Ok, this is my story, I'm not very good at words so I'm going to appologize in advanced.

My name is Irene, I have been battling weight loss for over 30 years now and as I have gotten older I have developed health problems one of them is a nasty disease that affected my colon and have had to have a colon resection as a result.  Prior to finally giving in and having the surgery I battled with this disease for 8 years and have failed over the years and one of the medications I had to take was a steroid and that has caused me to gain even more weight and was unable to loose it and now that I have gotten older it is even harder for me to loose the weight the so called "normal way"  I have tried multiple diets, and none of them worked long term for me.  I considered the gastric bi-pass surgery but all of my doctors were against it then considered the lap-band and again a brick wall was put up .  Meanwhile I still continued to struggle with my weight and more and more health problems popped up, now I have sleep apnea, had to have my gallbladder removed, have type 2 diabetes, arthritis, asthma and now my knees........ 
I continued to do research and then just a few months ago was introduced to the vertical sleeve surgery.... I consulted with my doctors about it and my surgeon did his own research on this and personally called me back and gave me the go ahead I was so excited yet scared at the same time.  then I talked to my primary doctor and he gave his blessing.... I couldn't believe that this could actually be a reality for me. 

I talked this over with my boyfriend and he agreed to go with me to the intake appt. and I got approved with all the requirements needed to have the surgery and now I have my pre-op appt set for September 6th and my Surgery is scheduled for the 17th. 

I have done so much research on this that I am pretty positive that I will be prepared for when the time becomes a reality.... I'm sure there are things that will pop up that weren't brought up in my research but I'm positive that I will get through what ever comes my way...... I have a very good support system on my side.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2012
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