H/C/G = 303/265.5/170     Ht.= 5'3    First goal = 275, met 9/2/08
                                                       2nd goal = 260, current
Fill #1 = 4cc's   Fill #2 = 2cc's  Fill #3 = 0.5cc's


7-13-06....Here's my story....
I'm just starting my journey. I started my life at pretty average weight. My senior year of high school I fluctuated between 150-155. After graduation I gained 25 lbs, I think from not being as active, and since I moved in with my mom (she fried everything!). I got pregnant at 19, and had my baby (Darien, a boy!) at 20. Through my pregnancy I didn't worry too much about weight gain and thought I could just lose it after (BIG Mistake #1), and gained 60 lbs (244 at delivery).

A year later I was down to 210, which was in 1995. In 1996, I enrolled in college to become a Medical Assistant, and also started working part-time at a department store (nights). With such a busy schedule I wasn't eating right, and I never thought to bring supper with me to work. I also had a toothpick for a boyfriend, he ate anything he wanted, and I ate whatever he ate (BIG Mistake #2).

By 2000, I had hit 260. My previous relationship had ended, and I entered a new one with someone who turned out to be abusive (emotionally and mentally). I was with him for 3 years and finally managed to find the strength to leave him for good. It wasn't until then that I started paying attention to my weight. I mean, I knew I had a problem all those years, but leaving that relationship made me feel good and want to take better care of myself. It was Feb 2003 and I weighed 275. I decided it was time to get to work. By this time I had graduated college and was working full-time. I would come home from work and exercise (aerobics and strength-training) for about 1.5-2 hours. I also had cut down on carbs, ate more protein, fiber, and vegetables. I've never cared to try Atkins, or any other fad diets, because I knew they wouldn't work. Why bother wasting my money on them...

Well, the weight was coming off, and I felt great, but I was hungry ALL the time!!!! I ate constantly! I figured because of my metabolism, and maybe it was, but it was really annoying. As a result I lost about 40 lbs in 6 months. Then I got sick with bronchopneumonia!!! I could not exercise for about 4-6 weeks. By that time I was out of my routine. I also met my fiance at that time, and my life got even busier. I no longer had 2 hours to devote to exercise after work, and I certainly wasn't going to get up at the crack of dawn (I am NOT a morning person).

Although, I didn't mention it earlier, I did try diet and exercise throughout previous years (without doctor guidance because I felt I could do it on my own; other than my weight, I was pretty healthy and didn't see the point of seeking medical advice). I would lose 10 pounds, gain it back--lose 15 pounds, gain it back. Up and down.

In January of this year, I hit 285, my heaviest ever. I decided, and not because of the new year, to try my old routine. With lots of struggle, I managed to lose 15 pounds in 5 months. When I tell people that, they're like "wow, that's pretty good!" And I think to myself it should be more than that. So, now it's July, and I've gained back 5 pounds. I changed jobs into a doctor's office the end of March (which a large part of the patient population is children). So I had exposure to all sorts of bugs, and ended up getting some kind of cold 3 times in 8 weeks. Because of this, I ended up out of my routine....again.
The thought of LAP-band surgery had crossed my mind a couple of times the previous year and a half, but I thought -- no, I can do it myself....i really should try to do it on my own.
This last Tuesday night I went to a seminar and made the decision to definitely do it. I have an appointment with my PCP next Thursday for a referral. I am so excited to be starting this journey. It's so hard to believe I could ever be 100 pounds less. 

******6/29/08...AN UPDATE TO THE STORY ABOVE******

Two or three weeks after posting my story I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl, Emalynn (born 3/16/07). I was shocked, excited, happy, scared, disappointed.....
*Excited and happy because I'd been wanting another baby for a long time. 
*Scared because I knew there were some risks with being pregnant at my weight--which was one of the reasons I wanted to     do the band, so after losing weight I could have a healthy pregnancy.
*Shocked because I was on the pill, and was actually thinking about looking into the IUD to make sure I wouldn't get pregnant while in the process of getting the band.
*Disappointed because it would mean putting the band off for another year or so.

Please, don't get me wrong, I'm so happy I had my girl when I did. Despite my weight, I had a healthy pregnancy, and she has been such a joy to have around. She's an absolute miracle, and so precious. She's also given me more motivation to lose weight--I don't want my daughter growing up seeing her mom struggle with weight and self-image issues and passing that on to her.

When, I finally, got around to getting on the "band" wagon again, it was Oct ('07), and I was at 303 lbs.....my highest weight ever!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 6
MET MY 1st GOAL!!!
Had my first appointment!!!
1st consult on Tuesday!!!!
