My final procedure was a breeze

Feb 29, 2008

Yesterday I had my EGD and it was quite smooth sailing. I registered in at 10:30 am by 1:30 pm I was back at work feeling fine. I didn't know a thing until I woke from the procedure. I didn't even have a sore throat. I pray that the VSG will be equally smooth. BE BLESSED!

Psychology visit - no prob.

Feb 22, 2008

Psych visit went without a hitch. Answered a handful of personal family questions and the biggie, why do I want the surgery? Answer... (ALL TOGETHER NOW) - tired of being over weight!! Enough said! Next stop - Endoscopy on 2/28. BE BLESSED!

Pulmonary exam

Feb 20, 2008

2/11/08 - Cleared the pulmonary exam.  Next step is Psychology exam on 02/21/08.  This one may be a bit hairy :) lol.

My Pulmonology appointment 2/11/08

Feb 10, 2008

Tomorrow will be my second and hopefully final appointment with the pulmonologist. I'm looking to get 100% clearance, upgraded from 99% given two weeks ago. With my sleep apnea I need this clearance for surgery.  Please keep me in your prayers. Thanks.

A date has been set!

Feb 04, 2008

A date of 3/17/08 has been set.  I will be attending 2 classes this month as well as getting blood work and more tests done.  I will be making an appointment with a psychologist soon as I can select one.  Everything is looking quite good.  I feel so excited about all this. I've been practicing chewing my food longer and drinking more fluids and trying to take my mind off food. I have been so awful to my body. I'm glad to finally get a better, way-better tool to fight this obesity monster. 

About Me
Lathrup Village, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 5
My final procedure was a breeze
Psychology visit - no prob.
Pulmonary exam
My Pulmonology appointment 2/11/08
A date has been set!
