Feb 02, 2011

So here I am...back at 5 lbs less then when I started this damn journey...which goes to prove that the weight loss journey for an overweight person is NEVER over.

I got married a year and a half ago to Matt...he is pretty sweet :)  I got pregnant shortly after..YAY! and gave birth in June of 2010 to a 8 lb. 3 oz amazing baby boy named Jackson Matthew.  Hes awesome...Right after I had him, I said "get me a coke'...DOWNHILL from there...he is now 8 months old and I just got my first fill.  I am at 6 cc's in my Realize Band.  I am down 10 lbs in a week.  So far so good :)  Welcome to my journey back to my skinny self......WISH ME LUCK!

PS I added some pics of me pre preg, preg, and now...EEK!

one more...

Feb 05, 2009

In an effort to motivate my lazy self.....


HOLY! Its been a year!

Jan 26, 2009


So its been one year since my surgery and I will say that this band thing has worked....I have lost 75 ponds :) I have about 30 more I want to lose.

Things have been good since my last post, I met someone :) Matt...he is perfect for me and I couldn't be luckier for finding him. We met at a UC football game in October and have been together since.

I have decided to go back to school, so I will hopefully start in May. I will be working towards my Masters in Special Education. I am very excited about it and it will be tough but so worth it in the long run!

I am looking forward to the summer and everything that warm weather brings!

Talk to you all soon!



1 comment


Sep 17, 2008

Hello everyone! Sorry I am so horrible at this but things aren't all that interesting! I was in Florida last week and had so much fun! I am gonna post a few pics so everyone gets an idea of my progress...I am down 63 lbs. and kinda at a stand still, so I am going to go in for a fill next week! Vacation didn't help things and my ass needs to get into the gym! Hope everything is going well with everyone :)



quick update!

Aug 18, 2008

Hey guys!  Things are SO crazy right now but I wanted to post a few new pics and update everyone on my progress!  I am about 38 lbs about from my goal!! I cannot even believe I am so close!  I have 6 cc's in my 9 cc realize band and am not sure whether or not I will get another fill just yet or not!




Finally the scale has MOVED!

Jun 09, 2008

So I had a dr's appt for a fill a few days ago and I LOST 16 pounds in 4 weeks! I was SOOO excited! So that was very motivating and I feel as though hopefully I can do it again in the next 4 weeks. The appt other than that was uneventful.... Some new guy did my fill and I was a little nervous but Erin, my normal NP was there and she promised me he was legit (he did a good job...but I made him spray me twice with the numbing stuff just in case he sucked..hehe)

I am now at 5 cc's in a 9 cc realize band....I feel the r
estriction but I think I need another fill still.

For me the hardest rule to follow is not drinking 30 min before during or 30 min after a meal. I know that I am not using the band to its fullest potential
when I drink during my meal so I have been trying SOOO hard to be aware of that! It DOES make a HUGE HUGE difference and I do feel fuller longer...

Nothing new is going on in my personal life...having some is
sues with working full time and going to school extra extra full time so I am a bit overwhelmed with that. I graduate August 9th so it will all be better hopefully then..

But I am down 48 lbs in 5 1/2 months and I am IN LOVE with this damn band in my stomach...Its truly changed my life...now if it could only pay my bills!



May 27, 2008

Ok so here I am back at it...I know I suck so bad at updating this thing but I swear with school its SO hectic! Good news though: I WALK AUGUST 9th :) Done with school on July 21st! That is the best news EVER!

So update is I am down 47 lbs. I have about 50 more to get to my goal! Things are moving much faster now that I have restriction. I can eat almost everything, I just have some issues with any bread like anything usually in the morning. So I have to chew chew chew realllllly well.

Here are some updated pics:


Mar 20, 2008

Hi everyone! I am so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time :( I promise to keep up on this from here on out. Let me give all my reasons why I have been so busy recently though:trip to san fran (more to come) 3 classes a week, trip to chicago (get to it later), st patricks day...just BUSY!

first and for most I have lost 41 lbs! People are starting to notice and comment, which is nice...
I don't know what do you think?

Moving on, since last update, I have gotten 2 more fills....to give you all an idea of what happens: I stand in the middle of this machine:
and I make this face:

Then I drink this stuff and they shoot me in the stomach...it doesn't hurt (they numb me realllllllly well) I am just finally noticing the fills, I cannot drink and eat certain things at the same time and I am eating tons less, which is awesome cause thats the point!

ok so thats gross and boring...to the fun part! I went to California and if it weren't for my family and my poor cousin Liz getting in a HORRIBLE car accident, I would have stayed there forever!

by the way this is her car...shes so amazingly lucky to be alive! love you LIZ!

OK SO CALI...AMAZING :) here's some pictures!

next we then went to Chicago! I am a traveling girl! It was so much fun...kelly, elliott, and I drove up friday and came home sunday so it was a nice weekend away! I wish we would have had more time to see Aunt Jan and Uncle John but it was jammed packed and we didn't have our own car....don't worry guys we are planning a trip again very soon! I am glad that St. Patricks day is over though, because 3 days of drinking green beer was not helping the situation

So with school and class being so hectic I am STRESSED! I can't wait for nice weather though I think that will make me feel better....its wont stop raining and snowing here :(

I will update soon I promise!

I coud live with this...

Feb 08, 2008

So I have a new program that I got from my doctor..I put in all my measurements and height and weight...then I put in my goal weight and this is what I look like:

So I am ok with that....That program is fun!!

My cat is also OBESE!

Feb 08, 2008

Last Thursday, the girls and I thought it would be fun to bake a cake. So we go to Kroger's and those bitches leave a girl who just had bariatric surgery in the baked goods aisle so they could buy mascara..haha I'm not mad, its ok, I survived :)

So whats new in my life? Coco Chanel is fat....I am concerned, we are both on a strict diet. ha ha but shes so damn CUTE I can't even stand it...I am not prejudice at all.

So one week countdown till my first fill..I am getting excited and nervous! I think I have FINALLY beaten my needle phobia....HA right ok I probably haven't but still at least this is a good needle! I am so excited to start actually losing lots of weight. I have also enlisted my dear friend Berg to make me a killer workout...I thought of asking my brother but sometimes his workouts are scary and I didn't want to take any of his precious time (I know your busy!)

So a few days ago I did a ZUMBA class...for those of you who don't know what it is, watch this video....and picture my big un-coordinated butt doing it....hysterical..but SO much fun :)

update on me...down 27 lbs, nothing major but still something, DR said I shouldn't be surprised if I gained over these 2 weeks and I haven't so I am happing to even lose a pound....

ps I WILL BE GOING BOWLING THIS WEEK SOMETIME..its been tooo long, maybe I can get my long lost friend whit to come with (for old times sake (HINT HINT!!))

oh oh by the way I am going to California in 20 days!!! i am going with these girls :
To see this girl: (that's Katy, she fell down the stairs )
Well everyone...I will update when I get the FILL :) also don't forget to look below at hot I am going to be...haha just kidding..no I am not...go LOOK!

love you all very much!


About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Dec 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 14
quick update!
Finally the scale has MOVED!
I coud live with this...
My cat is also OBESE!
