Rip, Pour, Whirr, Drink aka The Optifast Experience

Feb 12, 2012

Have you ever been experienced?  I haaaave. (Thank you Jimi Hendrix)

Seriously though. I have been on my Optifast preop diet for 6 days and well, I have been good *cough*.  Okay, okay! I had some of my husband's chili on the weekend but it was my valentines day treat!

Some of the things I have noted during this Optifast preop are actually quite incredible so I am going to note them for those who may come across this post:

1) My joints in my feet have stopped aching - I think that part of it has to do with the amount of water I am suddenly consuming.
2) My energy levels are through the roof! - I am consuming 2 cups of coffee a day (as permitted) but doesn't matter, I am a ball of squishy, bouncy energy.
3) (caution: TMI) My female bits are feeling better...fresher...more normal. Does that make sense? Again, I have removed all sugars from my diet and am drinking oodles of water.
4) I had a headache for the first tow days only and by the third day, it was gone. I knew that would happen thanks to reading a post here on OH.
5) A little kick to the weight loss always helps the mood. Six days in to the preop and I am seven pounds down. I will take that!6) Since its all fluids, I haven't regurgitated any food! Take that, lap-band! I am counting down the days to having it removed and the VSG completed!

So there are a few things. Now just to highlight, I am on four Optifast shakes for the next two weeks (actually one more week since I am having the VSG on the 21st). I am allowed green veggies so I have been chowing down on cucumbers like mad (my fave). I am allowed two cups of joe which helps my mood and I am drinking water as well since I do find that I feel a bit dehydrated in the morning.

Onward to week 2!
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And so it begins....again

Feb 06, 2012

These words have passed these lips more times than I can remember. 
These words have represented my attempts at weight loss more times than I can remember.
These words have never been as important to me as they do at this very moment.

Today I started the Optifast pre-op diet.

Now, I realize that this is a venture held by the majority here. And I know that this is a road that will be traveled on again and again but for me, this day represents my final attempt. 

Part of me feels as though all of my weight loss efforts have been training for this. The loss and gains of previous programs, the money spent on weekly weigh in (of which I should own stake in Weight Watchers!), and the failed band that I so blindly leapt into.

Today is the first day towards revising the stupidest mistake in my weight loss journey -- installing the Lap Band (that slipped when I caught gastroenteritis from my 5 years old) and sending my husband and I into debt since I was self-pay.  I have relived that guilt every time I spit (by which I mean barf, PB, slime) out the food and fluids that revisit me at least once or twice a day for the past 18 months.

Today is the day that I begin the trek to the vertical sleeve gastrectomy as my feet and joints ache from walking and exercising, building up my mobility in preparation for the exercise that awaits...the time spent outside playing with my two young boys, the time walking with my supportive husband, the time spent enjoying life...the time that awaits.

Today is the day that I start to drink those icky shakes, plugging my nose in an attempt to get them down without smelling them, all the while I am bursting with joy inside that today has finally come.

Today is the day to start and end all at the same time.

Today is my day.
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About Me
Gatineau, XX
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2010
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