9/6/05  Hey!  I'm Dianne.  I'm 47 (well, almost 48) and live in the Upstate of SC.  My story is like most...overweight from childhood on.  Lost 100 lbs twice in my lifetime through diet and exercise, only to gain it back and then some (I am my own worst enemy!!).  I researched RNY surgery about 5 years ago, but kept thinking that I didn't need to get that drastic about losing weight.  Since then, I have gained and lost the same 40-50 pounds at least 3 times.  I'm miserable in my own skin....so now is the time!!  I am attending a lecture on the surgery on 9/21 at Spartanburg Regional (from what I understand, this is the first step).  This also happens to be the same day that I have an appointment for a physical with my family doctor (gives me a chance to get my letter of support!!).  Wish me luck!!

Oh yeah, did I tell you that I am the Office Manager at Krispy Kreme??  PRAY FOR ME!!!

9/21/05  My birthday was last week, and now I am 48...and feel about 90!!  But seriously, I had my physical today with my family doctor.  After giving my list of ailments, I told her that I was considering WLS.  She was so positive about it.  She had several patients that have had it, and none have regretted it.  She told me that I would be an EXCELLENT candidate for the surgery.  While I have some arthritic problems with my knees, swelling in my legs and sleeping problems, my blood pressure is 116 over 74, and my EKG was normal.  They did the lab work and are setting me up for a sleep study, then I will go back to see her on 10/24.  Tonight is the lecture at Spartanburg Regional with Dr. Ross.  I'm getting started!!!

9/21/05  3:30 pm....WOW that was quick!  I just got a call from SleepWorks to do my sleep study tonight!!  So, now I go to the lecture, then to the sleep study.  I probably won't even sleep, because I'll be so excited!!

9/22/05  Well, I have sleep apnea.  Unofficially I had 67 episodes and they woke me up and put a CPAP machine on me.  The first one was just on my nose.  I couldn't take the pressure (setting was 14) on my sinus cavities and she put a full mask on me.  That seemed better.  But silly me...when I finally got back to sleep my cell phone alarm went off!!!  I hope that I don't have to go back again.

9/24/05  I had the pleasure of participating in the Walk From Obesity in Spartanburg today.  I gave it my best effort, but was unable to walk the full 3 miles (feet and legs were killing me).  This was my "before" walk, so we will see how it goes next year!!

10/28/05  Wow, been almost a month since I have updated.  Let's see...where do I start.

My PCP got all my paperwork together for me to take to Spartanburg Regional Weight Loss Center.  She got the office notes from all my doctors, along with her letter of support. 

All I had left to do was to go to my gyn/oncologist to get clearance from a very rare cancer that I had in 1999.  It was called granulosa cell tumor and was completely encapsulated in my ovary...didn't rupture and never had to have chemo.  We just did a blood test on the inhibin hormone level in my blood every year to check for any changes.  Well, wouldn't you know it...it was elevated.  Through me completely for a loop.  The dr wanted to do a retest, because labs can make mistakes.  I sent out prayer requests all over, and God worked in a mighty way....the test came back normal!!!

In the meantime, I had my visit with Norma at Spartanburg Regional (298 lbs on 10/19/05) and we got started.  My psych eval had to take place in 2 appointments.  The first one was Tuesday, and the next one is 11/14/05.  I got the paperwork from the pulmologist on my sleep apnea and I have an appointment with him on 11/9/05.  So...unless anyone cancels before the 14th, it will be until then (and days after) before all my paperwork can be sent to the insurance company. 

I was really hoping that I could have surgery before the end of the year, but I'm thinking that time will run out before we get all the approvals back.

12/8/05 - Wow, I haven't updated in a while.  I saw my pulmologist, and have gotten my CPAP machine.  I actually had over 21 times that my oxygen level dropped into the 70's.  I'm still trying to get used to it, but I sure can go to sleep better when I use my CPAP machine.

I finished my psych eval, but it took over 2 weeks for the report to get to the surgeon's office.  I finally have a consult scheduled with Dr. Ross on Dec. 15.  I start getting so anxious about...just wanting to get the surgery done.  But I have to breathe deeply and be patient.  In the Lord's time, it will happen.  And if it doesn't, it's not time, yet. 

Christmas musical.  I thought I looked "festive"!!!  NOT!!!.......

12/20/05  Fighting depression today.  My son is going to be with his dad for Christmas (on a cruise!!)....first time in 14 years!!  My dad is going to Florida to see my brother...so I am going to be completely alone on Christmas morning.  Thank God it's on Sunday and we have a worship service at 10 am.  I'll just have to go visiting, to keep from feeling too sorry for myself. 

Sleeping with my CPAP machine is a hit or miss.  I generally start coughing sometime during the night and have to pull it off.  I've also had a couple of mornings where my teeth are killing me.  I've always suspected that I grind my teeth at night, so now I am wearing my night guard, too!!  In general, I think I'm getting better sleep....I just need to get to bed earlier!!

My appointment with Dr. Ross went great.  Now, I'm just waiting to hear when they sent my info to the insurance company.  Then I can start calling Cigna to find out where it is in the process.  My boss is very supportive of the surgery, but he really wants me to have it done by the middle of January.  I'm not even approved yet.....It's kind of out of my hands!!

12/21/05 - Cigna has my insurance paperwork.  It's in their system and the status is "pending"!!!  Please pray for a quick answer!!

12/27/05 - Called Cigna and I'm APPROVED!!!  I'm numb!!  I have so much going on with work, I don't hardly know how to act.

12/28/05 - Got a little paranoid and called Cigna again, to confirm what I heard on my cell about the approval....and again, YES!!

12/29/05 - Angie (my little insurance angel!!) from Dr. Ross' office called and confirmed the approval, yet again!!  We set up my visit with Dr. Ross on 1/13....pre-op work on 1/16 and surgery on 1/23!!  wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!  Looks like 2006 is going to be my year!!

12/30/05 - You know, there are so many times when you have somebody that you work with/for that go above and beyond their daily duties. When another opportunity comes their (which also pays more), the Company is forced with a decision of fighting for a good hardworking employee or letting them go on to pursue the new opportunity.

Well, I'm happy to say that my company saw the value of an employee like that, chose to fight for the employee, was able to very generously compensate her. So, now, my "right hand woman" (who handles things when I'm out of the office) has decided to stay!!

You guys don't know how much of my stress have been relieved with that decision. I can now have my surgery on the 23rd and not worry every day about what is happening at work!!!

1/27/06  Ok, let's see what all has happened.  I went to the southern New England states for the first 10 days of the year for work (got to see some real pretty snowfall!!  Came back home and life was good.  I had my pre-op set up for Jan 16 and my surgery on Jan 23.  When I went for my pre-op, I was already coughing.  I proceeded to have cough/cold/fever/chestcongestion the following day and by Thursday, I had to call and postpone my surgery.  It was probably just as well, because I didn't want to feel soooo bad leading up to surgery.  It's now Friday and my surgery is on Monday (Jan 30 at 10:30 am).  Although I'm still a little congested, I'm feeling sooo much better.  And I'm really starting to get excited about the surgery.  I'm trying to think of foods that I won't get to eat for a while....and on the most part, I'm kind of over most foods (although I have had ice cream every night this week)!!  I got my surgery handbook during my pre-op appointment with Norma.  I've been reading it through to be prepared, and trying to get my exercises in before surgery.  My son took my pre-op pictures this week, so I will be trying to get them posted (of course, I may have to wait until I have some after pictures to go with it)!  Well, still trying to clear up clutter in the house before I go in the hospital!!  I'll probably update when I'm on the losing side!!  WoooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before pics were taken on Sunday 1/29 during my cleaning up time.  My last surgeon visit was 1/13 and fully clothed I was at 302 lbs. 

2/4/06  Wow what a week.  I want to thank my angels, Genny C and Malia R, who did an awesome job in staying in touch with my and my dad during my surgery.  You guys have really helped me in knowing what is happening or is going to happen.  I love you guys!!!

My surgery was on Monday, Jan 30.  Everything went ok.  I was up and walking Monday night and was really feeling great and on the ball with everything. 

On Tuesday, I was up and walking around the nurses station early with the physical therapist.  Life was good!!!  I went down for the "leak test" at about 10 am.  I was still feeling pretty good.  When the doc came in, they gave me almost 2 tablespoons of the "stuff" to swallow.  Then had me turn to the left and gave me 2 more tablespoons....then back to the right and, you guessed it, 2 more tablespoons.  It was nasty and I believe started the next 2 days of nausea for me.  I tried to drink my protein drink and stuff that afternoon, but just couldn't.  I sucked on ice chips and had shots of zofran and phenigren. I had several visitors at the hospital, but don't know how coherent I was!!

On Wednesday, I was up again, first thing walking around the nurses station.  I was feeling pretty good, but had a little nagging headache.  I stayed in a chair for half the morning, but then decided to get back in bed.  My headache become even more intense and the nurse gave me some demeral.  Bad choice....it went straight through me and then back up.....uuuugggghhhhh!!!!  They tried zofran, phenigren and finally imitrex (which did the trick).  I was so groggy for my visitors, yet again, today!!!

On Thursday, Dr. Ross was concerned about my headaches and such and was going to let me stay in the hospital another night if I felt like I needed it.  We decided to wait until lunch time to see how I was feeling by then to see if we could make any improvements.  I took everything real slow today, because I was determined to go home.  Everything stayed down!!  Yeah!!!  So, home we went!!

On Friday, Every day is getting better.  I like to refer to my days in the hospital as the pain with childbirth.  Over time you forget how much it hurt.  And as my pastor's wife keeps reminding me....THIS IS what we prayed for....God will see us through it!!!  I'm so glad that this part of it is over.  Sure I have incision pain, but the nausea is gone and I am now concentrating on sip, sip, sip......walk, walk, walk!!!

3/12/06  Geez...I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted.  I'm unofficially down 34 lbs (I don't go back to the doc until March 28).  I started back to work on March 20th (6 - 8 hrs a day) for 4 days.  The first couple of days I was very exhausted.  Then I followed this up by meeting some wonderful people from the wls singles board in the Smoky Mountains.  Such an awesome weekend getting to meet people who had offered me such support these last 8 months.  Then it's back to work full speed the following week.  Yikes!!! 

I feel totally normal except at meal time.  My doctor moves us through food stages rather quickly....he found that if he started patients on solids earlier they had less chance of strictures later on.  The opening would sometimes heal up smaller since it only had liquids going through it.  Anyways....in a couple of weeks I went from liquids to just about anything.  I start every day out with a protein shake (and sometimes end with one too...gotta get that protein in!!!), then I mostly eat tuna, refried beans w/cheese and light s. cream, chicken, eggs, cream soups, mock lasagna (all the ingredients - hamburger, light Ragu, mozerrella and ricotta, but no noodles).....  I make a protein snack with peanut butter (simply jif), spenda and protein powder....keep it refrigerated and just eat with a spoon.  This really satisfies my sweet tooth!!

I'm feeling GREAT!!!  I haven't had any issues with throwing up or anything getting stuck.  I've had a little nausea from time to time, but haven't gotten sick since I was in the hospital.  It's been fun to go shopping in my closet!!!  I am such a packrat that I have held onto every size that I grew into!!  I'm already down 2 sizes and looking forward to dropping even more.  I know I still have 100-130 lbs to lose, but I am well on my way and enjoying every step of this awesome journey.  Thank you, Jesus!!!!!

5/7/06 - Wow, I'm really slack at this updating of the old profile!!  I'm hanging in there and doing really good.  I still am not real good at consistent exercise.  It just seems that there is never enough time in the day for EVERYTHING that I need to do.  This has not changed with the surgery!!  LOL!! 

I'm a little over 3 months out and have lost 59 lbs.  Sometimes it seems that the scale never moves, then it finally goes down a pound.  I haven't been one of those who gets on a stall, then it goes down about 10 pounds!  But I am so very grateful for each and every pound that it does go down!! 

I started this journey wearing a size 26 pants.  2 months ago, I decided to go to the mall.  I had a little WOW moment and took a size 20 and 18 to the dressing room.  The 20 was loose, so I tried the 18 and they fit!!  wooooooooohooooooo!!  I fought with myself not to buy them.  Well, this weekend, our choir at church had a concert.  Since I haven't bought anything yet, I decided that I would go and get the 18's.  When I got to the store, they didn't have any...but they did have 16's.  Well, it was worth a try....so I tried them.  THEY FIT!!!!!  I felt pretty good tonight, and praising Jesus....what more could I ask for!!!  

7/1/06  Once again, I've let time slip by and haven't updated my profile!!  I'm 5 months out and have lost 81 pounds (started at 302 and now at 221).  My goal is 160 pounds, so I am 61 pounds from goal!!  Yeah!!!!!

July 16, 2006  Hello ya'll!!  Well, I'm still hanging in there.  Let me try to backtrack on my last few months.  I was promoted to Assistant Manager at Krispy Kreme in Greenville, SC.  With that promotion, came a lot of PHYSICAL work....which is a blessing in disguise, because that put my weight loss into high gear!!  It's like going to work and work out at the same time!!  Good for me, since I never seem to have any time anyway!!  So, now I feel even better about the weight loss, and still get a goooooood night's sleep!!  Right now I am at 216 (86 pounds).  My son, Daniel and his girlfriend, Jennifer after his graduation:I'm in a bit of a rut with my food.  I fix some kind of chicken or hamburger dish for lunch and dinner.  Breakfast is pretty non-existent since I started working 2nd shift.  I will eat my "lunch" as my first meal, then leave for work about 1:30 or 2.  Since the job is so physical, I don't eat while I'm at work....or if I do it's a bite or two of a protein bar, while I'm counting down a cash drawer.  Then I will eat the chicken or hamburger dish again when I get home...anywhere between 12:30 - 2:00 am.  Then I go to sleep and do it all over again.  I need to try to come up with something more interesting to eat.....everything just seems kind of blah...
8/2/06  Well, hey again!!  I had my 6 month follow-up with Dr. Ross.  He is very proud of my progress.  His scales say I have lost 85 pounds (which was 2 weeks ago).  And today my scales say 211, which is 91 pounds gone forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am only 9 pounds away from being a member of the Century Club and 12 pounds away from Onderland.  I've been real bad about setting even the smallest goals, but I am now.  I want to have my Century Club card by the end of August and into Onderland by my birthday on September 12.  I'm also going on a cruise on October 14.  So I am going to push for being down to 185 by cruise time!!!  That all means that I need to kick up my exercise.  My exercise....  Except for all the walking around and bending, stooping and lifting that I do at work, it is pretty much non-existant.  I still have my bow-flex, bycicle, eliptical machine and an ab-lounger.....so I have the resources to work my body.  Not to mention the pool at my dad's house.  So, now with these goals, I have to JUST DO IT!!!!!Food.... Dr. Ross told me that my labwork indicated that everything was fine except that my protein was a little low.  When I started working different shifts, I did change my eating habits.  I used to drink a protein shake every morning on the way to work...and finish it at work (I never could drink it all before getting to work).  So, since I wasn't sitting in an office, it just got wasted and now I don't do that.  I also had time to eat lunch...and now I don't.  So, I usually just have a meal before work and a meal after work.  I posted earlier about how much of a rut that I was in.  And I'm still there.  But for my health, I gotta get more protein in....although sometimes I just want a popsicle!!!  Support.....I have been involved with an Upstate Support group that meets in Greenville every Monday.  There are mostly patients of Dr. Bours, and a few of Dr. Rowitz and a few of Dr. Ross.  My work schedule has been such that I can't get there on Mondays.  Spartanburg Regional has a monthly support group meeting, but it is structured and there isn't much time to "socialize" with other wls patients there.  So my dear friend, Debra Spencer, and I have started a group in Spartanburg.  Right now, we are meeting every other Thursday at McAlister's Deli at Dorman Center, 7 pm, in Spartanburg.  So far we have had 1 meeting, which was great.  And our next one is tomorrow night.  We will try to have more pictures at our next meetings!!  Here is our first meeting, Debra Spencer, me and Stephie Hicks!!My cousin....My cousin, Mark, had surgery on Monday.  He is doing good so far!!  He has to heal quick, because he is going to be a daddy again in September.  What awesome changes he has in store for him....and he and Kim are definitely in my prayers!!!
9/23/06  Hey Ya'll!!!  I wish I could say that I haven't updated my profile because I was out there living my new life.  Well, I kind of am, because I feel so much better....but sadly it's all work related!!  (ya'll still keep me in your prayers that God will bring a good Christian man my way!!!). 

About Me
Boiling Springs, SC
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 57
