Timeline photo of my progress in 3 months! 105 lbs lost

Jan 06, 2011

I am so thankful for my Sleeve

2 and 1/2 months since surgery

Dec 16, 2010

Well its been 2 and 1/2 months since my surgery and im down 90 lbs fromm y highest weight and 80 from surgery day. feeling pretty good about the weight loss but i have had some Emotional ups and downs.. my marriage seems to be suffering more now then ever now that i have more confidence and higher self-esteem i wont take any abuse from anyone anymore.. in one way that is a good thing in another it can take a toll on relationships where i have let people walk all over me for so many years.. my wife is having a hard time with the changes and is noticing me no longer needing her co-dependently.. i feel more as an individual and she doesnt like that we are not growing together anymore.. i hope and pray we can work through this.. it has been a rough few months .. *sigh* .. i guess thats all i have to log for now.. i really hope everything gets better

another day after surgery

Oct 03, 2010

so its the 3rd now and things have gotten quite a bit better with all the pain.. i have very minimal gas pain today and some tightness in my tummy where my incisions are.. but for the most part.. all is well!

I did struggle with appetite today.. craving cheesburgers, fried foods, etc.. but i think that is normal.. i will take it day by day and hopefully my lifestyle and desires will change.

 I also broke 300 lbs today for the first time in years and that was pretty satisfying.. this morning i was 296 then this evening after filling with liquids and such i was back up to 300 again.. kinda weird.. im just gonna say i am 296 lol..

I am also very curious today about the size of my new stomach.. i wish i could hold something in my hand that i could reference to being the size of my stomach.. in my mind i think its 7 inches long and 1 inch across.. but i think i am way off lol.. anyway hopefully ill get an answer on that soon..


3 days out

Oct 02, 2010

          So its been 3 days since my surgery and this day has been easier.. i didnt even need pain meds today! I was able to get in to protein shakes made with almond milk and a few snacks! overall i had 370 calories and 60.5 grams of protein.. not too bad i dont think.. 
         I do still have pain when i try and take a deep breath, i mostly feel it in my shoulders and ribcage.. hopefully that will be even better tomorrow.. My stomach still feels tight where the incisions are.. im assuming that is the sutures underneath.
        Also today was my first day to havea bowel movement since surgery and that made me happy knowing my body is working properly LOL!
       I am still having a bit of trouble getting all the fluids down.. 64oz is alot to get down when you have such a tiny stomach!
anyway i think thats about it for today.. we will see how tomorrow goes!

day after surgery

Oct 01, 2010

so today has been pretty good. i went and got 3000 cc of fluids through IV at the clinic. after that i went to costco to pick up some protein drinks that were clear.. pretty good stuff.. 10 protein to 60 calories. Felt pretty weak walking around costco but i know it was good for me. finally got home.. took some more pain meds and slept for 3 hours..

After i woke up around 5 i took some more pain meds and continued drinking the protein water and had a few spoons of chicken broth.. tasted great too

I am a little concerned in the lack of caloric intake but im hearing it might be normal the first week or so before i can get in some heavier foods..

so this pretty much been my day.. o yeah, when i went in for surgery i was 300 lbs.. today i was 308, must be all the fluids they are giving me.

Surgery Day!

Sep 30, 2010

So it is September 30th and the day of my surgery.. my check in time was 6:30 and my surgery started at 7:30, I was talking to the anesthisiologist  as he was asking me about my job then all of a sudden i was waking up in Recovery! lol.. it is really interesting how the time flies and you have no idea that 2 hours just passed as you lie there in the recovery bed.. Apparently i had talked to everyone and i had no idea.. pretty funny stuff. 

The moment i felt i woke up my first words were "wheres the pain medicine" i was feeling pretty uncomfortable from what i believe was the CO2 they had filled my abdominal cavity with.

between 10:30 and 11am i was getting ready to discharge.. got my clothes on with a little help and walked out to the car on my own 2 feet.. Luckily my home is only about 5 minutes from the surgical center so it was a short drive.. then i got home and walked up the stairs into my house and got settled in.. took some of the pain medicine, walked around a bit and talked to my family about the experience then fell asleep for 2 hours.

My mother woke me up at about 2pm after my nap to get some more walking in and call a few people who were asking about me. I let them all know i was doing fine and then stayed awake this whole time.. SIP,WALK,REST, Repeat.. just been doing this all evening  and not feeling to horrible except from the gas bubbles pushing themselves around my body..

I also took 1 valium for muscle relaxing and another dose of the roxicet, liquid pain medicine.

i tried a few small bites of jello and mushed them up in my mouth and it went down pretty ok.. mostly sipping just water

so thats pretty much my day!

Starting Pre-op diet

Sep 15, 2010

well today im kick starting my pre-op diet.. i dont have my pre-op diet class until tomorrow afternoon but im suppose to be on it for 2 weeks so i thought id give it a go today.. so far doing good! I had a hard boiled egg, some cheese and a 0 carb turkey frank.. not too bad.. i sure hope i can stay on this atkins type diet.. only allowed 30 carbs a day!!

About Me
Seattle, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2010
Member Since

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