5 weeks until surgery....

Nov 08, 2009

Where has the time gone?  I began this journey on July 1, 2009 when I attended a seminar on the RNY with the surgeon I chose. My first appointment with the surgeon was September 21, and everything has been smooth sailing since. I participated in the psych evaluation on Sept. 30th, and the education class on Oct. 6th.  Because of health issues and history of depression/anxiety/PTSD the surgeon wanted a more indepth psychological evaluation and clearance from endocrinologist.  I had my appt. with the psychologist on Oct 23rd who supports the surgery 100%.  Following that appt. I got a call from the surgeon's office to say that I've been approved for the surgery!! I still have the appt. with the endrocrinologist on Nov. 12th.  Two weeks have past since approval and setting of the surgery for Dec. 16th; however, it wasn't until today that reality set in and I realized that I needed to begin my pre-op diet, and stop the "one last meals". So I went to GNC and bought four flavors of Isopure (Raspberry, Apple Melon, Pinapple/Orange/Banana, and Orange). I figured I better try them out now to see which ones are tolerable:) I even went and bought small baby spoons and bowls to help with portion control for post-liquids. I have been browsing various posts from members sharing how they prepared during this pre-op period. I truly value everyone's advice!! I have to lose 10 lbs. in the next 5 weeks, otherwise, the surgeon is known to cancel the surgery until the weight is lost....I am hoping that these 10 lbs will just melt right off.  

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2008
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