and I finally feel "up" to sitting at the computer for more then a few minutes. Well surgery was on Monday the 11th. That morning went by pretty fast and I was checked in by 10am. By 10:15am I was back in the pre surgery area getting undressed and having the lovely lab work done. Dr. Lenz came in around 11:57am to let me know that he was running a little behind and that they would take me in soon. He answered any questions and said although I only lost 6 lbs on the liquid diet, he was very proud of me. Around 12:10pm I said my goodbyes, and away we went. I got switched to another table and I remember looking around and thinking so this is it. They told me you are going to take a deep breath and within a few seconds I was out.

I woke up in my room, with my mom and a few nurses there. All I remember is asking them if I had to be opened up. I think I was pretty out of it because I don't remember much except thanking God that I was okay. My mom had to leave to pick up Kaleb and I remember crying because I didn't want to be alone. I think my surgery took a little over 4 hours, so it wasn't long before my co workers/friends came in. They didn't stay long because I was in and out ot it and wasn't much fun. I don't remember the first night much, just someone waking me every few hours to give me a shot, take vitals or check my blood sugar.

At 7am Dr. Lenz came in to see how I was doing and check my incisions. He said my liver was beautiful and that he took his time with me, thus why it took a little over 4 hours. Not to mention that they didn't start on time. He came to visit me a few times that day, always making sure I was dong okay. The nurses were amazing, they walked with me and helped me clean up. My friends also walked with me and made me feel better.

On Wednesday I thought I was going to go home, but Dr. Lenz wanted me to stay one more night. I was a little upset, but I am glad that I did. I didn't realize how tired I got from just walking. Dr.Lenz came back that night and so did my nutritionist. I have to say again how amazing the nurses are at St.Lukes. They were so good to me!

Thursday morning I got to go home. It was a rough night trying to find a position in the recliner that I could sleep. I was up most of the night in pain, but I didn't use any of my Tylenol. *yay*

Wow.. I feel like I just wrote my son's birth story.. hmm.. I guess it's sort of my "re" birth story.

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and positive thoughts.

Thanks Brea for being my informant and always offering me a comforting text.

I love you all!


Aug 10, 2008

So tomorrow is my BIG day! Eeekk... I am so EXCITED! 

It's My Time

Aug 08, 2008

I got my pre admission call today from St.Luke's Hospital. It looks like I am scheduled for a 12:00pm surgery and I need to report by 10am. I wish it was a little earlier in the morning, but I am thankful for having this oppurtunity.


Aug 08, 2008

So as it creeps up on 2 days till surgery I am starting to think about goals that I have. My doctor has set a goal of 130-135 lbs for me, while my personal goal is going to be 145-150. Right now I can't picture myself any smaller then 145 lbs, but we will see what happens. I am going to have mini goals with little rewards for each one that I meet.

25 lbs: ears pierced
50 lbs: massage (I hope in time for Vegas trip in Nov)
75 lbs: Coach bag
100 lbs: Cut, color and highlight my hair
Goal: Shopping spree at MOA

*yay* I am so excited.. 2 days and some hours to go! 


Aug 01, 2008

The fear of not knowing what is going to happen is killing me. I am scared and there is 9.. yes NINE days until my surgery. I am trying to stay calm, but I am so scared. I have never had a major surgery so this is all so new to me. I know everything will go smoothly and that Dr.Lenz will take great care of me. I guess what I fear most is the thought of not coming home to my son. He is my world.. my everything.. my life!

Two Weeks..

Jul 27, 2008

It's now two weeks (tomorrow) that I will be having surgery. I am on liquids for two weeks, so I am really hoping the two weeks will go by pretty fast. I already have my pre op and nut visit done, so I just have to wait to find out what time I need to report. Eeekk I am so excited!

I Got a Date

Jul 22, 2008

I got my date today.. August 11th! I am so EXCITED

About Me
Duluth, MN
Surgery Date
May 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 11
Month One
Catch Up
My (Almost) Two Week Follow Up
Surgery Update
It's My Time
Two Weeks..
I Got a Date
