Slowly but surely...

Oct 02, 2010

It's been 2 months since I had my initial visit and mapped out my journey.  And I've barely lost 10 pounds.  It is coming off SO slowly!  It's almost like I am rebelling against the fact that I HAVE to lose this weight!  But I have some serious incentive to get it off and fast.  Thanks to Obamacare, I have no idea what my insurance will look like come January.   So I really need to buckle down and get this weight off and get this surgery done in the next 3 months.  If I came this far only to find out that I'm no longer covered, I would be devastated.  So I'm trying.  Really trying.  I've got the eating down, now I need to get MOVING!

Psych eval done (passed! LOL), sleep eval done (and re-eval, and now I'm sleeping with a CPAP. no apnea, just hypopnea - whatever.  I have a real issue with that, but that's another post), 6-week class done.  My first group session is coming up.  I need to have the lab work done week, because I have an appointment with the doctor at the clinic on Thursday.  UGH! I hope I have some significant loss to show!  I should be having my EKG that same day.  Then all pre-op stuff is done except for the weight loss.  I just re-read my last post where I bragged "No problem!!!" about losing 27 pounds.  Ugh...

Hope my next post is good news - like a surgery date!


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May 01, 2010
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