Back on Track

Nov 08, 2009

My lowest has been 154 lbs.  I put back on about 12 lbs and am working to get back into good habits, again.  Going to get to my original goal of 140 by my 3 yr. anniversary on 2/2/2010.  Excited to feeling good again and healthy forever! 

Long Time

Mar 16, 2008

I can't believe it has been one year since my WLS.  I have officially lost 114 lbs. and I feel great.  I realize that everyday is a new day and with that comes the discipline and reasurrance that WLS is a true lifestyle change.  I have been feeling the emotional desire to eat when I am sad and therefore I must work extra hard to keep myself busy and not idle.  Being idle allows me to think too much about my challenges, challenges that I feel I don't have control over.  At least I recognize that I do eat when sad or stressed so now I can really handle it better.  I feel great and am wearing a size 8 for the first time in my life!  I was happy to return to a size 12, I was never less than that and now I can see that as I reach my goal I will probably being wearing a size 6! 

Trying to Upload New Avitar

Dec 02, 2007

It looks so 'cold' and impersonal, BUT I am determinded to add my new look (loss of 100 lbs. in 10 months) to my profile but I can't seem to get the size just right, so until then I will have no picture....wish me look!

Officially Have Lost Forever 100 lbs.!

Dec 02, 2007

I actually read 173.0 lbs. on my scale!  I can officially say I have lost forever 100 lbs. in 10 months!  My goal now is a loss of about 40 more lbs.  I feel so well!  I am so HAPPY! 

Feeling Great

Nov 27, 2007

     I can't believe it has been over 3 months since I last updated my blog!  Time is rolling along and I am busy, but good and productive busy.  I have officially lost 99 lbs. since my journey with WLS.  I am not going to give myself another pound to make that 100 lbs loss until I actually see 173 lbs. on my scale.  I am kinda stuck right now and I know why and I am working on getting back on track.  I am not hungry and I forget to drink and eat more protein.  I feel great and have received so many nice compliments about my weight loss.  I sometimes wander just how 'bad' I appeared to people before?  My 'old' confident self is reemerging and I really missed ME!  A lot of personal changes going on with spouse but that was all inevitable  so I'm ok with that.  Took holiday pictures for Thanksgiving with my brother and sisters and Pop and I can't wait to put them on display.  "I feel pretty".  I have 44 more pounds to loose to reach my goal and then I am looking forward to getting my 'lifts'.  Don't look forward to the actual operations but I do look forward to the results.  I am learning more about nutrition and I love sharing the information with others, I do wait until they ask so I don't sound preachy.  Any how, I feel great and that has been my desire for many, many years.  I'll be 47 in about 3 months and I thank God for every new moment I have been given.  Hasta...

A Long Time But Not Really

Aug 03, 2007

Wow, it has been a long time since I have been here.  I am keeping myself busy, fun busy so I don't take the time to write down what is going on....
I have lost forever 80 lbs. and have 63 more to loose until I feel like my 'old' self again!   I feel great and know that I am blessed with the way my weight loss and surgery have been going.  I really watch my food intake and I often think, "why didn't I do this before?"  Only God knows and I am not going to beat myself up trying to figure out why.  Too much was going on in my life and know I not only have control of my food but of my life!  I am feeling like my self-confidence is coming back and I have so much energy.  I am going to see my famliy in about one week and I am really excited!  First of all we will all be flying and I love trips like that.  I want my father to be proud of my weight loss.  If I hadn't had my surgery I would very well have been diabetic and my knees would be so bad.  I want to be healthy for my family and to be able to be a good 'healty' example for my children.  I am trying to get to bed at a descent time too, so I can get up early and start my water.  That
sometimes seems to go by the wayside.  So goodnight for now.

Back On Track

May 01, 2007

What a difference now that I am back on track.  I forget to 'eat' so I haven't been seeing the loss on the scale!  Now I am back to a good schedule.  I need to sleep on time and get up on time.  I need to get my motivation to visit the gym also.  I have reached one goal of my 50 lb. weight loss!  -51 lbs as of May 1st.  Feel good....

Wow, Time Goes Bye

Apr 28, 2007

Wow, time does go bye whether we want it to or not!  It has been over one month since I have had the energy and time to update my blog.  I have been doing well with my WLS but today I feel like I am 'stuck'.  I am not going to let myself get down.  I wish it was showing on the scale more, my clothes are letting me know that I am loosing.  I gave out two large bags of my old/big clothes.  I am into size 18-20 and I am not going to purchase any new clothes until I get down under 200 lbs.  I will have to then, but just the basics, pants, blouse or two.  I am feeling 'hungry' not head hunger but real stomach hunger.  I am sleeping in later and that doesn't help with me getting my food/protein in.  I seem to get all my water needs in and vitamins/supplements but I don't 'eat' enough I guess.  I have great protein powders and premade stuff but I get too preoccuppied and forget to eat!  I haven't had the energy or time to go to the gym or I just don't feel like going.  I have an infected big toe and that isn't helping me feel up to doing much.  I am real excited about my Tupperware business but I need to get my ovaries out and share it with a lot more people...  Well, I think I will get on the scale tomorrow and see what it shows.  I am not going to meet my goal of being 215 lbs by May 1st but that is going to be OK.  I will get there.... 

Getting Compliments

Mar 20, 2007

I am receiving quite a few compliments from friends who haven't seen me in awhile and they notice the weight loss.  I have mixed feelings about this becuase I think "wow, was I that 'unattractive' before?"  I feel good and somewhat pretty again.  I can see my looks as I see myself coming back.  I am a Tupperware Consultant and I am so excited about the opportunity because Ifeel good about me!!!  I know I can be really successful at this if I choose!  I fit into a lot of my clothes that really are nice.  I've only had to buy a bra because I didn't want to be too saggy!  I have too many differnt sizes in my clothes but for now that is good.  I won't buy any new clothes until I get to my desired weight.  I am sooooooo happy!  Poop is under control, need fiber every other day to be regular.  I am blesssed thus far and thank God for my family and friends, and especially my new chance on life....

Feeling The Loss

Mar 16, 2007

I feel the loss but I wish the scale showed more of a loss!  I have been told NOT to keep weighing myself, daily.  I feel the loss in my clothes.  I had to buy a new bra!  I was wearing a 46E!  I bought a 42DD, they no longer sag down to my bellybutton.  I can also wear a blouse that a week or so ago didn't button at the very bottom.  Mercedes tried to button it and said, "not quite yet".  I wore it yesterday and it fits!  I am going to look nice every day so I feel good.  I am eating a bit at a time but I am actually eating real food.  I do not crave anything actually.  I enjoy sitting and eating and not eating on the run and I know how much and what I am eating.  I have to keep reminding myself to excercise, exercise.  I have been able to do 1/2 mile in about 12 minutes on the treadmill. I have a goal to do 1 mile by the end of this month.  I can do it.  Family is so supportive.  Goal #2:  by the end of April to have lost at least 50 lbs. total

About Me
Red Bluff, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 21, 2006
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 29
Long Time
Trying to Upload New Avitar
Officially Have Lost Forever 100 lbs.!
Feeling Great
A Long Time But Not Really
Back On Track
Wow, Time Goes Bye
Getting Compliments
Feeling The Loss
