wishing for 100

Jan 12, 2012

 I've lost 96.6 pounds so far and 100 is around the corner but taking its time!


Aug 31, 2011

Its been 16 months since my rny and ive finally hit overweight at 190 pounds and am so happy about that. Now its my goal to be normal by june :)


Mar 08, 2011

Well i finally did it i'm 83 pounds down and got my pinkey toe in wonderland at 199 pounds.Now i'm just dreading the scale as it tends to bounce up and down it can be such a killjoy at times but today im happy !

So close!

Feb 25, 2011

I weighed in at 201.5lbs today and so close to wonderland i can taste it! It is dragging on soooo slowly now and its hard to be patient.Not complaining just saying...lol. I am very happy with the 80pounds i have lost in 10 months.

Trying to be optimistic

Dec 12, 2010

Its been 7 and a half months and i'm sure many would say that 69 pounds is a great loss and it is but i can't help feeling i should be doing better than i am. I've only lost 4 pounds a month the last two months. I had a terrible fall and tailbone injury 7 weeks ago and that cut out all my exercise. It was so painfull i could hardly walk and is just now feeling good enough to not cry every time i move. 

Failure is so scary and always hanging over my shoulder telling me this is only temporary just like every other thing i've tried to loose weight. Logically i know it's not.I feel as if the loss is going to stop and i have over 50 pounds just to get to a normal BMI. Seems like onederland is taking forever to get t and i've only got 11 more pounds to get there.

Happy Happy Happy!

Sep 29, 2010

I'm so happy today

I have made it half way to my goal in just 5 months woo hoo! Still have a hard time believing it. I now have less to loose than i have allready lost. It makes me want to cry tears of joy. I'm down to 219 and wonderland is just around the corner,I hope to be there at 7 months God willing.

I just opend a home based kindergarten from my home and it keeps me very busy so i never think about food like i used too which was all the time. I'ts unbeleivable how much my life revolved around food before. Now i have to find other ways to fill up time and emotional needs. My attitude has changed as well and i get out alot more now that some new energy and confidence has found me.

I can't wait to see what i will look like by june when i will be going back to the states to see my family.


Slow looser

Aug 22, 2010

I have come to the conclusion that i am a slow looser compared to others and am ok with that as long as i keep on losing. It's been 16 weeks since surgery and i have lost 48 pounds as of today. I'm feeling much better and i have been walking at least 3-4 times a week. My doctor says im doing fine but i admit it is hard not to compare myself to some of the bigger losers on this sight. Still i am greatfull to have so much information at hand by people who have had the same kinds of experiences that i have had or am going through.

It's starting to sink in!

Jul 01, 2010

Ok its been 2 months, I'm down 32 pounds and it's starting to sink in that this time I'm really going to loose this weight. You would think that that concept would come readily but after so much failure for so long its hard to wrap my mind around it. I already feel better than i have in years health wise,vitiamins and a good diet are probably to blame. lol, who knew! I actullly went swimming for the first time in four years and it felt great. And finally some of my clothes are starting to fall off of me,YEAH!
1 comment

on hold

Jun 04, 2010

I know im lucky to have had this surgery and i am losing weight at a fast rate but i feel like my life is on hold. Just waiting for the new me to emerge or should i say the me i used to be 20 years ago. I was quite attractive in my youth and got alot of attention. I think im having a mid life crisis here. Not sure how its going to feel to get my confidence and voice back after all these years of feeling bad about myself and my life here in Saudi Arabia. Can a person start over after 40? I wonder if my life is half over or just beginning. Just getting it off my chest.


Jun 01, 2010

I've lost a total of 22 pounds so far and figured out from this sight that i needed much more protein and calories than i was getting to start losing more. Unlike most on this sight i live in Saudia Arabia, paid cash for my surgery and and its not required to see a nut or nutritionist and my information post surgery was very limited. I'm greatful for all the help i get here and the blogs everyone posts. I started using my tread mill every other day for two miles but think i will try and do it every day if i can starting this week. I havent felt any real wow moments yet but im sure that will come as more weight comes off. I did find some good protein shakes at GNC here and am so thankfull for those. I started vitiamins 3 days ago and so far so good although it seems like alot of pills to take all the time and my stools have turned completely black, im guessing its the iron pill. Im getting a bit more energy although i had a tooth pulled and all i wanted to do is sleep because of the pain and had to start a round of antibiotics as well, more pills!


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