Two Year Anniversary!!!!

Dec 27, 2010

12/22/2008 was the first day of the rest of my life.  It's been two wonderful years since my life has changed for the better.  I've extracted all negativity from my life.  Of course the two years haven't been all peaches and ice cream, but overall  I've been successful.  I met my original WL goal of 185lbs, down from 310.  I've lost a whopping 125lbs in two years!!!

I am now in a size Medium to Large in shirts, 12 pants and 10 skirts. I can shop in regular stores...which seems so foreign to me....but a great feeling! 

I just want to give you guys that may be struggling, or discouraged the motivation to know that you can do it!!!!!!  With the right attitude, dedication, discipline and drastic change in your overall **eating behaviors and lifestyle** you too can be successful!!!!! 

I was my biggest hurdle **obstacle** and  I said no to all of the temptations that would put me back in a size 20.  I hope that you guys are blessed beyond measure with your journey!!!  And wanted to say Happy "belated" Anniversary to me.

OMG....15.4 lbs to go until I meet my WL Goal

Apr 01, 2010

So....I've been a total slacker and not blogging and updating my progress on OH, but guys....It has been an amazing journey!  Not only am I  (.4lbs) from being in ONDERLAND....I can't even wear a size 16 anymore....I can shop in regular stores and I wear a size 12 in skirts....can I get an AMEN!!!!  I am in heaven....I'm exercising, and once I get to my goal....I want to tone tone tone!!!!  This was the best decision that I've ever coming soon!

205 lbs and loving it!!!!! 20lbs from my goal weight!

Jan 17, 2010

View more of my photos at

Wow....I'm almost 1 year out!!!!!

Dec 14, 2009

So I'm 1 week away from my 1 year bandiversy and I can't believe it!  When I think back to November 21 2008, I was at my highest weight of 305.  Now I'm one week away from my bandiversy, and I weigh a whopping 207lbs.  I've lost a total of 98lbs, a small person!  I'm so proud of myself.  I've not hit a huge plateau, I've consistently lost weight.  I owe it all to re-learning how to eat and re-learning about food.  I've had two fills and 1 unfil, so I'm at 5.5cc in my 10cc band.  I have 27 more lbs until I hit my goal weight and I can't wait!  I've transitioned from plus size clothing to a comfortable size 14/16!  I love my band....It saved my life, it saved me from me!  If I can do it, anybody can do it! 

6 month's and loving it

Jul 02, 2009

I had my 6 month follow up today and I am down 55 pounds since my surgery 12/22/08.  I don't know what to say!  I guess 6cc's is my sweet spot!  My surgeon was so proud that I am losing 2 - 2 1/2 lbs a week.  Since May, I have lost 15 lbs.  I give credit to good eating habits (but not depriving yourself) and Exercise!  I'm so excited!!!!! 

Until next time!

"My Sweet Spot"

May 02, 2009

It's been a while since my last blog, so I thought I would update all of my OH friends.  I'm doing Great with my weight loss journey.  I am still at 6.0cc.  I went to see Dr. Kuwada on 4/30 and he thinks that I'm at "My Sweet Spot," I've lost approximately 40 lbs and steadily losing 1 lb a week.  

Sliming.....this is soooooo gross.......however....I've noticed since my last fill that it is harder for me to tolerate white meat chicken and bread.....they both make me slim and I miss bread.....but I don't miss the I'll live!  Until next time OH......Thanks for reading my blog!


Excercise is the Key to Success

Apr 07, 2009

I am officially out of the dreaded 270's!!!!!  I've lost 5lbs since 3/13 and am officially at 267!!!  Get Excited!!!  Regardless of how tiresome excercise may is truly the key to success and worth every drop of sweat!  I'm down a total of 38 lbs since surgery 12/22/08!!!!!  I'm so excited about my progress....losing makes me want to be healthier and see my goal closer!  Until next time!!!!  I love being a loser!!!

3rd Times A Charm

Mar 13, 2009

I went to see Dr. Kuwada yesterday for my 3rd fill.   My experience gets better each time.  Same procedure for the fill which is sooo easy now...I can't believe that I made such a big deal over getting filled.  Well to update on my progress.  I'm down 1 pound...which, I'll take any Kuwada gave me .5 cc, which will bring my total to 6.0 cc in a 10 cc band.  After being on my liquid diet yesterday and today....I can really tell a difference with eating and portion control.  I can feel the restriction!!!  

Very sad....side note......I can not eat bread just doesn't go down well......

I follow up in two weeks for another fill or adjustment.  I pray that 6.0 cc is my "sweet spot."  The global period is over and now I have to start paying co-pays for my fill appointment....ugh......

I'm down from 305 (December 22, 08) to 272 (Current)

Until next time....I'm going to keep being a loser!!!!!

2nd Fill ~ Gets better with more fills

Feb 27, 2009

I went to my 2nd fill appointment 2/26/09 and GUESS WHAT.....I'm down 9lbs from two weeks ago...granted I had a terrible stomach virus Sunday into Monday, which, I'm sure contributed to me losing some weight, but I still helped with the process.  To add icing to my wonderful cake I'm down 32lbs from the beginning of my journey til now.  I'm so excited about that.  It just goes to show that goals that you set for yourself is attainable, through hard work and dedication. 

My experience was actually a lot easier the 2nd time around!  The pressure of the saline going in the band wasn't bad at all....and of course, he numbed the area to make it better.  So excited about that!  Hell I'm excited about everything these days.  

SO I now have a total of 5.5cc's in my 10cc band.  I go for another fill appointment on 3/13/09!  Yeppie!!!  Hopefully this is my "sweet spot."  

Until........Thanks for reading my blogs!


My First Fill

Feb 13, 2009

So....I had my first fill today and I have to admitt, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was making it out to be.  Just to get it off of my chest....My surgeon is AMAZING!!!  Did I say AMAZING!!!  He is so funny and have the best bedside manner......

OK....MY I'm in the room and the nurse come in....she pulls out the the fill supplies and I have to admit, when I seen that HUGE needle I was cringing at the thought of it going in my stomach.  But....she said, need to be afraid..... it'll be a small pinch and a little pressure.....still talking to myself in my head....I was like that needle....small pinch...yeah right.....who are you trying to kid....So Dr. Kuwada comes in and made me feel so comfy....I had to put my knees together, then lift my legs and hold them in position so he could feel my port...I was like....ummmmm.....I think lifting my legs is harder than getting the he felt my port...said he was ready, prepped me and by golly....I felt a pinch....I was thinking....hmmmmm.....they didn't was a pinch...a little pinch....Get Excited!!!  As Dr. Kuwada finished numbing the injection site, he gave me a minute to gain composure....and he had me lift my my legs AGAIN in the same position...holding my legs at that position for three minutes seemed like an on topic...but I had to hold them (my legs) in place and by GOLLY....I felt the before I knew it....he was done....this process took all of fifteen minutes.....if that......once he finished....he put a band aid on my tummy, had me drink make sure it wasn't too tight...and sent me was an easy process and I'm super excited to report that I have 4.5 cc in my band......I had 3cc placed in my band on Surgery day.....he added 1.5cc I have a follow up fill appointment in two that point he said that he will give me 1.0cc....yeppie...get excited about this.....I'm loosing soooo many inches.....I can see the difference; especially in my neck area.....I'm down a dress size!!!  Feeling really good!!!  Until next time!!!


About Me
Gastonia, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 89

Latest Blog 18
