2 strictures and trying to get back on schedule

May 28, 2012

I have had 2 upper endoscopies to stretch strictures (3 weeks apart) and so I finally got over the extreme nausea and vomiting.  And now my stomach seems all stretched out - I can eat so much more.  Plus I know from what I read on the results of the barium swallow that the radiologist thought my stomach was pre-op size.   And my weight loss is going soooooo slow - a pound or so a week.  I never go over 800 calories a day and usually stick around 600 with 60 gms of protein and 50-60 gms of carb.  I'll be able to cut back on carbs when I'm not doing shakes so much and can get in more real meat.  Right now meat sits like a lump no matter how fork tender or if it is canned.

I am discouraged - BUT not discouraged enough to be encouraged to exercise.  Major depression going on. 

