Iron update and I hit a milestone

Mar 06, 2009

So I just wanted to quickly blog about my Iron.
I went and got my results from the re-test and everything was normal, in fact better then 3 months ago.  My iron level was 100 which is totally normal. My hemoglobin was normal too so I'm not anemic.  I don't what the heck happened to my last results but I know that I am happy that my results were normal.  With us moving to Alaska I don't want any complications to stop us.  I still don't know why sometimes I get dizzy spells but I spoke with another wls friend and she get's the same thing. 

So I have been wearing a size 12 for a while now.  I don't have any size 10 jeans but have been looking for some for an incentive pair.  Size 10 has been my goal all along.  Well after browsing some on e-bay I found a pair of size 10 Lucky jeans for only $12.99. Lucky jeans are name brand and expensive so I bought them.  Well they arrived today and I couldn't wait to see if they fit....and they DID.  They are low rise and I don't really like that, oh and they are WAY long but I don't care.. I pulled them  up and they are a little tight in the thighs....because everything is tight in my thighs. But I was able to button them with no problem and wore them all day today.  I was so happy to be wearing a size 10.
Now to get to my next milestone of 140 pounds.  Only 14 pounds to go until that one. 


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Anchorage, AK
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Oct 15, 2007
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