David Spencer

"Dr. Spencer is absolutely wonderful. He has a way easing tense moments with humor and was completely understanding and answered all my questions. He was also great with my wife, who was totally nuts during the surgery day. The staff he has are simply an amazing group of people. They are so proactive about the aftercare and making sure the patient succeeds. He briefed me on all the upsides and downsides and let me make an informed choice. I am not sure if it was his surgical acumen or my otherwise good health (aside from my weight) but I was back at work the week after surgery and was on the treadmill within 7 days. I can honestly say I couldn't have done this without him."
About Me
Portsmouth, VA
Dec 30, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Here I am in the office. 51 lbs. down since surgery
Two weeks out and my first new shirt

Friends 60

Latest Blog 6
Well under goal
25 weeks post-op
Update time
Let's talk clothes
The three-month mark
Where I am at the two month mark
