I'm a 44 year old female who has struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. No matter where I go, I always seem to be the "Big Girl" in the room. Like most of you, I've tried every diet and work out plan on the market. Sometimes I can get really motivated and lose 30-35 lbs, only to gain it back plus an extra few. I think I must have lost and gained the same 30 lbs over the past 8 years. The last time I was really motivated I lost 35 lbs in between Aug 07 and Jan 08. I was working out 3 hrs a day and doing the neutra system diet. I woke up in the middle of the night with what I thought must be a siezure or a stroke. I was in the hospital for a week having test after test run on me. They said it was stress because they couldn't find anything wrong with me except my heart rate would drop to 40 and my ejection fraction was 45. Since then I've been see a cardiologist and a neurologist. By the time they cleared me to go back to the gym I had gained all of the weight back. While at the gym I noticed this lady that I had seen before when I was there. She looked so different to me I had to ask her " What are you doing?... You look good. She told me she had WLS. We talked through my whole workout. By the end of our conversation I was sold. I realized I don't have to live this life of yo yo dieting and being over weight anymore. I went home that day and called my PCM, who totally agreed with my decision, and now that the ball is rolling, I wont turn back

About Me
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Surgery Date
May 12, 2009
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Before & After
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I finally figured out how to eat to live and not live to eat

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