My Story

Sep 10, 2012

I have had a majorly screwed-up relationship with food from childhood.  I was put on my first diet by my mom when I was 4, had to drink powdered skim milk and take diet cookies as my snack to Girl Scouts.  I weighed 185 at age 13 and 254 when I graduated from high school.  I ultimately ate my way to 293 pounds.  I have stolen food, eaten food out of the trash, hid my eating from others, lied about money and time to sneak out and buy food.  I joined Overeaters Anonymous when I was 26, found a terrific sponsor and stopped overeating compulsively.  I lost 120 pounds over 2 years, maintained 100 of that for another 5.  I gave up recreational sugar completely, and remained off the sugar until 1995 when I had a major relapse into compulsive eating and stopped going to OA meetings.  I gained all the weight back over a period of 4 or 5 years.  I started back to meetings in 2004, got off the sugar again, and lost 60 pounds.  But I couldn't stay on a food plan that was appropriate to maintain a normal weight.  I was hungry all the time on 1400 calories, which is what I needed to do to lose weight.  I could put together 5 months or so, then find myself at the Chinese buffet and back into the food again.  I decided the only way I could stick to an appropriate food plan and not be hungry all the time was through VSG surgery, and that the restriction could help limit the damage I'd do when I fell off the wagon.  I had the experience of being "struck abstinent" when I started OA, where everything came easily and I did everything more-or-less perfectly.  But I couldn't be perfect all the time, and I couldn't tolerate the imperfection.  So after 1995, I was never able to sustain long-term abstinence and ride out the imperfections (or, falling off the wagon).

[to be continued...]
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Apr 15, 2011


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May 29, 2010
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