Three years post-op

Apr 04, 2011

Unbelievably it has been three years since I finally took the step that changed my life. On March 31, 2011 I celebrated my 3 year surgiversary! Where did the time go??? It has flown by. Why?? Because I have been having the time of my life. I initially lost half my body weight, 134 lbs. I went from size 24-26 to size 4-6. And guess what??? I'm still here after 3 years. My weight has only flucuated by about 5 lbs, up and down. I do eat regularly. I just can't eat as much. I can eat more than I could in the first year or so, but still limited amounts. I am sooo very active. I've started a part time job in a high end boutique. I NEVER would have been able to do that before. As unfair as it is, I never would have been hired. After finally water skiing for the first time in 2009, last summer I was finally able to slalom like I used to in my younger, thinner years! We are still dnacing every weekend. Riding 4-wheelers. Camping. Almost ALL knee oain is gone, even while doing all these activities. The list goes on and on. IT CAN HAPPEN!!! It DOES happen!!! It DID happen for me!!! I am so happy, my marriage is fabulous, LIFE is GREAT. If you are just beginning this journey, or thinking about it, Take it from is life changing!! Just DO IT!!!
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Two years post-op

Mar 31, 2010

What an amazing two years it has been!  I have had my ups and downs, but the ups outweigh the downs by far. I have had to learn how to go from the "losing" frame of mind to the "maintaining" frame of mind. It was somewhat challenging, but I seem to be doing it. My body seems to have finally adjusted to a comfortable weight. I am half the weight I started at but I am twice the person. My life has expanded to include so many things that my husband and I do together. Things we did before I became obese. We hike, we dance, nearly every weekend, we ride 4-wheelers, water ski, and on and on...My life has expanded while my waist line decreased!

I am so happy with the choice I made two years ago. I wouldn't change a thing. I feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time in many years. I am a normal weight for the first time in years. I have a normal BMI for the first time in years. I have people telling me I am tiny for the FIRST time EVER in my life!!! Who would have ever thought??? I certainly never imagined this was possible.

THANK YOU to my many OH friends who have supported me and encouraged me during this amazing journey. You will never know how much you have helped me!!!

Still thinking about making the step to have WLS??? DO IT! Your life is worth it. YOU are worth it!!! I was worth it!!!

                                                   March 31, 2008

             March 31, 2010                                                                                            



Half the woman I used to be!

Aug 17, 2009

Well it is something I never in my wildest dreams imagined would happen, but I can finally say I don't want or need to lose any more weight. I don't think I have ever said that in my life. Even when I was an almost "normal" weight as a young person I thought I was too fat. But here I am 16 1/2 months after surgery able to say I am exactly where I want to be.

As of this morning I stepped on the scale and weighed exactly half the weight I started out being. If I gain a few that will be OK, I think, once I get over being freaked out about gaining a couple of pounds.

I got home from a 3 week vacation in the mountains with my DH, where we hiked, rode our 4-wheelers, and had the BEST vacation connecting with each other that I can ever remember. As high as we were in the altitude I was never out of breath. Even after returning from a vacation I lost 2.5 lbs! Who goes on vacation and loses weight??? Sleevers, that's who!

I am one happy camper here! Life is great!!!


HUGE NSV for me. Never lose sight of your goals!!!

Jun 13, 2009

Yesterday my DH and I took our boat out for the first time in two years. Why did we not take it out in two years??? Because I got tired of having to sit on the boat and sweat while everyone else skied.

So yesterday was the big day to try again. Off we go with me NOT expecting success. But I DID IT. I WATER SKIED for the first time in 10 -12 years.  In the last few years I did try, occasionally, but could not hold onto the rope long enough to get up. It would get yanked right out of my hands. Yesterday I just popped right up out of the water. I'm not sure how much of that is attributed to weight and how much to strength training. I don't care. I did it, and I did it 3 times. I was having so much fun I didn't want to stop. I forgot how fun it was.  My DH was ecstatic. Now he gets to go boating a lot again.

Sore muscles today are worth it. I LOVED IT!!! WoooHooo!

So now I can add that to my list of things I used to love to do, then couldn't, now can again!!!  Not bad for a 51 year old woman! All you newbies out there...keep your eye on the prize. This surgery will open all kinds of new doors for you!!!

One year post-op…Observations and Lessons Learned

Mar 31, 2009

I can not believe it has already been a year since the day that changed my life. It has FLOWN by! What a ride it has been. I went into surgery March 31, 2008 scared to death. I came out wondering what the HECK I had just done to myself. I have learned and observed so many things in the last year. The entire year has been a learning experience and continues to be. I have lost almost 125 lbs and went from a size 24 to a size 8. Here are the things I now understand about obesity and weight loss.

1. I know that 50 years old is NOT too old to start living

2. I learned to control food, not let food control me

3. I learned that buying clothes CAN BE FUN again!!!

4. I learned 8 new dances by taking dance classes

5. I have observed that there are sooo many other people who are living their lives in misery being overweight, same as I did

6. I have found friends that I have never met and some that I have had the privilege of meeting right here on OH

7. I realized just how invisible I was to the general public before weight loss… little eye contact, few smiles, therefore…

8. I have learned to be more tolerant, kinder and make a point to smile at anyone that may be different from me, weight wise or otherwise. I look them right in the eyes

9. I have rediscovered date night with my husband because I want to go do things again

10. I have observed the transformation that this surgery can make in our lives…all the way from confidence and energy to clothes and hairstyles

I could probably go on and on, but the fact is that I have never been happier and more proud of myself. I have accomplished the IMPOSSIBLE. But it really wasn’t impossible was it? VSG changed my life. I have NO regrets. Thank you Dr. John Mason in Bryan, TX for saving my life!

Thank you, all my OH friends, for being such a tremendous source of support for me during the last year!

The night before surgery...

One year later...


This can't be...I am NORMAL!!! March 10,2009!

Mar 10, 2009

For the first time since I knew what a BMI was, I AM NORMAL! The chart says. 24.9!
Did you get that? 24.9!!! I set the goal several months ago just to be in a normal BMI. I have thought about adjusting the goal as I approached it, but really, my goal was to be normal. Originally my goal was just to be below 150lbs, but the longer I lived with my new tummy, the more realistic being NORMAL seemed. So I revised it to having a normal BMI.

This is truly amazing to me. I am in awe of the new life this surgery has awarded me. I am so much happier, confident, healthier, active...the list goes on and on. I have never had regrets or wished I could eat huge volumes of food. The fact is, if I was capable of eating large volumes of food, I probably would. Otherwise, I never would have needed this surgery.

This forum has helped me to get here. Thank you to all of you who have been my friend for the last 11 months. Thank you for your support, prayers and kindness. I am not through yet. I still have about another 10 or so lbs to go before I want to start maintaining, but I WILL get there.

Newbies, and pre-ops, you will be posting these kinds of posts yourself before you know it. The last 11 months have flown by. The VSG is a wonderful thing!!!


Feb. 2, 2009 - 10 months later...

Feb 02, 2009

Where did the time go? Has it really been 10 months since I was wheeled into surgery and came out thinking what the HECK have I done? It has flown by so fast. Before I know it my one year anniversary will be here. I may have to throw a birthday party. It does feel like a rebirth. I have lost 120 lbs and 7 sizes.

It has not always been an easy journey, but I can honestly say that I do not regret for a minute having had VSG. I am so different on so many levels now than I was 1 year ago. I have so much more energy, I am not in pain, and I feel confident in my clothes. I no longer feel like the fattest person in the room. I know my health has improved tremendously.

My DH and I have been taking dance classes. We have taken salsa, rumba, merengue, jitterbug, triple swing, foxtrot, and have loved every minute of it. NO WAY could I have done that a year ago. We dance 3-4 nights a week now. We will be leaving on a cruise this Sunday. I am not embarrassed about wearing a swimsuit in public. So different than a year ago. I have LOVED shopping for the clothes to take on that cruise and my DH has loved going with me and seeing the excitement when I try on something SEXY. Something else we have begun to share again.

I encourage anyone to keep a photo journal and a written journal. You will not believe the transformation in yourself without the proof! I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!!!


I got my Century Card!!!

Jan 11, 2009


Nov. 3, 2008 - 100.6 lbs gone!

Nov 03, 2008

I have been waiting for this day for so long. this morning, Nov 3, 2008, I am finally down 100 lbs. ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!! I have been so stoked today. I could never have imagined 7 months ago that I would be at this point. It is unbelievable to me. I can not imagine what the next several months will bring, but I am ready for the ride. This Sleeve rocks!

Six month anniversary - 90 lbs GONE Forever!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 30, 2008

I can not believe that it has already been 6 months since I walked into that hospital, scared to death, and began the journey that has been the one most life altering experiences of my almost 51 years. I will turn 51, on Oct 3, three days after my 6 month surgiverssary, and I am 90 lb lighter than on my 50th birthday. What an awesome gift for myself. I have been cleaning out my closet and getting rid of all the old fat clothes. How LIBERATING!!! Here are a few observations I have made:

  1. You are never too old or too young to take control of your life.
  2. There are friends that truly do want the best for you and “friends" that don’t want you to be thinner, healthier, and happier than they are. Most people are truly happy for me though.
  3. It is amazing to watch the complete metamorphosis of other people on OH as the weight comes off. From frumpy clothes to caring how they dress, to wearing makeup, and styling their hair or even getting a new hip hairstyle. Suddenly we losers care how we look to others again. Very cool!
  4. Weight loss will not change the person I was inside, but it has made me a much happier person and much more pleasant to be around.
  5. I can feel bones I forgot I had. Also Cool!
  6. Sex is much more fun now. Way Cool!
  7. My husband has complimented me more in the last six months than the last six years combined. Hence number 6.
  8. My knees no longer hurt. My body no longer screams “Don’t move!!!”
  9. I have massive amounts of energy. I had forgotten what that felt like.
  10. I can fit into booths.
  11. I can shop for regular size clothes and they are cute. The choices are endless.  WoooHooo!!
  12. I can sit on the floor comfortably and play with my grandsons.
  13. I actually like to get on the scale now.
  14. I don’t mind having my picture taken.
  15.  Food? What food? Who cares about food? I have lost most interest in food in general.
  16. People who haven’t seen me in 6 months are amazed at the difference.
  17. I made the best decision of my life when I chose to have VSG, and my wonderful, supportive husband has commented that this was the best money we have ever spent. I agree!
  18. I LOVE being THINNER much more than I HATED being FAT
  19. The one benefit I never dreamed of?  I have met some of the most awesome people on the OH forum. I love you guys!
  20. And I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thinking about doing it??? Do it!!! It will change your life!




About Me
Holland, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 23, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 155

Latest Blog 28
Nov. 3, 2008 - 100.6 lbs gone!
