Nov 2013

I have maintained for 5 years now, keeping 100 lbs off, but last year, had chemo/radiation for cancer and now this year surgery.  I have eaten stuff that I haven't touched for 5 years.  I am bothered by that but right now I have to think the priority is fighting the cancer and after winning that battle, resume the battle to keep the weight off.

July 5, 2012

Feeling good... enjoyed my trip to Grand Forks with my sisters, so much selection for clothes, I can not believe that I could only fit in clothes from 1 store.  That is so sad!  Joined a gym with my daughter and keeping up with the young ones. I still lhope to get to a meet and greet.   I walked downtown today and it felt so easy. This from a woman who would drive instead of walking 1 block, take the elevator just to get to the second floor...

March 14, 2012  "Happy 4th Year Anniversary"
I just received an email from Eric Klein - Founder, asking:  "How have you been?  According to information you entered into your profile with us, it was on this day, 4 years ago that you began your new life as a post op. Congratulations on that rebirth!"  Well, I did remember that I had RNY surgery in March but I forgot the actual date (not the year).  Nice to receive that email.  He asked if I could update my profile as there are many post-ops but not as many updates from people years out from surgery.  Said there are people who are skeptical of the surgery.

This forum was the way I found information about gastric bypass surgery.  I researched the surgery and emailed people on this forum as there was no support group or surgery in Manitoba 4 years ago.  I had to go to Alberta and travel all that way, there were no surgeons here to provide followup, there were no dieticians to help as well.  It is great that we have a program here in Manitoba.  I know there are limitations with the program but it's sounds stable and is growing (think back 4 yrs ago, no surgery here in MB).

I am feeling great, managed to keep 110 lbs off for 4 years.... that is pretty good isn't it?  I would recommend anyone who is obese and struggling with getting that weight off to really consider gastric bypass surgery.  Research the different types of surgery, talk to people on the forum, ask questions.....

January 2012

I joined a boot camp with my daughter.... she is getting married in Cuba in March 2012.  I feel pretty energetic... walking every lunch hour (daughter's dog) and bowling.  Not high amounts of activity but doing ok.  I have no regrets about the surgery.  I feel good.  Taking my vitamins, calcium etc faithfully.  I have not eaten bread, rice, pizza, most pastas or dessert items since my surgery.  The only pasta I eat is spaghetti.  It is actually easier to say "no" to these types of food and everyone around me knows that and does not push me.  I eat a lot of fruit and sugar free frozen items to get my "fix" of sweet food.  I use to have a salt craving and glad that changed.  I read the Manitoba forum often and would like to attend a meet&greet.  It is still nice to get words of encouragement and support.

From a medical site and Dawn's response to a woman who is gained weight after 2 yrs -
For most Gastric Bypass patients, the lowest weight level is reached 10-16 months after surgery. There is a strong tendency to regain 10-15 pounds during the second year after surgery, and the weight that a patient has at the two year point after Gastric Bypass is usually one they will maintain (with an appropriate level of effort and intention) for the rest of their life.

Jan 2011
Happy New Year!!!  We went to Disneyland for a short trip (grad present for our daughter) and had a great time!  I remember vividly one year at the Red River Ex here in Manitoba, when I sat on a ride and they were struggling to close the bar & gate on me.  I was pretty heavy and sooo embarassed, I thought they were going to ask me to get off the ride as the bar was pressing so tightly against me.  I was worried the bar would release as well during the ride.  My chest was over a size 44 double DD..... now I am barely a 34... was a difference.  I fit in the rides and love it.  I ran down one long block to our car with my daughter the other day (as it was so damn cold here in WinterPeg) and my daughter turned to me and said " you couldn't have done that 3 yrs ago".  I bumped into my brother-in-law's brother and he looked at me and had such a hard time placing me.... hadn't seen me at this weight.  Missed the meet & greet this month, hoping to go next month.

Nov 2, 2010
I was called a "skinny bitch" today by someone I had not seen for years.  She heard I had lost some weight.  It's been awhile since someone complimented me on my "looks", it felt good.

Sept 2010
just returned from my first trip ever to the east coast, went to Nova Scotia, PEI and St John's Newfoundland.  Walked and walked and walked.  Went on two sailing ships, kayaking and a whale tour.  Felt soooo good, the seafood/fish was great.  Hurricane Earl passed by us.  What a beautiful part of Canada!

July 2010

Summer is here in Winnipeg!!  I signed up for kayaking lessons and did it!!  Do you think I could have done that at 286 lbs.... now almost 2.5 years post surgery I can do it (even bragging a little at my age-- just turned 52 yrs old).  My husband and I are going to the east coast for the 1st time ever and wanted to kayak in the ocean with the whales.  Anybody else done that?

May 2010
Started bird watching at Fort Whyte again... its at 630 am.... sooo early but very relaxing., we walk around for about 1 hr.   My husband fixed the tire on my bike... need to get it on and try it out.  Did spend the weekend in the garden, weeding, felt pretty good.  Trying to keep active.  I am managing to stay away from "bad" carbs.... I eat lots of fruit, all types of grilled meats, cheese, eggs, almonds, yogurt, some veggies.  I bring my lunch to work 5 days a week.  I plan my suppers and I do not go hungry... I eat every few hours.  
What are others doing to stay healthy??? email me.....

Bariatric surgery in Manitoba?
I work at a community health clinic and today a doctor I work with gave me a copy of a letter that was sent to the doctors in the province.    Here is the information in the letter "Dear Doctor"
Dr John Bracken and Dr Andrew, plan to initiate a publically funded surgery program at the University of Manitoba in the spring of 2010.  They are seeing referrals immediately. The letter states "we plan to perform only a limited number of cases at first, please continue to send your patients to well-established out-of-province bariatric surgery programs" . 
Patients must meet the following criteria:    1.) Female      2.)  Age <55   3.)   BMI <47    4.) Miminal comorbidities
"f patients do not need our criteria, we will place them in a queue for when we do expand our patient numbers.  Doctors need to fill out a Bariatric Surgery Referral Form with a cover letter when sending in the referral (asks for age/gender; weight; height; BMI;  Obstructive sleep apnea yes/no; other medical conditions; prior surgeries; medications.)"
Dr C.  Andrew  Tel 235-3902     Dr J.  Bracken Tel 237-2914     200-400 Tache  Wpg MB
The above info is taken directly from the letter addressed to doctors in Manitoba.  This is very positive news!!!!  .  I would guess that anyone interested should follow up asap....

January 12, 2010
I r
emember a few months ago that someone on the MB Forum was asking for a gym buddy and  I thought "yaaa right" !!!! I really really have been working on my eating habits and doing pretty good at maintaining my weight but I am not very active.  I am walking more, actually rode my bike this summer for the first time in 10-15 yrs (who's counting, right).  But surprise, surprise (to myself) .... I joined the gym with my husband  this month.... actually went 3 x in one week... and kind of liked it.  We saw a personal trainer this evening as well just to get us on track for starting out at the gym.... a trainer... we are both 51 yrs old and never never thought this was important enough to do (crazy!)  I signed my husband and myself up for social dancing lessons on Monday nights for 11 weeks (Leisure Guide, cheap lessons)... 1 1/2 hrs of dancing.  Ok I am not sure what is happening but I am actually working on a goal that I've had for a while "TO BE MORE ACTIVE"  so far so good.  This from a woman who would drive instead of walking 1 block, take the elevator just to get to the second floor...

January 5, 2010

Happy New Years to all!  Had a great christmas (check out the new pics...) I still have to remind myself of my weight loss... I had to compare pics of xmas 2007 (a few months prior to surgery) and now xmas 2009.  My weight is stable... no change up or down.  I survived xmas, my family really goes overboard with the food.... it was a bit tough but I managed.  I did join the gym with my husband... he is overweight at 240 lbs and diabetic and is he is trying sooo hard.  We joined SNAP gym and are pretty motivated to go.  Continue to weight myself once a month, will be interested to see if the workouts over time will help in some areas (abdomen and arms a little flabby).
My daughter was "bugging" me to go ice skating... I might do it!!!  it was so many years ago...

If anyone wants any information on this type of surgery, email me at [email protected].... so many people on this site has supported me...

MY GOAL--- continue to monitor my weight each month on my anniversary; need to be concerned if gain of 5 lbs or more....

Weight lost (surgery March 13, 2008)
at 1 month-17 lbs
at 2 months-23 lbs (total 40 lbs)
at 3 months-12 lbs (total 52 lbs)
at 4 months-13 lbs (total 65 lbs)
at 5 months-13 lbs (total 78 lbs)
at 6 months-12 lbs (total 90 lbs)
at 7 months-10 lbs (total 100 lbs)
at 8 months-10 lbs (total 110 lbs)
at 9 months-11 lbs (total 121 lbs)
at 10 months-6 lbs (total 127 lbs)

at 11 months- 9 lbs (total 136 lbs)
at 12 months- 2 lbs (total 138 lbs)
at 13 months- 5 lbs (total 143 lbs)
at 14 months- 3 lbs (total 146 lbs)
at 15,16,17,18,19,20, & 21
months - 0 lbs lost
(pre-surgery- weight 286 lbs; highest weight 319 lbs; current weight 143 lbs)

Nov 2009
I recently put out a post to ask for recommendations for a surgeon for my young niece here in Wpg who is interested in WLS.  Someone from Alberta said to me " well... surgery is just one part of it, don't you have a Weight Wise program available......." .  I am really so happy about having the surgery but the reality here in Manitoba is that we have nothing!!!!  We can have our travel & surgery paid for but that's it.  No pre-op care, no nutritional or psychological counselling.  No post-op care (depending on your surgeon), no support groups, no real access to nutritional or psychological or social work supports (with someone who is aware of WLS).  So we have to do it on our own.  THIS IS NOT FAIR.... OTHER PROVINCES HAVE IT ALL, WHY NOT US HERE IN MB?

Again, we have to do this on our own, for some of us it might work and others have to give it our best shot.  For me, I am surviving, no bread, no junk food, no desserts, right now I can do it, not sure how long, I don't believe I will dump with a high sugar intake so I am just not starting to eat that stuff.

I have no answers -- but for anyone who is struggling... you are a fighter, keep it up... we here in Manitoba are survivors (look at our winters).  Maybe some day we will get the supports in our province -- the WLS surgeons, the nutritionist, the counsellors, the support group so we can really fight this battle with obesity!!

October 2009 - 19 months postop.
I continue to weigh myself every month on the 13th... my anniversary, lost weight every month until the 15th month postop....
since then, 0 lbs lost (pre-surgery- weight 286 lbs; weight 143 lbs). 
No weight gained or lost....

Today is Thanksgiving... I am thankful for soooo much
--my wonderful husband Rob... married for 26 yrs
--my awesome daughter Stephanie, love her to bits.....keeps us young.... especially at Halloween...
--for my daughter's boyfriend, Jesse, can not ask for anyone more suited for Stephanie, a great kid!
--for my family,
--for my job.... been there since 1991... lots of opportunity
--for life.... a slimmer and happier mind, body & soul

10 Grab 'n Go Snack Ideas from a recent issue of Obesity Help Newsletter
Here are some ideas for healthy, grab 'n go weight loss surgery friendly snacks:

1. Fruits - Dried, fresh or even travel sized containers of fruit in their own juices
2. Raw Vegetables -great source of fiber. 
3. Protein Bars & Drinks
4. Cheeses- low fat, String cheese, soft cheesesingle servings pack a punch of protein.
5. Jerky
6. Yogurt
7. Packaged & Deli Sliced Meats
8. Dried Snacks-Individual bags with cereals, granolas,
9. Nuts- almonds and walnuts add protein
10. Sugar Free, Fat Free Gelatin and Pudding

Aug 2009

17 months post-op, check out new picture.  Almost cried today, went clothes shopping, spent waaayy too much ($250), couldn't stop... I love trying on clothes now, I picked up a large t-shirt and the clerk said "no take a medium" and it fit.  Didn't weigh myself today as I have my periods (and it is very heavy), will check end of next week.  I did weight myself at work a week or so again and was the same...

Summer 2009
Just wanted to share a big wow for me! Rode my bike for the 1st time in years (maybe 10 or 15)... check out my profile pic.  Could not possibly ride a bike a year ago at 286 lbs!!! 
Did some yard work and had to picked up some bags of sand.  Each bag of sand weighed approx 50 lbs, lost more than 2 of these, wanted to remind myself how much weight I lost since March 2008.  I could barely lift one bag.  Seriously wow...

May 21, 2009
Just wanted to say that CBC Radio (Manitoba) contacted me early in the week.  They saw my blog on this forum and asked if I would talk about my "story".  I agreed...I said my own doctor really did not help me with my weight issue... at one point I weighed over 300 lbs.  I found Obesity Help and did the research on the surgery and after emailing/talking with people on this forum, asked for referral to Dr. Nohr in Alberta.   People in MB need access to WLS, they need access to surgeons here in the province and access for follow up care.  Right guys!!!! I did my little piece to push for this over the radio.  I am a little embarrassed to have my before and after pictures on the CBC website but oh well I agreed....
On CBC Radio Manitoba website:  "Thursday on Information Radio Winnipegger Diane Gagnon shares her story of weight loss. Click on the link to see her transformation and hear why she says Manitoba needs better obesity treatment and services."

May 13, 2009
Thanks to the Ontario forum for all their support and encouragement, I try to read the comments/challenges every day, really feel that is lacking here in Manitoba.  Hoping that some of the Manitoba people are doing well (Christine and Shelly??)  I am now 14 months post-op.... actually lost again--- every single month for 14 months, lost 3 lbs for a total of 146 lbs... taking extra iron as my bloodwork was low.  Having some cravings for cereal (carbohydrates?)  Went to the USA cross border shopping again with my sisters, gave away ALL my pants that I bought last September as they were too big.  I fit into a size 10 or size 12 pants (instead of 4/5X).  I had my wedding rings re-sized, 2 sizes smaller.  I am pretty happy with how I am feeling.  New pants and shirts for the summer, all we need now is some warmer weather.  Life is pretty good.....

April 13, 2009  Now 13 months post-op.... lost 5lbs this month for a total of 143 lbs... went to my doctor's office as my 1 yr bloodwork came back, my hemoglobin and iron are a bit low, she was not sure what to do but did agree that taking 2 multivitamins with iron would be good, also retest blood in 3 months.  She was pretty happy with my weight loss, no more blood pressure pills... said I lost the equivalent of a person...

From the Jan/Feb 2009 Obesity Help Magazine: 
"if the underlying food addiction hasn't been  dealt with, a healthier lifestyle will a temporary (honeymoom phase of bariatric surgery last 6-12 months).  Simple ways of keeping food addiction in check:
1) Patients are encouraged to have a 3-5 limit of weight gain (don't deny you are gaining)
2) Lower your sweet volume.  Make a vow to clean sweet things out of your kitchen, office, day to day life.
3) Keep your hunger in check.  You know what happens if you get overly hungry.  Eat a bit every 3 hours.
4) Work it out by working out.  Grab some weights, go for a walk.
5) Remind youself wit a rubber band.  Place a band on your wrist, whenever you are thinking of "comfort food" or something that isn't healthy, snap the band.  It will distract you.

Found this message on a posting:
My brain keeps me from actually 'letting' myself say "yes you ARE a success!"  YOU are a success, you took control and succeeded ..... not only that but you are still succeeding daily.... you lost weight to gain life a trade that is remarkable, stand proud, pat yourself on the back and hold your head high because you deserve it!  SUCCESS is not a destination, it's a JOURNEY. You are on the successful path, making the right choices MOST of the time and making corrections (eventually) when you veer off. Success is NOT about reaching some mythical goal and then coasting!

March 15, 2009 
My daughter and I were talking about what I should do to celebrate my one year.  Here is a message that a woman posted for me: 
You have given yourself the best present of all -- the gift of good health.  GOOD FOR YOU!!!

March 12, 2009 -- Happy one year surgiversary.
Now one year post-surgery.  Only lost 2 lbs this past month.  Since my surgery date I have lost 138 lbs.  What do you think about that?  At six months I was in onderland, at 7 months I lost 100 lbs.  No turning back, eh.  Check out my new picture.  I have not worn a skirt or dress for probably 15-20 years, this is the first skirt I had bought since then.  Crazy.  My goal is to increase my activity, fitness level.  Hey, here in Winnipeg it is finally warming up, I can and hear the birds in my backyard feeder.  My 22 yr old daughter (who just had her 4 wisdom teeth taken out this morning)  told me today she was proud of me.  I am not used to hearing that and it feels "kind of weird" to have your kid say they are proud of you... but it great to hear that from her.  If anyone wants any information on this type of surgery, email me at [email protected].... so many people on this site has supported me....

February 14, 2009... Happy Valentine's Day!!! Now 11 months post-op, lost 9 lbs in the last month for a total of 136 lbs, I was on holidays and managed to lose that.  Bought a new outfit, still trying on clothes that are too big as I am not sure of my size.  Was going to buy a jacket and pants then decided to try on one size smaller and it fit (jacket size 14 and pant size 12, was a size 5X jacket and size 28-30 pants).... pretty happy with results.... did not expect to lose so much in the last month.... check out new photo.  People are saying they don't recognize me... my mom and brother are calling me skinny (and they mean it).... this is fun!

February 8, 2009
I am back from Cuba, a 7 night all inclusive trip .... we had a great, relaxing holiday.  We walked for hours a, could have walked more, so great not to have any huffing or puffing (shortness of breath).  I felt "skinny" in the plane seat, so much room walking in the bus aisles, restaurants etc.  My new summer clothes felt good.  Food at times was a bit of a challenge, expecially to drink, there is a lot of liquor and pop, etc, it was hard to figure out what to drink, I drank water of course, but also fruit juices (never tried this at home, felt it had too much sugar) and lots of good coffee.  I brought some almonds with me to eat for a snack in the evening and Ibrought a protein bar when I needed to have extra protein.  Will post my weight on Feb 13 on my 11th month anniversary but I know I lost more than 5 lbs this month so far.  How many people lose weight while on holidays???

January 13, 2009
Happy New Years!!!  Now 10 months post-op....
I have lost 127 lbs... was happy to be in the 270's now in the 150's, ok just barely... but there.  Managed to lose 6 lbs over the xmas holidays, how many people can say that happened to them?  Still losing some inches, in the breast/waist/hip area - lost 48.25".  In March 2008  I previously wore size 28/30 pants, in September I bought size 16/18 now they are loose.  As I am going to Cuba for my first winter vacation, I had to look for a bathing suit.  A WOW moment , my old one is a size 28/30, went into the store, picked up size XXL, XL and they were too big.... I actually could fit into size 14...  Went to the YMCA with  my daughter, Stephanie, know that I should go more but it is a matter of finding time... I really do like it.  Continuing to eat protein, protein, protein.... thinking of junk food but so far so good.... Have stayed away from all deserts, breads, crackers, that type of stuff.  I really have to make sure I buy the “proper” foods ahead of time, have it available in the fridge, packed in my lunch, etc  I feel great!  Talking to a few women who just had surgery in Dec ... I am so excited to see how this works for them... I would encourage WLS as an excellent way to start life over.... (286 lbs down to 159 lbs).

December 26, 2008 Made it through Christmas...

I survived xmas..... I decided not to bake cookies and desserts this year, I only made 1 bar as my sister loves that one.  On xmas after dinner, I packed up all the sweets, chocolates, candies etc and brought them over to my sister-in-laws... I resisted all that junk but having it in my face was too tempting.... enjoyed the turkey dinner though.  

December 19, 2008
check out the side shot pictures of me at 1 month and now at 9 months (with my one and only cute daughter Stephanie)

December 13, 2008
Now 9 months post-op.... I have lost 121 lbs... was happy to be in the 270's now I am in the 160's.  Still losing inches and sizes, clothes that I bought in Sept. are a little loose on me.  I am going to Cuba at the end of January.  I threw out my old shorts (PLUS size 4 and 5) and bought one new pair at size XL, I kind of enjoyed modelling these (see pics).   I have been going to the gym with my daughter, tried out the Elliptical machine and weights, I know I was too embarrassed to try out this machine before, now I can work out on it!!  I went for my blood work.  I love the weight loss.... in my doctor’s office a couple of weeks ago I asked the nurse to weigh me, she said no one asks to be weighed...I want my weight recorded... I am proud & happy of what I have achieved.

November 19, 2008 Check out the Member of the Club card... in the photo section!

November 13, 2008. 
I am now 8 months post-op, 110 lbs total lost.  Still losing inches (over 30" in the breast/waist/hip area). I bought a new pair of jeans in Sept. which are now loose on me.  Eating well, protein protein protein.  Lots of compliments from co-workers, family, friends.  I am liking it.... My daughter who sees me almost everyday, emailed me and said "she was looking thru her albums and said I look 10 yrs younger now".  No regrets..... thanks to all who have supported me... 

October 13, 2008

Seven months post-op, lost 100 pounds!!!!   How does one get a Century Club card?

October 1, 2008
Had an annual check-up today, 3 month and 6 month bloodwork good.  On date of surgery weighed 286 lbs, now weigh 192 lbs, which means I lost 94 lbs and over 40 inches.  My clothes size has changed from 5X (sometimes even a 6X) to 1X and XL.  I bought a size 18 and a size 16 pants.  Woot!  I had to toss 2 bags of clothes and did some shopping....
My doctor asked me about a goal weight, I nearly died.... when did I ever think I would be within a goal weight.  According to the BMI, my ideal weight is 134 lbs.. according to height and age fof adults 45+ ideal weight is 141-146 lbs... found another site (not scientific of course), says based on age, height and gender -- people would describe 154 as their ideal weight... I told the dr this and she said 150 lbs would be good.... that is 42 lbs.... I have lost an average of 12-13 lbs per month in the last few months... so by my one year anniversary... losing 10 lbs per month, I would be at my goal weight??? 

Sept 13, 2008 -
6 months now!  In Onederland..... hurray!  My husband and I celebrated our 25th anniversary, check out the new pic of the 2 of us (compared to the year 2007).  My husband has been trying to lose weight as well.  He is truely perfect....

July 15, 2008 - It's now 4 months since my surgery - I've lost 13 lbs this month -- overall 65 lbs (repeating myself but I was excited to in the 270's, now I'm in the 220's).  I have lost 8.25 inches in 1 month.  I am happy with the inches and weight loss to date!  Eating all kinds of meats still.  Feeling I can eat bigger portions now.  I am feeling hungry sometimes but I think it's because I am thirsty.   I really have to remind myself to drink the water......  Keeping pretty active, walking, doing a lot of yard work, entertaining, not feeling deprived even though there is junk food around me.  I  am officially on vacation, will be going camping with my husband Rob, anxious to see how that goes.....I am going to go clothes shopping later in September in Grand Forks with my 2 sisters, I am really really anxious to see what size clothing I will be able to fit into.  There was only 1 shop that  had some nice plus size clothes for work-- that's was it (how depressing, eh) - one shop!!!   On the ++ positive side I had my ears re-pierced so I can get some new jewellery/earrings.  I am still receiving compliments from my family....... nice......    No regrets for sure.



June 15, 2008 - Wow it' s 3 months now since my surgery - been back at work for 6 weeks now, busy with balancing time working and at home.  I have lost 12 lbs this month -- overall I have lost 52 lbs (going to repeat myself but I was excited to be in the 270's, now I'm in the 230's).  I also started my period yesterday so my weight may be affected.  I also measured myself and lost 9.25 inches in 1 month.  Happy with that!!!!  Not having trouble with eating meat, eating chicken now which makes me happy, grilled or baked chicken, hamburger, pork or beef.   Just have to remember to cut up into small pieces and chew.  In the evening I am not snacking, just cheese & yogurt as I am usually short on my protein.  I know I could not lose this weight and feel this good without this surgery!  I signed up for 30 days of Curves, did my first class of 30 minutes June 12, 2008.   Went for my 3 months bloodwork, anticipating all to be well.  No regrets......

May 15, 2008 - It's now 2 months officially since my surgery......  after the scope I took one more week off work, returning to work on May 5.  I have lost 23 lbs this month -- overall I have lost 40 lbs (Excited to be in the 270's, now I'm in the 240's).  Wow!  I measured myself and lost overall in 2 months a total of 11 inches from my waist and hips.  Happy with that! 
Eating proteins first, including hamburger (chili, spaghetti), ham, cheese, egg, yogurt, lots of milk.  Having trouble with chicken, one day can eat it and another day I can not.  Still taking liquid protein every second or third day as I still have trouble reaching 60-65 g.  Finding it hard to take in all the water -- used to love water but it is a challenge now.  In the last month I was not eating the same type of foods everyone around me was eating at meal time.  But lately I am eating more vegetables, etc and my plate has meat, veggies but a lot less than everyone else..... and I am full, actually full, actually not hungry.  The biggest thing I have noticed that in the evening I am not snacking at all - I will have a low fat frozen treat and that is it!!!  No junk food, no chips, no nibbling from the cupboard where no one sees me and those calories do not count (right).  I have energy, I am going birdwatching at Fort Whyte and walking for 1 1/2 hours every Wednesday - love it!

Apr 24, 2008 - Well last week I decided to call the surgeon and mentioned that I had thrown up on 5 different days (2 times in the morning and 3 times at supper time).   He decided to book  me for a gastroscopy in Medicine Hat on Apr 23.  He routinely does this scope on his patients at 5 weeks.  I flew there in the morning, had the scope then flew back home in the evening.  I had mild narrowing and he dilated the opening.  I felt fine after the procedure.  The only problem I have is with constipation.....  he prescribed a laxative for me.  I am having trouble really with my appetite and hopefully this will be relieved soon!

April 6, 2008 - I am now Day 6 eating solid soft foods, introducing one new food a day (total of 14 days).
I am finding it hard to follow the rule - not to drink 30 mins before and after eating
(this is sooo opposite to the way I have eaten for years).  I am also taking liquid protein as I am not eating enough yet.  I did have trouble one evening, throwing up a meatball that I could not digest.  I am not hungry at all.  I was 286 lbs on the day of surgery and have lost 17 lbs.  I was excited to be in the 270`s and now the 260`s.

March 31, 2008.  I just finished 14 days of fluids, today I had my first soft food - a serving of eggbeater.  I was a little nervous eating but managed ok. 

Mar 22, 2008  I did it!!  I had open RNY gastric bypass surgery on Thursday March 13, 2008 with Dr. Nohr  in Medicine Hat Hospital, Alberta.  I stayed in hospital (Thursday) until Tuesday, then stayed 2 days at my brother`s in Calgary, then drove home to Wpg with my husband.  I am so grateful that my husband was able to be with me the whole time, I actually thought I could do this on my own.....  I am on a full medical fluid diet for 14 days, and tolerating this well.  While I was in hospital, the dietician reviewed my diet, nutritional needs, etc (she was excellent).  I thank all the people on this website for advice and information which really helped me to prepare for this ( I did not know anyone personally who went through this surgery).  If I can be of help to anyone who is also going for this type of surgery, just email me......

Sept 2007
I've lost 30 lbs with Weight Watchers. Going to try and attend the Wpg support group for the 1st time.

August 2007
I joined Weight Watchers in May after my consultation with Dr. Nohr. Trying to lose some weight prior to surgery (also as directed by the surgeon). Trying to make some new lifestyles changes, trying to be more active as well. Reading lots of stuff, trying lots of stuff. Lost over 25 lbs so far...... (lots of trying, eh...)

May 2007 I saw Dr. Nohr in Alberta and have a surgery date for March 2008.
This website is very helpful, lots of useful information. Would like to hear from anyone in Manitoba who is currently going to the support group in Winnipeg ....... please email me. Thanks so much. I am a little nervous to talk to my family, friends, co-workers about this surgery as it is so far away yet..... I waited years for the appointment and the surgery is still so far away.....

I am 48 years old, married to a great guy for over 24 yrs. We have a 20 yr old daughter. I have tried different weight loss methods in the past, losing up to 80 pounds and gaining it all back and more. I found this site and discussed WLS with my family doctor who referred me to Dr. Nohr in Alberta.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 32
