Wow what a ride! June 2011 exactly 2 years 6 months after surg

May 29, 2011

 I had my surgery 2 and 1/2 years ago.  Life has changed.  I am more confident than ever.  I have a new obsession, shopping.  i love trying on clothes.  something i hated before.  I can wear stylish clothes and even better,  I can wear high heels!  When I was heavy I couldn't walk in high heeled shoes   I love looking pretty!  I take better care of myself because I now have a better outlook on life.  I want to show up for life in general.  Before I would sit indoors and not want to move.  

Some people question me and ask if i regret doing the surgery because I have trouble with iron absorbtion.  To me, that is a small price to pay for what I look like and feel like today.  Not to mention the fact that I know I was heading for high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol if I didn't stop doing what I was doing .  My boys are proud of me and that means the world to me. 

Life is good and I have DR DARIUS AMERI to thank.  Dr Amerie has so much compassion for his patients, he really cares.  He is so happy to see his patients succeed.   I am very happy with the new me!  

Cindy F


My One Year Surgiversary!!!

Jan 20, 2010

I still can't believe more than a year has past since my surgery.  I am so grateful that I have my life back.  I have gone from a size 24 - 26 to a size 0 - 2 petite!  I feel so good about what I have accomplished and I know none of it would have been possible without the great work of my surgeon Dr Darius Ameri!  I have been truly blessed and feel so much better about the way I look and feel.

My family is so proud of me.  It's a nice feeling to see my two sons not worry about their mom.   I went from 236 lbs at my highest weight in May of 2008 to my current weight which bounces between 101 - 106 lbs .

I can walk in to a store and shop for normal clothes!  It is so exciting!

October makes 10 months gone! Past goal and loving life!

Oct 31, 2009

I will be forever grateful for taking this journey.  I have gotten my life back.  I still have to do a double take when I see my relection in the mirror.  It feels so good to be able to move around and not be in pain with my back and knees.  It's not 100% better but it is not getting worse and I at least can move.  I no longer look around when I walk into a room and think "I am the fattest one here".  I no longer have to try and hide or sit in the back of the room so no one notices me.  I do not have the fear of someone sitting to close in an office waiting room because I always took up a chair and a half.  I can cross my legs!  My thighs do not rub together.  I am the perfect weight for my height!!! YEAH!!!!

I have a new lease of life!  Thank you god! 

9 months out - 129 lbs gone!

Sep 24, 2009

What a difference this surgery has made in my life.  I feel so much more confident and happy with my new body.  My family is proud of me.  My boys are not so worried about me anymore.  My hubbs is happy that I feel better!  (I am sure he is happy with the way I look as well).

I went from a size 24 - size 4.  Never in a million years did I ever imagine looking and feeling this way!


38 lbs to go to get to my goal!!!

Mar 18, 2009

Well I haven't updated this for a bit so I figured I would jump on and add a bit.  I am 13 weeks out since my RNY but still on a liquid diet.  I am getting a bit frustrated but try not to dwell.  I am happy with the 64 lbs gone and that makes it all worth while.

I went in last Tuesday, March 10th for a scope and they found the hole that the food exits from the pouch was closed off.  They said it was somewhat common after sugery due to scar tissue and such.  The put a balloon inside the opening (which was open like a slit) and the blew it up to dialate the hole.  My blood work is fine and I am hoping with time my eating will get better.,  So far it has not helped.  I am tiered of protien shakes and skim milk.  lol

I went from a size 24 pants for 16 some day I fit in 14s depending on the style and cut. 

By biggest success is that my hubby, 2 sons and I joined a health club.  We are all working out 5 days a week.  I do swimming and water walking so far until my back doc clears me to do more.

I am so happy my life is changing for the better.  I feel I am a better wife, mother and employee since I dropped the weight. 

I have confidence again!  It feels so good.  Someone told me the other day I look 10 years younger!!! That was the best compliment yet.

Ok back to work!! 

7 weeks down

Feb 04, 2009

I am discouraged on some days because it seems everything makes me sick.  I am working on sipping slower and trying to find some foods that will work for me.  I feel good about my weight loss but wish it would just melt away quicker.  I know I need to move more and that will be my goal for this upcoming month.

3 weeks down!

Jan 05, 2009

I am feeling ok 3 weeks out.  I just started to get a routine back of getting my vitamins in.   still on CIB (sugar free of course) and skim milk stil on the liquids for another 7 days then I start pureed food.  It's so amazing how everyone on this site has different times of starting each different stage.  I guess it's the doctors that vary.    I am getting use to it and it's not all that bad.  Really I think I am afraid to eat.   It's easier just not to although I know that's not the way this is intended.  I will just roll with it as the doctor tells me to and hope for the best.   I did take the advise on here about not weight although it kills me not to step on the scale in the morning I am glad I haven't given in to temptation.  I am going to try to weigh once a week for now then I may move the scale where I can't see it.

Have a great, healthy, happy day!

I am back to work :(

Jan 05, 2009

Not loving it but I had to do it so I would not lose my vacation time for 2009.  I am doing ok.  Down a size in my pants but I think that was mostly from my 2 week fast before surgery!  I am working on getting more protien but have to find something I can tolerate the taste of.  So far skim milk with carnation sugar free power mix gives me 15 grams for 8 0z.  I need to up that a bit so I don't have to drink so much.  I am doing better with my water.  I am so anxious to look smaller!!! I can't wait.  Coming back to work last week only 21/2 weeks after surgery I was getting the once over - up and down look to see how thin I got! GHEEZZZ I wish I told some of my co-workers I was going in for gahlblatter surgery!  hahaha

I will check in later!

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I am home!

Dec 18, 2008

Surgery done, I feel ok.  I went in on 12/15.  Today is 12/18 and I am doing OK.  A lot of gas but otherwise ok.  Slow going.  My surgery went well (said Dr Ameri).  I missed my family terribly.  I am glad to be home but nervous.  Thanks to all of you for sending me well wishes and support.  You are all so GREAT!  Give yourselves a big kiss on the forehead! \

Thanks, Cindy
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all my post op appts are made!

Nov 03, 2008

All my appts are made and I am getting excited and nervous!

Yeah!  41 days till surgery!!!!!!!!

About Me
Bradford, MA
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2008
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Big Mama Fitzy

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all my post op appts are made!
