Alive & Well

Jul 24, 2009

I thought that I should share my experience with everyone.

I am one week post op.  First off Dr. Suh performed my surgery perfectly. I went in on Friday July 17 and came home on Monday. 

Upon waking up out of the anesthesia the post op nurse was real  she acted like she was annoyed that I woke up in so much pain - the pain was from the gas (air)  that they pump you up with it was intense and settled right underneath my rib cage. It always amazes me how some people will treat you when you are at their mercy. That's okay her reward is in heaven.
Anyway they give you your own morphine pump  which was nice. Then I was put into my own private room at Inland Valley it was perfect for me the rest of the nurses were real cool and on top of their game. I slept almost the entire time I was in the hospital.

Dr. Suh decided to keep me one more day because I was a little weak at the operation site. I have thus far lost about 15 pounds with pre op diet included. Oh and you guys are going to love the magnesium citrate. (I didn't know they made stuff like that!! actually it was the best laxative I've ever used with no strain at all but this emoticon is too cute to pass up!)

Anyway, I am alive the pain goes away like by the fourth day post op. Each day you get much better than the last day. The post op diet is not bad at all. I could not dream about eating anything other than my liquid diet the first few days anyway. Dr. Suh said I could have cream soups which is fine by me.
But if I see another broccoli cream soup I am going to all over the place.

I had a whole bunch of staples in my belly but they are painless they looked worse than they felt. The staples got removed yesterday and did not hurt to be removed - and I am squeamish.

Dr. Suh is #1!!! My mom prayed with him before surgery. He's really cool too!
  Anyway I would not encourage or try to discourage anyone from getting the surgery if you have a good support group and family that will help you through I think you'll be fine.

I am starting to feel hungry for those old comfort foods though. I just want a sandwich or a slice of meat, or a pickle just a damn pickle cheese give me cheese! I'm cool though.


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 16, 2008
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