Where to begin..... always been big and never had issues with it till it got out of control. After I decided to become a stay at home mom after having a career for 15 yrs the weight just sky rocketed. I started seeing my health decline and my self-esteem hit a all time low. I woke up one morning and my left leg was swollen 4 times its size.  I went in to the ER and the next thing I knew I woke up out a coma 2 weeks later.  To find that I had my left leg cut into and piece of my calf gone.  I was told that I had gotten flesh eating strip.  The bottom line was it was caused from the obesity, I had not been getting cirulation to my legs, I had ulcers on my leg that had gotten infected, and it had gotten into my blood steam.  When I went into the hospital I had to be weighed on a speical bed scale..... coming at 480 lbs.  Talk about a eye opener!!! that sure was.  I decided that this was enough,to get back in the race,I started looking into WLS,that was in 2002, it took me 3 yrs to get it approved.  I have hit a few bumps in the road but nothing has or will make me go back to what I was!! the best advice I could give anyone looking at this surgery is ,work on the whole package, the inside and outside.  We sometimes get to thinking that if I look good on the outside than I will feel better on the inside. I am down 300 lbs post after 2yrs (1/26/07), and only only 15 lbs to my goal.  That seems to be the hardest!  I wish anyone who is thinking of having wls the BEST OF LUCK and if I can be of any help just give me a e-mail at [email protected]

About Me
Jan 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 26
