Ready for Change . . .

Sep 28, 2009

So tomorrow I go visit my Primary Care Physician to have the "talk" about my interest in Weight Loss Surgery.  So far, this doctor (which was recommended by a friend who supported her during her Bariatric Surgery) seems amicable to the idea and she also happens to be a "healthy" African-American woman as well.  This will make my 2nd visit to see her.  I was originally on the fence about the WLS surgery during my 1st vist with her, but now I think I am ready to make that step.  Ive become comfortable with the length of the process (for now).  At this point, I am ready for change (in my Obama-esque tone)

I, along with my sister, hosted our family retreat here in town over the weekend (which was great, btw) and I just learned this morning that one of my cousins (who went to the retreat) posted the pictures on her Facebook page.  Posting the pictures isnt a big deal, but she tagged me in all pictures I was in.  Much to my dismay, all of my tagged pictures were something aweful.  Well they didnt look that bad (Im so critical of myself) but I zoned in on all the problem areas on each photo.  I am so ready for this surgery.

Everyone is telling me I dont need this surgery and saying that I can lose weight the traditional way. Unfortunately those people DO NOT know my struggle.  If they only knew.  The bright side is some of my friends and family have been supportive, but some are still leary. And thats okay, because I know they only want the best for me.   I think I carry my weight well. I get compliments from men and women all the time.  And I know that I am an attractive women (my self esteem doesnt suffer too often) but I want to look great all the time.


The Beginning . . .

Aug 10, 2009

Well today I called and registered for the Surgery Options in Weight Loss Seminiar at Centra Carolina Surgery.  Althougth I have been thinking about some type of weight loss surgery for about 2 months now, I feel like today is the first step.  Ive gotten mixed support from family and friends. The majority of family and friends feel that the surgery isnt necessary - they feel its such a drastic approach to weight loss. But they dont understand my struggle.  I need to find out for myself if this is something that I want to do and the seminar, along with Gods help and direction, will certainly help me with that.

I have started to track my food intake as well as my exercise routine in a spiral notebook.  Im doing this along with my 7year daughter and she is sooo excited about this. The goal is for us to incorporate healthy living as part of our daily lifestyle. I hope I stay on track; Im typically loss momentum about 2-3 weeks out.  Praying for strength to make this successful for both of us.   Its amazing how much a child can inspire a parent.  I love her!!

I have found so much inspiration from the information and before and after pictures of on this website.  Its amazing how WLS  surgery has transformed soooo many people across the country.  I want to experience that sense of excitement as well.  

Im hoping to keep this blog updated with my progress and journey in hopes that it will inspire others, just like those on this website.

Until then  . . . .

About Me
Kernersville, NC
Jul 29, 2009
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