Random thoughts of the moment:

Jun 05, 2009

1. Don't know how to post my current BMI on my profile.... help?  lol

2. Don't know how to add my lil' intro at the top of my profile... please? :-P

3. Afraid that giving out as many compliments as I would like to, to my fellow ladies on this site, will make me look like I am interested. (Note: I'm straight and in love, but I like making other people feel good, it makes ME feel good.! ^_^

4. I am just barely starting my WLS journey, and have so many questions... I don't even know exactly which surgery I am going to get (I barely found out that my insurance will cover some WLS but they didn't say what kind(s) are covered.

5. Just got insurance last month. Have not seen a doctor in ohhhhhhhhh.... how about 8 years?

6. I am a nervous wreck, but oh so hopeful!

7. Seeing the before and afters and some of the photos on everyone's profiles are just adding fuel to the fire that is under my butt to lose this weight!

8. I can't wait to give my 8 year old little girl the mommy-and-me memories that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. I want her to look back on these years and say how much fun we had scuba-diving, bike riding, hiking, rafting, theme park roller-coastering... ETC. ETC. ETC.!  

I am just hopeful that this is really going to happen for me... right now, all I can do is wait for the insurance to kick in and finally go see a Doctor. Get the ball rolling and let's go!  Let's do this! I am ready to start the BEST part of my life A.S.A.P.

Sorry, carried away as usual. (You'll come to expect this from me lol)

Loads of smooches and squeezes!

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Riverside, CA
May 20, 2009
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