When it rains it pours...out of your mouth

Apr 21, 2009

Well yesterday I had a hell of a day!  First of all I couldn't hold down my food.  I was puking and couldn't stop even when I had nothing in my stomach.  I couldn't even drink water without feel sick.  I called Cathy and she got me in to see the people in angio.  Well that doc said my port was flipped.  He even gave me a shot to numb the spot where he would stick me and I seriously think I had some sort of allergic reaction.  Now that I look back it wasn't until he gave me that I started having shortness of breath and my back and side really started to ache.  I couldn't get comfortable.  Then Cathy got me into see a doctor in McDevitt's office.  Bless Dr. Tober!  He got in the port no problem and pulled out all the saline I had.  I felt so much better.  I know I wasn't overfilled because Cathy, Dr. McDevitt, and Joyce all said that I was eating the right amount.  (I few days before I was complaining that I wasn't eating enough.)  They all seem to think I had a stomach virus that is going around.  But OMG!  I felt like I was going to puke my insides out because that's what was left in me.  When the doc was done Cathy gave me some water and it was the best water I ever tasted.  I drank water and broth for the rest of the day.  I feel a lot better now.  I haven't gotten all my energy back to normal but that will come with time.  Right now I need to concentrate on not over eating and falling back into bad habits.  Keep my eye on the goal!  I'm hoping to, at the very least, maintain.  Hey if I can lose a pound or 2 during this time of no restriction that I need to have a ticker tape parade!  We'll see how everything goes while I'm TAD next week.  With all those restaurants around I know temptation will be even harder to resist but I have a game plan.  I'm going to get some protein powder to mix up in my hotel room and I'm going to go by the commissary to get food for the week.  The easiest way not to stray is to make it yourself.


About Me
Beaufort, SC
Surgery Date
May 19, 2008
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