2 Month surgery

May 28, 2009

Hello Friends,

It has been two month from surgery and it has been good . So far i love my surgery. I have been working out for the last three week and it feel good. I go to the gym 6 to 7 days a week for 3 hours an 1 in a half of cardio and one hour of weight training and when i don't go i get a bit down. I have lost about 50 lbs.
my starting weight was 330 and i am down to 278.8. I wish it was more but it is what it is. It feel good when people tell you are looking good. I work in a property and i had a resident that told me I didn't even know it was you and i just smiled. I have notice that some of my carpi working  pants are fitting me loose by the waist and legs and some shirts. so far i haven't
gotten rid of any cloths . I can't wait till i get under 250 an less.
  I still eat very little the most bits are 4 to 5 bit. My sister in law saw  me when i was eating a salad and i left all the salad and her son ate it .she said wow that all you are going eat. That was the first time she saw me eat. There are certain food that i can eat a little more and other that i could only have 2 to 3 bit. but i am fine with that. i am getting use to getting the way i am eating . I don't crave some food that i use to eat like pizza,Fridays, olives garden and some fast food i guess it because i know i can't eat alot of food. before surgery every weekend my husband and i use to go out to eat but know we don't go to eat but when we order some food i tend to order an order for him and one for me and then i re-get it because i only take 3 bit out of the food i order. so i am still trying not to order for me. I tell  him we have to learn how to share a dish together but boy he can eat..lol . Well that it for now Chat with you soon .You can also find me best in youtube, twitter and facebook..well good luck to all you guysss.  xoxoxoxo


About Me
orlando, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 22, 2006
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