3 yrs my dear

Apr 25, 2013

Ok, so I got on here like forever ago. I got an e-mail about my 3 year anniversary being here. My oh my what a road I have traveled so far. I am now down to 184 as of this morning! I stay between there and 196 at times. I am 6'1 so this is ok with me. I am a tall girl. I just look real thin now.

I am always at a loss as what to do when I meet new people. Like, am I supposed to tell them that I have had weight loss surgery. I hate for people to whisper about me so I usually just tell them what I did. I can tell you what I hate the most. I don't know if this says more about me or what. when I am in public I still get people who have not seen me in a while. They ask me in the loudest voice possible what I did to loose the weight. I feel like I don't want to answer you right here in the middle of town square *geeeeze*.

well anyone who is on here reading hello....I got on here for a while but things were going on and I really didn't have anyone talking to me so I stopped. I hope this helps someone I will try and update some more with photo's!


6.5 weeks post-op

Jun 04, 2010

I keep forgetting to take my vitamins!! I get so busy and forget!! or once I do remember they are not with me!! so I think I am going to make up little baggies and carry one days worth with me every where I go!

I have noticed that my hair seems to be falling out but I am not sure if it's the normal everyday hair loss or more. I heard somewhere that you loose 100 strands a day. I have really thick hair so I hope it wont matter if I do loose some.

So I changed up my diet a little. rather of just eating my regular 3 meals a day I am doing 3 very tiny meals and sort of eating high protein things in between like cheese, milk, and I don't know if this is a good thing or not but beef jerky and trail mix or nuts of some kind. It seems to be working well I am loosing more weight than my usual 2 pounds a week I think I lost 4+ this week. I try to eat the meat first when I do eat dinner so I can get the most of that in as I can! The only thing that concerns me is my lack of fruits and veggies.

I am doing well drinking my water most days. The only problem I am running into with that is my mouth is a picky water drinker. I try to drink what I can but I seem to drink more when I have the eveon <--(I don't know if that is spelled correctly) Fiji or springtime.....two of those are expensive and one is not in every store!! 

Anyhow, I think I am doing great I feel great. Not getting to the gym but doing outdoor stuff more often!! kids are getting out of school so I will probably pick back up going to the gym so I can get them out of the house. I know I have lost weight but I don't feel like I look like I have lost weight! even looking at pictures I don't see a difference. I think that may have something to do with the fact that I thought I looked fine when I was 50 pounds heavier LOL. The only time I feel HEAVY is when I have my clothes off and I am not taking pictures of that!!!!! Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well see y'all later!!


5.5 weeks post op!

May 23, 2010

So, here I am. Still alive! I tell you what it was touch in go for a bit emotionally. I think I have made it through and I'm doing pretty good. So here is what has been happening lately.

I started taking all pill form pills, except for my multi-vitamin. I think I may have to figure out something else for the calcium, I am having to take like 6 pills of that a day. It has to come in a more concentrated form. If anyone has any idea's about that let me know...Oh, and remember I need it in a citrate not a carbonate. I went to GNC and the lady could not remember that to save her life she kept offering me the wrong things....

I am on a regular diet trying to discover what foods I still like and what I don't and what makes me feel sick. I don't think I am diggin the steak anymore....Something happens to steak when you have to chew it so much. I still like it I just don't think I love it anymore. I have not run into any issues with the meat causing me discomfort as long as I chew well and i try to mix a small piece of meat with a tiny bite of veggies to break it up and that seems to be working for me...So no problems with the meat. HOWEVER, much to my dismay I cannot eat bread products unless it's like a small bite...I am slowly but surely realizing that I am just not going to be able to eat that mess....If I do I have to lay down and like take a nap just after eating like 4 crackers. It actually may just be anything with a bunch of carbs because I tried to eat a potato once and it made me sick too...This actually makes me happy because we all know what carbs do....nothing good...well some of them do but you don't need that many...

So now I'm too the clothes portion....pants that didn't fit me because I had gained weight FIT! LOOSELY!! I'm so excited about that. I am about in a 22 now and I was in a 26 or 28.....that I have to say is kinda awesome in just a month! I was sick last week and I have kind of lost my voice but I think I am going back to the old work out starting tomorrow, getting my energy back! 

I am at 283. So that is about all I have to say for today!!  Oh and by the way jen looking good my friend!!

back on track.

May 03, 2010

So, I have to say I was getting a little upset. I had not lost an ounce in two or three days. I was like what is going on!! . I had been taking it easy since the surgery, because I was afraid of hurting myself. So, I got on the scale yesterday and I still had not lost an ounce!! while my family ATE PIZZA!!!!! I said forget this crap I'm going for a walk!! I lost 3 POUNDS over night!!! yay for me!!!! I will be walking everyday...

<3in it!!

9 days post -op

Apr 30, 2010

I am 9 days post-op today and all I can think about is sinking my teeth into a nice hardy piece of MEAT. I have always loved my meat, today I am feeling like I will never see it again!!!! I just want to eat a salad or a sub or anything not soup consistency. Yesterday, my friend wanted me to take her to chick-fil-a. Have you ever seen those shows were they flash to what the person would do if they could. I wanted to attack her I swear I did, and I wanted to eat that sandwich!! 

I'm am so afraid of wasting all this time for nothing, because I can't control my unhealthy eating choices. I love to eat healthy foods, but I really love eating that mcd's cheese burger once in a while, I don't prefer it, but sometimes it just hits the spot.

I can't wait to get on a regular diet I can do this!!


my food issues!!!!

Apr 28, 2010

I almost started crying in the Wendy's drive through!!!!!! I know I am so crazy...I don't think I ate oh sorry let me re-Fraze swallowed enough energy today so I'm super moody. Anyway, I am getting there I am getting better.
I don't know what my problem is, WATER makes me want to throw up. If I add flavor to it, I feel fine, but since my surgery a week ago every time I drink it it makes me feel sick. What is going on? Is this mental?
I can do this 2 more weeks until I can CHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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OK I am getting there.

Apr 26, 2010

I am not sure what exactly I was expecting with this surgery. I really thought that I could deal with the emotions like a breeze....Yea right....I have been about to tears every day. TODAY, however, I am seeing the little light. I went to GNC in search of some different vitamins which I did not find, and some protein that was not flavored which I did find but didn't look apealing.
See here is the problem I am having I am not a shake person. I don't really require sweets or Ice Cream in my daily life. I did not take into account that just about the only way you can have powdered protein was well in shake form.....EWW.. BUT TODAY is a new day and I went to the store and found YOGERT!!!! OK I am super duper excited because for one it didn't make me want to throw up and 2 for like a half a cup it had up to 14 grams of protein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND 3 it didn't taste like CRAP!! so I think I have solved my one major issue for now because I LOVE yogert. It's the greek yogert from dannon....I think I can do that for the next few weeks or days depending on my doc.
The other thing that I am super happy about is......I am getting my staples out tomorrow YAY for me.
So the last thing that I need to work on is my vitamins and getting ones that don't make me want to gag or cry when I eat them haha. I will be back to my old self in no time!!

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WHY oh why!

Apr 24, 2010

I am feeling so down today. I want to eat something!!!!!!!!! My staples are pulling UGH!!! I'm not hungry but the smells still get to me. People eating around me and not being able to have even a bite!! I am strong and I will get through this. I just don't want to hurt anymore or worry I am going to explode my stomach. I know it will all  be worth it in the end but this is the hardest part right now.
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all cut up!

Apr 22, 2010

had my RNY yester day April the 21st. I have to say that I am shocked at the fact my stomach does not hurt that bad. The worst of the pain is in my chest from the gas they put in there. It's really not as bad as I thought. I had a lot of nausia issues due to the morphine.


On my way!!

Apr 20, 2010

So today I cannot eat all day!! SUCKS!! but, it's not bothering me anyway I am too excited about my surgery tomorrow morning!!

About Me
Camp Lejeune, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2009
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