St. Patty's Day Run

Mar 14, 2012

 So I have just started training today for the St. Patty's Day 5k at Hickam. I ran/walked for an hour and a half from my house to Best Buy and back. I think it was around 3 miles there and then 3 miles back since from my house to the gate for our housing is 1mile and then on the trail they have markers that show its around 2.5 miles but they start after a ways on the trail...I think it could be around .25 or .5 from the gate to the first marker on the trail. Anyway so I ran half of the way there then half of the way back so I figure thats pretty good considering I am not a runner by any means and never have been. My plan is to do this again tomorrow and Friday so that I am a little better prepared for the run on Saturday morning...wish me luck :) Hope you guys are all doing well too!

P.S. The 5k is at the Hickam fitness center if your military and is free. Registration is just upon arrival and it starts at 8am :)



Feb 01, 2011

 Still doing good...weight loss seems to be going really really slowly although I am on my cycle right now so may be retaining fluids at least that is my hope since the scale didnt go down this morning at all. I am bummed out a bit since I was getting a bit excited at the prospect of joining the Army Nurse Corps when I lost enough weight and got my BSN in Nursing only to find that the Army has a policy that disqualifies you from entering if you have had any weight loss surgery. I don't know if they will waiver that if you are in the medical field or not so if anyone knows any additional information please let me know. Thanks!


Jan 25, 2011

 Okay so I have been crazy busy at school and didn't get to the gym this week or last week! Since my surgery (Dec. 15th) I have lost 35 lbs as of this past Friday. I am still having issues getting in my protein along with pureed foods. Although I have been eating a lot of soup and just chewing it up a lot to make it pureed. I think I am doing pretty well other then the not getting in the exercise time. That should change tomorrow though since I will head to the hospital for clinical's and I will be running around like crazy when I am there...that should count as a little bit of exercise at least! Anyway, I have felt pretty good once I got over my bit of opiate withdrawal when I stopped taking my pain medication and couldn't sleep for almost a week. I am finally trying to get organized with school and get things done early. I really really just wish it was May already so I could be done with school but that is just not gonna happen. Hubby is home though he got here right before New Year Eve and has been an angel with cleaning up the house while i am going stir crazy with assignments. He is on leave for two weeks and has been cleaning when not playing video games or World of Warcraft. I am doing good with all my vitamin intake and meds other then Nexium just cause it tastes so nasty I cant seem to force it down unless I am super stressed and think i need it so I don't worsen my ulcers. I think I just need to start waking up earlier to do some kind of workout prior to class. That is going to be my new goal....wake up earlier and workout before class. 

Discharged today

Dec 18, 2010

So I got discharged today and so far everything is going good. The worst part has been the trapped gas that hurts like hell! but I have been walking like crazy to get rid of it! Oh also they had been giving me tylenol grape liquid with oxycodon and the tylenol was so sweet it was making me dry heave and feel like shit for a while so I stoped taking that and just took oxycodon! I am home now with my mom helping me recover we are gonna go walk around the mall tomorrow. I will come on here again a little later maybe after my drain comes out on Monday.

Surgery tomorrow

Dec 14, 2010

My surgery is tomorrow. I go in at 6am....please pray for me ya'll and that things go well with no complications. My Mom is here to help me when I get out of the hospital. I hope I don't forget anything. Starting to get a little nervous...but more just wanting to sleep until I am done and recovered!

EGD and things to see (yeah lame I know but I love rhyming)

Nov 29, 2010

Okay so the EGD went swimmingly. My friend Jo picked me up and dropped me off at the hospital at 6am. Got my IV and took a nap until 8am. Got some "happy drugs" from the anesthesiologist that caused uncontrollable smiling and giggling for about a min. then the next thing I remembered was being in the PACU and the nurse taking my V/S and not being able to swallow.  Hung out there for another 10-15 min. and then got wheeled into the reg. room in surgery where I chilled until I could swallow and got some hot tea with honey which felt awesome on my throat which after that wasn't even sore. Got picked up by Jo and headed to my house for a Wheel of Fortune War on the PS3 (very fun! even though I lost....I blame the anesthesia!) Then got some much needed stuff done to prepare for picking up my hubbies new truck tomorrow. Lastly, chatted on one of my groups chat sessions for the first time for about 2 hours. Very productive day I would say. At some point I guess my surgeon had talked to me but I really don't even remember seeing him today at all. But, I do have my apt. slip which was scheduled at some point :)

News and Nerves

Nov 28, 2010


Scheduled my surgery!!!

Nov 23, 2010

Okay so I had all my lab testing yesterday execpt for the EGD which is going to be Monday Nov. 29th. It was a really long day yesterday!!! I went in and got my picture taken a couple times then met with the dietitian and got a bunch of samples and some questions answered then i met with my surgeon and he explained my procedure and answered some questions. Then I went on to get my surgery scheduled and of course I had issues cause the only day before Christmas I could get it done is the day of my last final needless to say I e-mailed my teacher and asked if I could take my test early...still havent heard back from her. Anyway, I got my surgery scheduled for Dec. 15th. Then I went on to all the lab testing: had a gallbladder ultrasound then went to the lab and got blood taken and gave a urine sample, then went back to radiology and had my heart ultrasound by a really hot rad tech. then waited a bit more and went to have a chest x-ray followed by an upper GI which was the worst of them all due to having to drink the carbonated crystles and barium yuck! After that I went to the basement and had an EKG and they gave me an insintive spirometer and had me try it out so they could instruct me on it. Most of the teaching bit was redundant since I know of it through nursing but they were all very nice and helpful...the hospital is pretty big so I got turned around a couple of times. Anyway all the tests went well and I got sent home with the Insintive spirometer and a bowel prep to do the day before my surgery and a million samples to try out so I know what kind of supplements and protein powder I want to buy. :) Of course I couldnt end my forever long day there and had to get some stuff done for school that I was meeting with my group about today. So, I am a little less stressed today but still have a lot of things to do before I get a true break. My parents and grandmother are coming over tomorrow driving up 7 hours for Thanksgiving since I couldnt make it down there and I have another Dr. appointment at 1pm tomorrow to get the Implanon birth control implant and I HAVE to go get tickets for Harry Potter since I have been waiting since the 19th to see it ..(I promised my Mom I would wait for her to see it together). I hope everyone else is doing good I am so happy to be that much closer to getting my surgery! :)
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Lab testing scheduled

Oct 25, 2010

Okay so I got my lab testing scheduled for Nov. 22. They told me it would take around 6 hours to get it all done and I will also meet with my surgeon that day and the nutritionist. After I get approved by the surgeon for surgery I can schedule it. I have already been approved through my insurance and had my psych eval. So, now I am just anxiously awaiting these next few weeks to go by quickly. :)

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Pearl City, HI
Sep 02, 2010
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