How did you all do?

Nov 24, 2011

hi did you all do with Thanksgiving dinner? I sat between 2 of my guy cousins and they sure teased me alot about what was on my plate.....I just told them that I was watching was kind of funny as they started after a while putting teaspoon size portions on my plate and laughingly said...don't eat too much. After a while, no one even paid attention. I didn't tell any of this group except the hostess of what I had done so normal living is setting in. How about all of you? I tasted the pie and no problems. Hope all is well with we are going to a Christmas Market in one of the local towns but I'll have my shakes and yogurt with me......hugs to all:)D

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Nov 24, 2011

hi Ladies...well, how is it going  so far? i hope that all of you are with family or friends that you love and that you do well today. I am in Minnesota and it is winter, which I am not used to but it's warm inside. I'll be having just a bite of most of the foods.......take care all!!!:)Deanna

2 month weigh in

Nov 21, 2011

hi Ladies......good to hear from Sian and congrats on your little victory. I am glad to say that the same thing is happening to me and it is surprising everytime!!! BUT....very welcomed!!!! Today I weighed in at PB at 182.5. Doc Rumsey said I was looking great and doing well. I haven't had any dumping or throwing up....everything seems to go down although once in a while something tastes disgusting and I just throw it out. Today, I had meatloaf and all is good. The best thing about today was....I saw my buddy Janet! There she was, waiting at the elevator. She looks good too and is also under 200. She says she is doing well but doesn't eat much....ha....guess that is how it is with all of us...right!!! I want to give a special hello to Sara and tell her that we are all here for her...just write and talk. I'm leaving tomorrow for a week in Minneapolis with cousins so I wish all of you a wonderful week and enjoy that 1 bite of turkey...Doc Rumsey said that I can't have a bite of pumpkin pie...drat....on second thought, I just might go ahead and have  that 1    LONG   bite.......hugs:)Deanna
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Weigh in

Oct 31, 2011

hi Ladies......(BTW..cute pic of Sian on Halloween)   I saw my GP today and am at 189. I've lost 44 since our class started, 21 of that since surgery. People are noticing and  I just tell them that I quit caffeine and sugar. My BMI is at 33 and my GP says that  a 25  BMI is pretty low for me and just being under 30 is considered healthy. Dr. Taller told me that my goal should be 128....HA HA HA I laughed, 160 would be right for me.'s meling off. I had scallops last night and they weren't too, tonight, I went back to my trusted Tilapia and zucchini....yum. Hope all is well with all of ya....hugz and let's plan a walk and talk soon...hugz:)D

janet update

Oct 06, 2011

hi Ladies.......Janet is resting well at zion and says the staff and hospital are wonderful. She says its QUIET at night there!!!!! She also said that she was a 222 not 211.....she seemed glad to be in a safe place. Her daughter arrives today so that is another happy thing for her.......hugz to all of you....PS/ I'm under the big 2!!!!!:)D

Janet at Zion

Oct 05, 2011

hi Ladies....I found Janet....she is at Zion in room 2309 and expects to be there for a while. She has several clots in her lower legs and is on meds for that plus the kidney failure therapy. She looks good and is very happy to report that she is at 211. Her daughter is flying out (36 wks prego) to see mom this weekend. There is such a big difference between Mercy and is so quiet there and peaceful. Funny thing, they don't have the high protien shakes that we need so I'm bringing some to her tomorrow. I was there when dinner was was a regular dinner, delivered by a chef!!!She and I both laughed and then she had to turn it away. Here is her cell and you all are welcome to call and visit....619 822-9887,  Hope all the rest of you are doing well...hugz:)D

update on JANET

Oct 05, 2011

hi Ladies.....I have a phone message from Janet and she said to let you all know what is happening. Her message said that she was in Kaiser hospital (I assume Zion) with multiple blood clots in her legs and kidney failure that apparently was picked up from her last round of labs. I don't know when those labs were done, maybe the hospital ones. She started to leave her cell # but my machine cut her sorry...and she doesn't have her putor or internet access. Hopefully she will call me again and I can get more info, although, I'm wondering if Zion lets you visit people like Mercy is safe, in medical care and her voice sounded relaxed. I am glad as I was really starting to worry about her....hope all of the rest of you are doing well....hugz:)Deanna

work computor

Oct 04, 2011

hi Ladies.....well, I'm doing pretty well. Have been back to work since Monday and have managed pretty well although I  come home and am pretty pooped out. Last night I went to bed at 7:30 and didn't wake up until just, if you're trying to get a hold of me during the day it is tricky as my work computor is so old that it doesn't SEND messages very well. Sorry, I just have to wait and respond when I get home in the evening.....hope all of you are well...hugz:)D

First Post Op Weigh In

Sep 28, 2011

hi Ladies.....I saw Dr. Rumsey today, what a nice guy...and a former music student from San Diego High!. He graduated me to the next food stage and on to my regular vitamins. I told him that I was feeling good and had no problems but am just a bit OFF...he asked about my meds and then suggested that I take only half a pill of my propanalol. He said that my new tummy might not be able to process the entire pill. Propanalol is used for blood pressure but i take it for a familiar tremor, like what Kathryn Hepburn had. So...will see. He approved me to go back to work on Monday with light is cool. The front desk gave me a return to work slip that said NOV 11.....i nearly died, but she said they usually give their patients 2 months. Wow......can you imagine??? So, the big more "W" on my pant size. I have put away my 18W and my 16W and now am in my 16 regulars loosely and my 14 tightly. Good will is getting a nice big bag of pants although I can alter so am going to alter some of my pants since I like them so much. My stats........32 lbs gone since starting the Kaiser class.....16 lbs gone since first appt with doc, 9 lbs gone since surgery....puttin me at  at,,,,,,, 201. I was hoping for 199 but that will be in a few days.

I saw PinkSara today at PB...she looks really beautiful and is doing really well. We talked and shared and she has some good tips to post for us. I saw Carol Z at a distance yesterday and she looks good ,too...just as smiley as ever.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, my little foster dog didn't make it. She had several more bouts of the disk issues so my rescue group made the difficult decision to let her go on Monday. She was 14 and not adoptable so was my little snuggly partner for 3 years. She is now safe and happy with her sister and former owner who is also in heaven. I was pretty weepy over this one. Then, I found out that my house is underwater and I'm pissed so am looking at  ways to manage (or not manage) my house payments for the next 8 months before i leave the state.....any ideas???? Hope all of you are well...hugz:)Deanna

clothes sharing

Sep 20, 2011

hey gals....any of you interested in trying to share some clothes as our sizes change....and quite quickly it seems...just a thought.:)D
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