tough times

Jun 15, 2010

yesterday i did some serious research about gastric baloon.
i am seriously considering this, because i feel it would be a good decision for me.
now the only thing standing in the way is the funding.
i live in ireland, and most insurance companies don't cover the costs of weightloss surgery or items like a gastric baloon.
i was reading some threads, on how women have a tough time after getting it done, especially the diet they follow. it's a total liquid diet for a week.
so now i decided to give that a try, the liquid diet for a week (not that it is going to be easy, being a foodlover like me) and today i weaned down on normal food.
it was extremely tough as i may add, just like after having a baby (i had 4 c-sections) were not allowed any food, only liquids, and after a few hours dry toast.
so that is what i did.
it was very hard. only had 1 sandwich with cheese. and before that i had crackerbread like 2. the rest tea (without sugar) and diet 7up.  lets see how tomorrow will be :) hope it won't be as tough as today.

first week of serious dieting

Jun 13, 2010

okay so this is my first blog entry so it is going to be long!
so since having a huge wake up call a few weeks ago, i was determined to do something about how i look and feel inside.
so last week i finally started to do a serious diet, and i find it very hard to stick too, but now on the 8th day, it is getting easier.
the most hard for me was to break the habbit of suggary drinks like coke, fanta etc.
i never liked the 'diet' versions of it, so it is still a challenge for me not to drink it, but i think i have overcome it now.
also i love suggary foods and sweets, so that was also extremely hard to stop.
the second part of my weightloss routine is also hard to stick too, the excercises.
i am happy that i own a nintendo wii with the 'biggest loser' game on it. so i started that too now.
i was a bit challenged with it because i did not do any excercise at all before, so i'm having alot of muscle pain especially in my upper thighs.
but it is something that i hopefully will get used to when continuing the excercise routines.
also being a young mother of 4 young children is making it a challenge too, because we have sooo much junkfood in the house and it is not something i can stop buying, but it is a challenge for me not too touch the sweets and crisps.
this is turning in an essay now, but i just want to write as much down, so i can reflect on it later.
i do know what i am working towards too, so if i go out i won't be too embarrassed about how i look, and would be able to wear more 'revealing' clothing, rather that 'cover my body' clothing!

About Me
portlaoise laois, ireland, XX
Jun 13, 2010
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