Old Me Vs. New Me

Jul 16, 2012

Old Me vs. New Me  
Old me
-         Loved Hambergers
-         Loved Chocolate
-         Loved a big glass of milk with her bag of chips
-         Wouldn’t just have one or two slices of toast, but maybe 4.
-         Loved chicken in any shape, wing, nugget, roasted fried etc.
-         Loved fries from McDonalds.
-         Loved ice cream, any time of the day…heaping bowls of it.
-         Loved Kraft Dinner
-         Loved Hot Dogs.
-         Loved Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Ginger Ale
-         Ate more if something upset her…or if she got bored.
-         Mollified feelings of every nature with food.
-         Hated looking at pictures of myself, or even my own reflection.  

New Me
-         Can’t eat any meat without getting very sick with the exception of steak. This means chicken too.
-         Is Lactose Intolerant…no more Ice Cream OR big glasses of milk.
-         Seems to feel EVERYTHING magnified 100x because I can’t shove it down with food. (This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I am not used to it at all.)
-         I’m limited with what I can eat, but I can accommodate any situation by finding something that “sits” well.
-         Feels healthier.
-         Is looking forward to going dress shopping for 2 (possibly 3) weddings I get to attend over the summer.
-         Enjoys looking at the change and loves feeling awe at my radical new body.
-         Loves being told that I look great.
-         Is getting use to the looks and comments.       
- Is starting to feel “worthy” of my friends and loved ones, because I can keep up.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2011
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 34
