2 weeks postop

Sep 19, 2007

Today my visit with the nurse went well,  bp was good, and I lost 14 pounds, woo hoo, that's a total of 21 pounds adding that 1 week pre op.  I guess I'm feeling pretty good about that, since I can't remember when was the last time I lost that much in 3 weeks time.  I'm glad to finally be able to add a lil more to the menu since I was feeling pretty weak, hard to breathe and had to sit dwn after moving from one room to another.  My nurse Janine, is the bomb, she told me since I was just sipping on Isopure & water, I wasnt getting enough calories and my body, not wanting to use it's fat was taking from my muscle.  She was right, I was having a hard time opening bottle tops, holding up my arms just to do my own hair...I was really wondering.  She told me to have @ least 5 meals a day...which of course isnt much, but it beats isopure & water.  My first meal was oatmeal, made with lactaid milk...mmm mmm i felt better immediately!...and how bout I even ate a baked potato for dinner...and I ate the whollllle thing.  Makes me wonder just how big my pouch REALLY is!  Oh well, I am celebrating my 21 pound total weight loss....YIPPEE!!!

almost 2 wks

Sep 16, 2007

Almost 2 wks out and feeling more and more like me.  I'm able to almost drink a full glass of protein mix @ one sitting, even though it takes me almost 45 minutes.  yayyyy no mo diarhea, a real boo boo...thought i'd never say that.  One thing I do hate is the Lovenex, needles suck!  I find myself jumping on the scales in the morning, but don't really believe what I see, down 25 lbs?  Can't be, It must be broke, or old, perhaps I'll buy a new one.  Either way, I'll wait til my appt to believe what I see.  Isn't that something?  It's right before my eyes and I don't believe it...go figure.  


Jul 13, 2007

AHHHHHHHHH such a good feeling to know that  soon I will be on my way to my new life.  I know it won't be easy but at least I'm ready for it this time.  I've finally told the children about my date  SEPT 5, 2007, and they dont REALLY seem to be interested, that's ok, because once the weight starts dropping off they'll notice. lol.  I find myself writing down all sorts of things I want to accomplish  or do and looking @ catalogues for clothes....woo lawd!  It's exciting to know that my dreams and goals are finally in full bloom....funny how weight affects a person, low energy, low self esteem, moodiness,.......well my monthly may account for some of that moodiness, (lol) but I'm looking forward to a complete overhaul!

changing seasons

Apr 25, 2007

augggggh, today I am home from work, because again I have laryngitis!...the weather is gorgeous and it's time to come out of those winter clothes and bring out the summer ones...only thing is, why did I even THINK I could fit into them?? It's so frustrating putting on a once favorite top and finding it's pretty snug around the back, and knowing how uncomfortable you will feel and how not cute you will look  if you try and wear the dam thing.  cant wait to be on the loser's bench.

Red Lobster

Mar 19, 2007

Last night the family and I went to Red Lobster.  It was in celebration of the children's 3rd marking period or interims.  They were both on the honor roll.  I couldnt help but think, if I were post op what would I be ordering? and also, it made me think, so this is how we reward ourselves,and our children...with food.  I will need to share with my BAF family to see how to handle this in the future.  
Needless to say, I ordered a meal and ate plenty of bread.

3 month visit

Mar 17, 2007

Had my 3 month visit and everything went smooth. My PCP feels ike I do when choosing to do the open RNY or Laparascopic.  I'm leaning towards the Laparascopic, the least invasive.  Besides I keloid so bad it really sux.   Although my friend Charlotte from work, says I'll eventually need my gall bladder removed down the road.  Would be nice to get it done in all shot, but we'll see.  Made my pscyche evaluation, couldnt get a date til may 8th...wow! they must really be booked.  just want things to go smoothly and all loose ends tied up by the end of the sixth month.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 6
2 weeks postop
almost 2 wks
changing seasons
Red Lobster
3 month visit
