New, Nervous but Excited.

Nov 26, 2010

Hi all,

my name is Alexis and im new to this site. I am having my surgery Dec. 6th and could use any and all support.

ive lost most friends along the way gaining wieght and also haveing a baby so i dont have too many people to talk too right now.

im so eager to get this over with and make a life time change commitment. I feel like i am being trapped by this fat, and the real me is buried inside just waiting to get out.

Being overwieght has affected my life in soo many ways.

i think my lowest point was when i was at disney land with my son and he was so exicted to ride the go karts and when i got in i relized i didnt fit and the seat belt wouldnt close. they made me get off and i was SUPER embarrassed. I didnt know how bad it was until that point.

ive always been overwieght, with only 1 point as a teen in highschool was i "thin" and even then i thought i was fat.

i gained 85 pounds with my son and then stress just kept it there and then some.

its made me so insecure, i have no sex life and feel very disgusting with my body. i also used to be athletic and now i can barley run around with my son without getting out of breathe even tho i want to push on.

im so extremly thankful for this surgery option, i thought it would never be possible with my insurance but it came through.

i cant wait to start over and find the real me again. ive become angry and down because i dont like who i am.

i hope i can meet some people on here with similer storys.

i am also pretty scared about the hospital and surgery, i dont like needles or hospitals but i know this needs to be done and i will do ANYTHING for this.

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About Me
peapack, NJ
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2010
Member Since

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