Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 12 years, 8 months ago
attitude adjustment required!! - So the first 98 lbs was to speak.  Not a huge effort, the weight just kinda fell off of right, move some, drink lots and it just happened.  But... Did I c...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 12 years, 10 months ago
Great Summer - I've done more this summer than probably the last 5 combined...more walking,more biking, more swimming, more fun fun fun.  I'm 5 months and 4 days since surgery and 86 lbs down.  I...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
No longer Super Obeses - I began this process at 338 lbs with a BMI of 51.3...putting me in the Super Obese category.  Oh how those two words hurt, as did my feet, my back, my get it!! Marc...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 12 years, 10 months ago
No longer super obese - I began this process at 338 lbs with a BMI of 51.3...putting me in the Super Obese category.  Oh how those two words hurt, as did my feet, my back, my get it!! March ...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
I've lost a SAM... - My 9 year old son, Sam weighs 74 lbs...I have lost 75 lbs...I have lost the equivelant of a 9 year old boy!!!  WOW.  Somehow I carried that weight around on my body for years...but...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 12 years, 11 months ago
I've lost a SAM... - My 9 year old son, Sam weighs 74 lbs...I have lost 75 lbs...I have lost the equivelant of a 9 year old boy!!!  WOW.  Somehow I carried that weight around on my body for years...but...

Determined_Dawn accomplished a goal 12 years, 11 months ago
continue my positive thinking and preparation for my surgery

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Almost 2 months out...update - Things are going pretty well...still having a little bit of issues with some things...some throwing up...but by and large things are good.  I'm down 64 lbs in total.  In 17,5 lbs I...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Who knew I would love exercise??? - Well, I AM... Biking, swimming, walking, elliptical, bowflex and now Wii Fit...LOVE IT. The weight loss is really accelerated lately which just fires me up to do more exercis...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Who knew I would actually enjoy exercise??? - Well, I AM... Biking, swimming, walking, elliptical, bowflex and now Wii Fit...LOVE IT. The weight loss is really accelerated lately which just fires me up to do more exercis...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
when do you have your protein shake?? - Just wondering when most people have their protein you break it up throughout the day or focus on a specific time frame to have it.  Is there any evidence of a time of d...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
should I be worried? - I don't quite know what I am doing wrong...some days I can eat with no troubles and others not so much.  Last night I ate Easter dinner-ham, potatoe casserole and turnip casserole-...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
Don't much care for throwing up... - I don't quite know what I am doing wrong...some days I can eat with no troubles and others not so much.  Last night I ate Easter dinner-ham, potatoe casserole and turnip casserole-...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
B-I-K-E is not a four letter word anymore!! - I have the best husband ever...this morning when I got up, Frank had a surprise waiting for me...he was up early and bought me a bike... It has been about 10 years since I last ...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
B-I-K-E is not a 4 letter word anymore!! - I have the best husband ever...this morning when I got up, Frank had a surprise waiting for me...he was up early and bought me a bike... It has been about 10 years since I last ...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
pureed food question - I am nearly 3 weeks post op.  I have tolerated most everything so far that I have eaten, (except for an unfortunate red river cereal incident). The consistency of the pureed foo...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
cereal too heavy? or problem? - I'm 6 weeks post op and up til now have been feeling fine-no food intolerances, my body signals enough and I listen. Yesterday I tried red river cereal and it was fine.  Tried i...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
2 weeks ago today - Well, it's been 2 weeks since my surgery now and I'm feeling pretty good.  It was a rough road but worth it.  I've started to try different foods and I have been okay with most thi...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
I'm back - So, it's now 6 days since my surgery.  It's been a bit of a tough go because I had a ton of scar tissue that had to be cleared out before the RNY could even begin.  That took 2 hou...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
6 days post op - Well, here I sit...somewhat comfortable, 6 days post op from my RNY.  So far it has been a bit of a tough go. My surgery was somewhat tricky because I had a ton of scar tissue f...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Daily Gratitude - Today I am grateful for Second Chances. I have spent too many years not taking care of my body and not really living the life I deserve.  That ends actually started 6 m...

Determined_Dawn posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Are there posting rules?? - I was thinking of doing a daily post (similar to 'What are you eating/doing today?). What I have in mind is a daily gratitude post where I would start each post with something t...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
Four days til surgery!! - Nothing much to say since the last post as things have just been going so well. I've had a couple of grumpy days that were related to food-wanting it and not being able to have it,...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
Struggled a bit...but it's over now!! - The past few days have been continuing to go well.  Even going out for the evening and having snack foods around me was okay.  But yesterday and today were tough...not sure why.  M...

Determined_Dawn wrote a blog post 13 years, 2 months ago
Good Times continue - Day 9 and all is well...only 18 days til surgery..just over one third thru the OPTIFAST.  I have to say I'm a little bored of the shakes and jello, but it really has not been diffi...
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2011
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 26
