I had a great time!!

Sep 26, 2010

Carowinds was awesome!! It was hot as all get out, 97 degrees,  but other than that, the time I spent with my family, my brother's family and parents was great. We had a great ride down to Concord and then we had lunch and headed to Carowinds. The children enjoyed themselves and although my daughter and I didn't get to the bumper cars, I did get to ride a few rides with my younger daughter and son that I never would have attempted to do, because I would have thought I was too heavy. I wasn't' breathing heavy or tired, but the heat did play have a toll on my body after a while and I couldn't help but get dizzy a few times, bu it was great. I would have never wanted to do half the things I did if i hadn't had surgery. So, thank you all for your encouragement. 

Well, I have also been blessed with a new job, away from the co-worker I talked about a few months back. I start on Oct. 11, so next Friday is my last day. It has been interesting, because I will definitely miss some of the people I work with, but will be glad when I'm out of "her" presence. However, she took my being off Friday to let people know that I'm difficult to get along with, that I yell and scream at her, that I only want to work on projects and not do my entire job, and the list continues. At first this upset me, becuase I knew what she had said about me wasn't the truth,  but then I realized that it is just her conscious making her aware of the way she has treated me and how it will look to other people that I'm leaving, so before she looks bad, she is trying to make me look bad. But, you know what this battle is over! Fortunately, my acquiring my new position had nothing to do with her or my working relationship with her, as she sees it., but with my own capabilities and what people have seen I'm capable of doing.  Little does she know, that some of the people she has said this too, in our department, actually served as my references for my new position, so they already know and appreciate the work that I've done.

Always somebody trying to steal your joy, but don't let them have it!

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About Me
Franklinton, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2010
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