Horrible day Wednesday

Apr 29, 2011

Monday night I went out to dinner and got a beef plate which I ate a few bites of and then stopped.  Felt okay.  Wednesday I ate some of the beef for lunch.  Bad idea!  Maybe it was too dry.  I thought I chewed it well enough.  Either way I felt sick after 2 bites so stopped.  Then 4 hours later had a cracker.  Was out and about an hour from home running errands and ended up very sick on the side of the road.  Vomited for a while and all just that one cracker and apparently the water I had drank.  Had water a few hours later and kept getting sick again.  Actually called my doctor it was so bad.  He said it sounded stuck and not to eat or drink for 6 hours.  Then if it still happened, had to go to ER.  So I didn't eat or drink and slept sitting up all night.  Could keep tea down in the morning so think everything is okay now.  Thursday was dizzy with headache probably from dehydration.  Drank liquids all day and no food.  Today have had oatmeal, protein shake and some soup.  Trying to take it easy.  Was very very scary.  I don't ever want that to happen again!  Ironically the scale went down to the 170s.  So I guess something good came out of the bad.  Won't be eating beef again for a long time!


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