Get Going Again

Feb 11, 2008

I hate this kind of post, but I have to do it to get going again.

During the holidays up to today, I have let my weight creep up 6 pounds.  Some of it muscle from hitting the weights after Christmas, but most of it from very poor food choices during the Holidays.

So, today, I went back to what worked for me before (at least until I can get a firmer grip of a more realistic way to do this).  I am eating 1,500 calories a day for at least the next 3 weeks to get my system back in "business" mode again.  I will also continue my 5 days a week of exercise (3 days of basketball, 2 days of weight training) during that period.  My hope is that I can drop 5 to 6 pounds during this period.  If so, I may adjust the calorie intake up just a smidge to make the process more reasonable.  If not, I may just have to stay here for a while until I figure out what else to do.

I just hate screwing up like this.  I can look back over the past year or so and see that it is simply a matter of not following through with good choices on my part.  I have let food creep back into my life as a demon and have not put it under control like I used to.  So far today, I am winning the battle.  If you win enough battles, you start winning the war.  I had simply forgotten that I was fighting a war here.

Anyway, I've updated my weight chart, my goal is in place, and I am on the right track for today.  And today is all that matters.


14 NOV 2007

Nov 14, 2007

Had tax conference for the past couple of days.  I still held to my weight workout on Tuesday morning, but missed my Monday morning run.  Also, the food at these conferences is amazing.

So, for the last week, I am still at 221.  Not bad, but it will get better.  Some old habits are trying to creep back in as far as eating are concerned.  I just have to keep reminding myself that, as I make the right choices at each checkpoint, I will succeed.  If I screw up, I will get immediately back on track...right then, and right there.

I wish I had something more to say.  I've been reading from Thomas Jefferson's book of quotes.  Here is one of my favorites that may apply.

"Determine never to be idle.  No one ever complained for want of time who never lost any.  It is wonderful how much can be done, if one is always doing."

There's always more to do...


10 NOV 2007 - Hooters & Soccer

Nov 10, 2007

Day 6 (skipped posting Day 5)

Went to see a very good collegiate soccer game between UVA and Wake Forest.  Wake is ranked #1 in the nation, and with good reason.  They beat us 3-1.  We played good soccer, but couldn't keep up with their size at the end.

Before we went to the game, my buddy Jeff asked me if I'd ever been to Hooters.  I told him "no", and thought it would be cool to go.  So, we went.  We split an order of Buffalo Wings, and I had a couple of Diet Cokes.  I don't know what the calories for that were, but it was much less than I normally would have had even 1 week ago.  I'm very proud that I held fast even out on the town.

Still stuck at 221.5, but my clothes are fitting much better.  I felt better working out in the yard today, and playing football with some friends (actually scored a couple of touchdowns).  Being thinner allows so much freedom that I didn't have when I was fat.

Looking forward to Week 2.  I will press on.


08 NOV 2007 - Hurts So Good

Nov 08, 2007

Day 4 - Still staying within calorie total.  Sore as all get out.  And oh, by the way, today was weight workout day with Mick.

I figured once we got to the gym that we'd loosen up and things would work themselves out.  I was wrong.  The entire workout hurt, and then I got stiffer as the day wore on. 

I know what you're thinking, and you're right.  Why work out today if I was still sore?  All of the experts say not to work out until the soreness wears off a bit.  So, why go on?  Simple.  This was a mental game today.  Would I go on to workout even though I was in some discomfort.  Our bodies can do more than we give them credit for, but the mind is a tool that we simply don't train enough.  By going on this morning, I showed my mind, just for today, that I owned it instead of it owning me.

See, so much of what we do is related to our mindset.  The mistake we make is that we assume our mind is us.  In reality, it is simply a part of the body (like the arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc.).  The first time I saw this point of view was in Daniel Lapin's book "Thou Shalt Prosper".  It hit home with me when I read that concept, and I have hung on to it ever since.

So, by going on this morning, I train my mind just as much as I trained my body.  God tells us to transform ourselves by renewing our mind.  By renewing our mind, we are putting our spirit (soul, as it were) in charge of our mind, which is then in charge of our body.

Man, that got deeper than it was supposed to.  The end result is the same though.  For today, I won.

Will run tomorrow.  It was 25 degrees this morning, with more of the same tomorrow.  Sounds to me like another opportunity to win.

"Thoughts create Words create Actions create Habits create Character creates Destiny" - MAJ Joe Martin


07 NOV 2007 - Driving On

Nov 07, 2007

Day 3 - Finished well yesterday.  Stayed within my calorie count, and made some good food choices.  Excellent, excellent day.

I am a bit sore from weight training yesterday, but I ran 2 miles this morning (at a rather leisurely pace, though).  I will show back up tomorrow at 0545 to do the weight training again.  I already feel stronger, and I'm starting to feel like I did when I was working out consistently.

My weight this morning was 221.5 lbs (down 5 lbs).  220 is in sight, and 215 is after that.

My final goal (at this point) is to get to 195.  26.5 lbs doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things, but I'm impatient at times and will want the weight to hurry up and go away.  Alas, it is not the weight that is the problem, but the mindset.  Getting the weight off should be a by-product of a complete change of thinking, lifestyle, and habits.  I can feel my thinking changing (as my viewpoints are taking a different bend), and I can see progress in making better food choices.  This time around, I have to be more conscious of changing the inner man as much as the outer man.

My final concern is:  what do I do once I get to my goal weight?  I've been at 195 before (188 for a brief period of time).  At that point, I started messing around with my food intake (I had stayed at a strict 1,500 calories per day for several months while I had my weight loss) and tried to increase it to a point that I would balance my intake and usage.  Well, things got out of hand, and I gained back up to 226.5.  I don't know where that magic point of balance is, but I have to find a good plan to put in place once I reach my goal weight again.

And, I will reach that goal weight again...


06 NOV 2007 - Election Day

Nov 05, 2007

Well, Day 1 was successful.  KB (The Mrs.) did very well on her pre-op diet, and I didn't do too bad either.

A friend of mine over from Australia (Mick) invited me to work out with him at the gym this morning.  Bear in mind that I still run 3 days a week (which is why it is so frustrating that I have gained 30 pounds over the past year), but I haven't done any consistent weight training since January. 

After working out with Mick at 0545 today, I realized that I didn't know jack squat (no pun intended) about working out with weights.  In my past workouts, I used a total gym and a small weight bench alternatively; and I thought I was doing a great job.  Funny how good work suddenly appears very mediocre when you compare it next to something better.  Kind of like running on a treadmill.  2 miles per hour is fantastic until the guy next to you goes 4 miles per hour.  Suddenly, 2 miles per hour doesn't seem so good anymore.

I am very grateful for this morning, and feel like a million bucks.  Of course, the soreness will surely set in later today or tomorrow.  My plan is to do my normal 2 to 3 mile run tomorrow morning, and then meet him again Thursday morning and do it all over again.

The weird part is that I actually feel the mindset I felt when I was successful last time.  This is very, very important, and I'm glad that feeling is back.

I will also continue to watch the diet.  On Tuesdays, I go to a Christian accountability group, and we meet over lunch (normally it's very good, very sinful pizza...ironic, no?).  Today, I ELECT to bring my own lunch to the meeting (had to tie in to the title somehow).  The little things will add up over time, and will help me attain success again.

Brick by brick, I will rebuild this house.


Initial Entry

Nov 05, 2007

05 Nov 2007

Well, this is my first blog post anywhere.  On the bright side, this will be the best blog I've ever done to date.

My wife finally got her surgery date, and we are just very excited about it.  It has been a long journey for her, and she is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (and, no, it's not a train).

I have promised her that I would change my eating habits to accomodate her new way of life.  That sounds sacrificial, but it really isn' least, not totally anyway.  See, I had lost down to 188 lbs from 275 lbs a few years ago.  I haven't had the band or the gbp or was just my turn for the exercise and diet to finally work.  However, since then, I have allowed my old ways to creep back in to the point that I am back up to 226 lbs.  I know, it isn't 275, but we can see where this bus is headed.

So, what better opportunity for me to get myself back together than to help her along her way?  Today, I had two eggs and just a little bit of cheese (carb conscious) this morning.  For lunch, I had an impromptu lunch date with my oldest son (7) at his school today.  Not great foodwise, but the portions were better than pigging out elsewhere.  As I see it, I'm at 750 calories right now with supper to go.  I have foregone my morning and afternoon snacks today.  At 1,500 cal for the day, I still have 750 for tonight.  A good start to get back on track.

Anyway, I will check in from time to time to be accountable and to create some history.  My goal is to get back to "onederland" by Christmas.  I believe I can do it.


About Me
Oct 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 40

Latest Blog 7
Get Going Again
14 NOV 2007
10 NOV 2007 - Hooters & Soccer
08 NOV 2007 - Hurts So Good
07 NOV 2007 - Driving On
06 NOV 2007 - Election Day
Initial Entry
