Happy Two Year to me

May 07, 2012

Hello OH Family,

On this day 5/4/10 I got the gastric bypass surgery. I am feeling better then ever although I am not where I want to be. tHAT'LL change. My girlfriend is getting the sleeve we will push each other to get where we want to be. I have since lost 218 pounds since having the surgery....THANKS
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Weight has slowed down but steady progressing

Aug 15, 2011

Hi OH Ppl's

I'm officially down to 185 pounds 1 year and 3months out. Went in for a follow-up last week and the doctor wants me to loose 15 more before November to reach that 200 pounds mark WOW it feels great.....Until next time ppl keep striving to do your best!
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It's Been a Year ALREADY and 165 pounds later....

May 13, 2011

i'm feeling absolutely wonderful super motoviated almost where i want to be......................................................................>>>>>>>>

106 away from my journey

Mar 23, 2011

well i've lost 160 pounds in 10 months so far. I want and need to lose 106 more to accomplish my goal.

Back Motivated

Jan 26, 2011

Started the gym again and so for i've lost 5 pounds in a week  i'm 124 closer to my dreams! Lets get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Trouble Sleeping

Dec 27, 2010

has anyone expierenced trouble sleeping at night? I'm never tired and I have to force myself to go to sleep. If I 5-6 hours of sleep i'm good for the whole day. I had sleep apnea before the surgery use to be always tired. Now it feels like I have insomnia. My cousin suggested that I excercise at night if I can't sleep.

12/2/10 Did the scale say minus 133 pounds in 7 months?

Dec 05, 2010

Wow GOD & Life is good currently i'm weighing in at 403 pounds down from 536 pounds 7 months ago. JOY is my feeling loving life and myself more and more each day.  270 is my goal weight buy i'll be happy with 300. Really can't see myself with being small I love the thickness.  Theres my update over and out!

Were on this Journey together LET'S GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And finally i've hit the century mark!!!!!!!!!

Oct 12, 2010

Checking in OH FAM I went to the doctors Oct. 7,2010 currently i've lost 105 pounds in 5 months. Feeling is unreal. Today I signed up to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness walk a thon. Something different but worth the effort. That's all for now.
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I go to the doctors in 2 days for my 5 month check up!

Oct 05, 2010

Let's say i'm feeling "Top Notch" about my self. Confidence is a stain we can't wipe off! I use to hate clothes shopping becasue I couldn't find anything and use to sweat because of my weight. Well I went browsing yesterday because my belt can't take anymore from my old clothes. I need them bad. I dropped 6 pants sizes with waist room. I'm not a skinny jeans type of dude but I may have been able to go down 2 more sizes but I need room to let things breathe I'll update my post soon to let ya know about my pounds lost.

August 26.2010 Doctors appt. 3 1/2 months out the way

Aug 26, 2010

Hello OH People,

I'm approaching my 4th month and i'm pround to say i'm down 92 lbs yep 8 pounds away from the century mark! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Until next time folks we'll meet again.
