Getting to the REAL issues

Feb 03, 2010

So this is day eight for me working through Beck's Diet Solution and I had a difficult day today following my program. There were some successes which I do congratulate myself for however. One of which is that today when I got home I took a long hard look at what was at the root of my desire to binge. Ok, yes I feel like crap today ( catching a cold) and at work today people were pushing food on me like CRACK...but what's really going on. I sat in a quiet place and it came to me that there are some things that I'd been needing to take care of this week that I had been avoiding, or 'just hadn't found the time' to do. Mainly taking care of some financial housekeeping that I am very worried about (fear of the future) and unfinished  classwork(sabbatoging success/fear of failure)  Also some fear and worry about an upcoming event and some resentments towards some people in my life. I decided to get into action. Two hours later here I sit phone calls made, business handeled, and a major binge avoided. Now the resentments are a work in progess...... Baby steps.

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