Am I making the right desicion?

Jun 05, 2009

Up till 5 years ago I was only just s little big... but after being caregver to my sister till she died and then being caregiver to my mom ( just a month later) and then starting college one month later...( I have no idea why those 4 months were sp stressfull to me, do you? LOL) I started gaining wieght and no matter what diet what excercise pan I was on nothing happened.. i just kept gaining and gaining... I had all the blood test ran and everything but my Cholesteral was normal..@ 245lbs. it is time to do something.. I looked at the bands and they scare the hell out of me, one slip and it is back in for an adjustment... I camp and hike to much for that problem and then I really didn't want to do traditional gastric bypass.. then  ran across the DS surgery. immediantly I looked up the worst possible sideeffects and complications and it did not seem so bad. So off I went to meet with my surgeron Dr. Donald Maynard. he was a caring soul, you could tell right away.. you have questions? he and his staff will stop what they are doing and answer or get you the answer.

I was lucky my insurnce had no set time but he had 3 months... so off I went my surgery is July 15th 2009... i have a packed month of June we have Boy Scout Summer camp and one son has wrestling camp and for the last week of the month the boys will be at their grandparents YEAH!!! I have 3 teeneage sons... in July they will go back to their gradparents for 10 days so that I can have the surgery and get home before they come home. they know I am going into the hospital they are not sure for what... I told them I am having my gallbladder and appendix removed.... just 2 years ago they saw their aunt with all of the tubes and drains in ( she had Brain Cancer) and i didn't want them to see me like that... I want to be at home in my own bed getting better before they get here...

after all of this work and pain we are taking all of our family all parents, kids, all 10 of us on a cruise for christmas..( they better not want something else for christmas) and we are going to enjoy ourselves and relax for once... But I want to look nice in the family formal pictures... is that a bad thing? This picture is going to last for a while and I want to be able to look at it and not cringe....

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Mar 28, 2009
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