My First Time

Jul 26, 2009

This is my first entry and my first time on the website. I was referred here by my good friend who has given me inspiration and hope. I can't wait to have the surgery and really start to lose. I have a 2 yr old son who requires all of my energy even when there isn't any left. I have to reach down to the bottom of my soul and dig it out. He is worth it. I am worth it. And if I ever want to have another baby I don't want the life threathening situation I went through with Michael. I am soon to be 35 and I have to make some major life changes if I want to see another 35 years. I'm ready to see the Sunshine on the Land. Another inspirational push is that I like to powerwalk and dance to Madonna. My iPod is all set up with her best workout music--she's give me a peppy boost I need sometimes. She is my caffiene. 
That's it for now. E.

About Me
Baltimore, MD
Jul 26, 2009
Member Since

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