jessies824 posted a discussion topic 8 years, 12 months ago

I'm trying to figure out how many calories I should be intaking if I'm burning 500 at the gym four days a week to maintain at 160 and how many if I want to lose another 10 lbs

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
lose stall lose stall?? - im four weeks out on monday  I had a week stall lost nothing for 6 days then lost only 2 lbs in the next four days then nothing for the last 4 days is this normal??

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
swimming??? - how long did you guys wait till you went swimming like for exercise i could live in the water and figured this would be a great way to exercise im three weeks out today my dr offic...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
stall 19 days out - so I havnt lost for the last three days not sure if im in a stall or if its just from being sick which im finally starting to feel better i caught a nasty cold thats going around i...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
help!! pain - so i started pureed food on monday and today i had noodles i blended them up as told and then my stomach muscles started started aching now i just ate egg salad and its staying dow...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
sneezing/coughing pain - how long does this side pain that stops me in my tracks every time i sneeze or cough last im 15 days out and its still there 

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
two week follow up!!! - i had my two week follow up yesterday im so happy i have lost 24 lbs!!! i cant believe it! down side i tried on a pair of jeans and no change there yet but it will come in time i g...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
sleep post op???? - ok so im 7 days out now and im having such a hard time being comfortable im ususally a belly sleeper and know that is out of the question for awhile i have back issues and sleeping...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
incisions - how long did it take for them to heal im 5 days out and my belly itches like crazy i have 5 all together did anyone elses surgeon use the body glue instead of stitches how long did...

jessies824 added a goal 10 years, 4 months ago
Loose at least 100lbs.

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
day 3 post op and already!!! - im already 20 lbs down i lost 10 on the pre op diet and another 10 since tuesday im so surprised 

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
left side pain - day 3 post op my left side is still hurting when i get up and move im fine as long as im still just wondering how long this pain lasted for everyone else my right side doesnt reall...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
discharged and home - had my surgery tuesday and got dicharged home today my hospital stay wasnt to bad i struggled with nausea with my pain meds :( im feeling better and more alert by the day still tak...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
food phases in recovery - does anyone have any food they enjoyed while your stomach was healing i have surgery on tuesday 3 hrs away from home and doing my last minute shopping i have the basics pudding jel...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
hospital bag? - What should i bring with me to the hospital to be most comfortable i have never had to stay in a hospital before

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
6 days and counting - my surgery is this coming tuesday im so excited and nervous all at once :)

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
surgery feb 4th anything i should know - im getting anxy my surgery is coming up so soon anything i should know about post op stuff pain healing recovery what was everyones first 2 weeks out like 

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
recovery?? how long?? - im having surgery feb 4th so 15 days i have my pre op in two days and just wondering how long everyone had to take off work and recover my job has me drive 2 plus hours a day ho...

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
recovery?? how long?? - how long was everyone out of work after having the sleeve my job requires long hours at least 2+ hours driving per day having surgery feb 4th

jessies824 posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
surgery in 17 days! - hello i just had my surgery approved on friday and now have everything set up to go my pre op apt is on wednesday the 22nd and surgery feb 4th any suggestions to make things eas...
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 19, 2014
Member Since
