
Jan 10, 2008

Didn't get in any walking today. Bad weather. Needed a break anyway. My shins were giving me heck all day at work. May still be raining tomorrow. Bought some compression shorts for men out of Wally world. See what they'll do. Never worn them before. Well that's about it for catching up. Be encouraged everybody!! I know it's hard. Yes, I do but always do what you can to encourage someone. It may just be with a smile or a simple hello, how are you?


Jan 10, 2008

Went walking again today. I started out on my own. I did my two miles and by then my mom showed up, so guess what!?!  I ended up walking another mile!!!! So that was a total of three!!! My shins will be killing me tomorrow at work! That scale hasn't moved but it's going to be okay. Takes time for us banders too.


Jan 10, 2008

Trying to start doing some exercising. I walked two miles today!!! Whooohooo!!! That's a first in many years. Found myself a walking buddy......my Mother!!! She's doing very well with her weight loss. I've been discouraged about my non-weight loss over the last few weeks. Nobody's fault but mine. So, I had to kick it in gear and I did that today by walking. Now to keep it going!!!


Dec 13, 2007

Well, got my first fill this past Monday (10th) and it wasn't all what I thought it was going to be. I had a problem...my port has turned. I had to have a fluroscopy (sp?) and then get my .5 cc fill after being poked 3-4 times. So I had a total of 5 sticks. So, from now own I have to get stuck at a 45 degree angle. It felt kind of funny when the needle came out of the port and out of my skin but I was glad that they found it! LOL. I was tender and sore for a day or more. However, I had gained 1.5 lbs, so I definitely needed a fill. Trying to get into the exercising mode to because I know I have to do that to help. I know the band can't do it all. Just have to find time to fit it in somewhere. Well, I got back in 6 wks to see if it'll be time for another fill.


Dec 09, 2007

Well, got my appt for my first fill tomorrow. Nervous and ashamed. That's because the scale hasn't been moving but I've been eating! Ugh! How do you manage? What do you do to keep the scale moving downward? I'm eating like regular but not as much. I drink between 34oz - 60oz so far. It's still hard to do, especially when I go to bed early. Still dealing with the bursitis in my hip and haven't really been walking yet. Trochanteric bursitis is the pits!!!!  Well, this is all I'm going to write for now.


Nov 10, 2007

Trying to get some energy. Past two days I have been sooo tired. I have got to get some energy because I go back to work Monday. I got some sublingual B-12 but I'm going to see if I can get a shot. I don't go on pureed foods until Tues/Wed of next week but I had a couple of bites of mashed potatoes and I felt better after awhile. But I've been good since! I still don't see the difference where bypass patients can have scrambled eggs a week or so out and we banders have to be on liquids for two whole weeks! Ugh! Yes, I'm whining right now. Anyway, hope work goes okay next week or else I'm in trouble. I'm going to see if I can get a B-12 shot and a cortisone shot for my hip. It's still bothering me too! That way I can start walking!!!!!!!


Nov 06, 2007

What a day I had yesterday! I think I overdid it though. I let my daughter hang out with me instead of going to school. (Maybe that's why I over did it!!) Went for my appt. Everything was looking good. Down 15 lbs!!! Woohoo! Went to the doc. (45 min. drive) Got all my steri strips off (6) but she put one on my bellybutton and one on my port. (Which for me is in an inconvenient spot. Right between the breast and just below the bra band. The NP said that place is easy for them to get to when it's time to fill and not under a lot of fat. At night, it feels like someone is using my chair for a headrest or something. I've ALWAYS been a side or stomach sleeper. Now, I'm a back sleeper and I don't like it at all!! Except when I'm watching tv before I go to sleep. I try starting out on by side but by the time it's getting good I'll get a dull pain at my port site and I have to turn over. I just have to give it more healing time and maybe that will change that!!
After leaving the dr. office (appt. was about 15 mins. total) and making next appt for 6 wks for a possible fill, my daughter and I stopped by Books-A-Million. (A fav. store of mine since I love books!!) and we were in there walking around for maybe 45 mins to an hour. I was kind of giving out then. After that she wanted to go by my mom's job (35 mile drive back towards our city) and we ended up taking her to pick up her some lunch.  She's down 22 lbs!!! n she weighed less than me when we started the journey. Proud of her!!) After we took her back to work, we went towards home (10 miles) but stopped by Wallyworld (Wal-mart). Oh God! I think that's where I went wrong!! I know we were in there over an hour total!!! We walked at least 80% of Walmart!!! Not including the parking lot because we got pretty close to the doors! But I told her that we have to get outta here before I'm laying face down on the floor!! When we got home a few mins. later I was moving fast to get outta my clothes, so fast to get somewhere and lay down it wasn't funny!!! I had a good day but just overdid it! (And I didn't take any water to drink with me when I went in Wal-mart, wasn't thinking I'd be in there that long!)
That's it for now!!! All-in-all things are going good. I bought baby food yesterday. I'm getting burned out on this liquid diet but I only have one more week of it!!!! One more week!!!
My chain went down 15 links!!! 


Nov 03, 2007

Just trying to get this darn gas to move!!!! Ugh!!! &  I have it in the right side of my neck! That is more painful that anything! Have a towel when I can "self-pat" myself in the back when needed. Gas-X is NOT helping either. Been walking about the house & to the mailbox & that moves a little bit but not much. Trying to bear with it. Post-op is not until Tuesday. (Nov.6)


Nov 01, 2007

Well I had my lapband surgery on Oct. 30th. Still sore and achey. My right side of my throat hurts off and on. Go for post-op check-up this coming Tuesday. So far things are going okay. Get tired of the broth and stuff after a while but I know it goes with the territory. Got the sniffles too. Trying to get comfortable when trying to get some sleep. That's hard!!! Only sleep a few hours at a time. I need to change my ticker too. I started out at 261 at my pre-admission testing. We'll see how I'm doing next week!


Oct 14, 2007

First of all if anyone can tell me how to add my picture to my profile, please do! Thanks!
Well, this week has been an interesting one! Come to find out that I'll have to pay for my surgery. (Which I kind of felt I would have to anyway) But at least I can say that I will have it!!!! I'm scheduled for Oct. 30 and I'm going to have the LapBand done.
For those of you out there who are waiting for your surgery date....DON'T GIVE UP!!! If you want it bad enough find a way to make it happen. Because it's no less than you deserve. You've made the steps toward making it happen. Well, keep going until it does happen. We have to keep encouraging one another on this journey. I could give up and just say I'll keep my money and do other things with it but this is something that not only I want but something that I need. I want to be free of the bondage that my weight and health has me in right now. Just because I don't qualify with my insurance that doesn't mean I should throw in the towel and not use another way to make it happen. So, I'm going to make it happen. I deserve it! We all deserve it!

About Me
Sylacauga, AL
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2007
Member Since

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