Hi everyone, I'm Nicole, i'm a 36yr old mom of 3, married to an amazing man!  I've struggled with my weight all my life. I was first referred to Dr.Vergis in june of 2010, i finally had my first appt with him in January 2011. I was at a weight of 321lbs. First thing he told me was I had to quit smoking ...so i did and haven't touched a cigarette since.  When i went back in march for follow up I had gained a couple pounds and was told they had to come off.  Then back again for another follow up in May and oh crap, 341lbs!! not good, nope , gotta lose the 30lbs :(  so then the summer came and what a very busy time that was ,then the kids started school and i had now ballooned to 352lbs!! 

I decided this was getting ridiculous and started back at the YMCA. I go everyday, monday to friday and work my butt off...i've now lost 22lbs and i'm 330lbs and working to lose the last 10lbs and be 320lbs before my next appt with Dr.Vergis on December 1st.  I'm hoping to get my date soon, very soon!  I'm looking forward to starting my new life! 

About Me
Oct 25, 2011
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