I collasped Feb. 26th, 2006 and ended up in the ER. They did a CT scan and rushed me over to Seattle for an emergency surgery to remove a bleeding grandulocious cell tumor that had ruptured. I had a complete hysterectomy at that time also. In the scan they saw another tumor and ordered another CT scan in Sept. They told me at that time that the tumor looked suspicious and that I should have it taken out ASAP, however, I was already scheduled for eye surgery so they postponed it until Dec.

 My GP recommended I have the RNY at the same time so I went over to Seattle to have all the preliminary tests and passed. They submitted the info. to the ins. co. and told them that the surgery was urgent.

After 4 months of waiting to see if the insurance would cover it (someone dropped the ball and papers didn't get submitted) I finally found out last week that our insuranced denied the surgery! I don't have time to appeal as I need to have this tumor removed so we will be paying the extra fees for the second procedure out of our pocket. Still have not heard how much that will be, but if I have to sell my car, I will!!!


About Me
Port Angeles, WA
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 4
The surgery was successful!
I have Type II diabetes & hope to be cured soon!
Now it's real!
Having Gastric Bypass Soon!
