No more excuses.

Jan 31, 2012

I am passed the 3 month mark. Never did I think this would go so quickly.  As you all know, the last 3 months were definitely eventful. Now that the dust has settled I have been having a hard time getting into a routine.  Every week I watch The Biggest Loser and last week's episode was about excuses. We all make excuses for why we eat what we want and not get up and go the gym.  I have decided to implement that. No more excuses- IN LIFE!  I am making it my business to get my butt to the gym everyday (well at least 5 days/week).  I am making it my business to get my protein, water and vitamins in every single day. I am ending my relationship with the scale and although the numbers matter, I am no longer making weight related goals. I find that these goals no longer motivate me but events and clothes do.  I am planning a weekend trip to Miami with some of my friends for one of their 25th birthdays and that has been the fuel to my fire.  I have been to Miami a few times and every time has been as a fat tag along friend. Not this time!! My goal is to be COMFORTABLE in a 2 piece bathing suit.  I know I won't have 6 pack abs and a firm tight butt by that time but I know that by trying really hard I will at least feel comfortable with where my body is at that point to prance around and not feel like a whale. 

Taking the no excuses approach and incorporating it into all aspects of my life also means that school has become my priority. While I have been home and taking a break, I have been able to secure a job. But that's just what it is, a JOB! Not a career! I have made it my business to work and save so that I can go back to medical school this year.  If I fall short of saving enough money to be able to pay for it I have come up with back up plans and have applied for re-admission into nursing school at my old nursing school and one that is closer to my house.  I have also applied to a medical school in Ohio which is a lot closer than going back to Antigua. If I get into the school in Ohio, I will be doing a summer program there this summer for 6 weeks. 

No more excuses! No more outrageous spending on clothes, shoes, purses, and accessories. I have placed myself on a budget and starting with today (1st day of a new month) I am tracking every penny I spend! I plan to pay off all my credit card debt in a few months and get my credit back into shape.

I hope I can keep up with this no excuses lifestyle without going crazy but if you want something back enough, you have to work hard for it, be dedicated and determined, and make sacrifices when necessary.

Hope everyone is pushing through whether on the journey to surgery or on their way to the new happier, healthier you! Good luck everyone!!!

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About Me
Westbury, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2011
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