Getting stronger every day

Mar 20, 2011

Sometimes, as I am sitting here I forget that I had major surgery just over 2 weeks ago.  I have no pain at all, my incisions have all scabbed over and my energy is returning more and more each day.  I am still on full liquids and am looking forward to starting the soft foods diet on Friday. 

I have been searching online for recipes that will fit in with the soft food diet since I will be at this stage for 3 weeks, and it would be nice to be able to cook one meal that my fiancé and I could eat together.  I have been focusing on crock pot recipes, casseroles and foods that can be easily mashed with a fork,  After spending most of the day searching, I have found over 30 yummy recipes that will fit, being sure none contain any rice, pasta, bread or crackers.  I have also focused on high protein and low carb selections that only contain soft vegetables with easily digestible skins. 

I am actually looking forward to this.  For all the preparation I went through with my surgeon and nutritionist prior to surgery, this is one aspect I feel was lacking.  It would be nice to have someone teach you how to cook after surgery.  There are very few cook books available and only a few websites that provide recipes designed for WLS patients. Maybe down the road this is something I could do for others during the pre surgery classes. Something to think about.

For those of you that do not know me, I love to cook.  In fact, I have my own catering company that I started last year just for fun because I enjoy cooking for others so much. I love entertaining and trying new things, so hunting for new ideas in the kitchen is something I have always done; now my focus has just changed.  I will not accept that I cannot enjoy cooking or eating healthy WLS friendly meals, and based on the recipes I have come up with so far, I doubt anyone else would know that these meals were designed to fit any particular diet anyway.

My weight loss has slowed down quite a bit since my last post, which I think would be expected.  I have decided to go by the scale at my doctor’s office since mine seems to bounce around so much, but as far as I can tell I have lost another 3-4 lbs this week.  My next follow up is a month away, so I will not update my ticker until then.

I am walking 30 minutes a day and hope to start using the Wii Fit I got for Christmas as soon as I get my weight down to below its limit.  In the meantime I will start my Biggest Looser workout DVDs in the next week or so.  This will be my biggest challenge.  I have hated exercising since gaining all this weight, but I know it will be essential in getting me where I need to be, so I will have to suck it up and get started. No time for excuses!  Time for a new life and a new me, and I am looking forward to getting to know her.


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2011
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